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About Jonnyabc

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/02/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Indianapolis, IN

About Me

Hello, my name is Jonnyabc (well...more or less).


First, I am sure you could look up my original post, but I think that would be too easy...I'm breaking this down into several categories:



Education / Career:

As of now (June 2010), I have just completed my Associate's degree in Database Management as student of a community college. Before that I was completely home schooled, and am proud of it too! I hope to continue after my Associate's degree is finalized this semester (along with obtaining a certificate in Web Management which would give me the equivalent of two Associate's).


No disrespect to the school, but I never felt like I have learned much that I couldn't have learned in that time on my own...let's face it, taking intermediate algebra when I already had pre-calculus under my belt? Physics, for the second time in a row? What we pay to get something down on a piece of paper! But it's all fine and well. I've enjoyed small classrooms where I can talk with the instructors on a regular basis whenever I have a concern, or an idea that needs tweaking/improvement.



Interests / Hobbies:

I will admit that it is very difficult to separate my educational pursuits from some or most of my hobbies. I've always had an interest in computers, so learning GW-/Q-BASIC at age 12 and HTML at age 15, I knew that computers would play a big part of my life. I never dreamed in the next five years I would ever learn more programming languages than I could count on one hand, little alone nearly two! Let's see...GW/Q-BASIC, Liberty BASIC, (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VB, Java (I despise it though), SQL (Oracle), and now my newest endeavor: PHP (and mySQL). Yep...that's enough languages for me.


Aside from computers, I range on a lot of other activities too, although I can't say that I spend much, if any, time at them anymore. Sports, I enjoy tennis, bowling, and croquet, and have become fans with a few sports such as curling (no, not curling your hair). I am a big card and board game player (however, I refuse to gamble for money). One of my favorite strategic board games is called Abalone (it's like the center of a Chinese Checker board, but the idea is to push your opponent's pieces off the side).


Musical instruments that I play include the harmonica, guitar, and piano. I also can sing pretty good as a base, so I am told. Although I cannot read music, I play (decently) by ear. Some other instruments that I would love to learn/play are the accordion, trumpet/bugle, and tap dancing.


Switching gears slightly, I enjoy LISTENING to classical music, up through the '50's/'60's. I have a similar outlook on movies, although there are quite a few modern movies that I enjoy watching (especially action/thriller/comedies). Big on technology, I obviously enjoy watching how much visual technology has improved since the original Star Wars (Avatar sounds like a cool film to watch for that reason). Again, with books, I like the classics, especially mystery/sci-fi novels (Sherlock Holmes and Journey to the Centre of the Earth). Yeah, I'm young, but I'm old hat.



What else can I say? That I'm an outgoing introvert, and pessimistic optimist, with dyslexia salted with some ADHD and spiced with OCD? Nah...I don't want to tell all of the gruesome facts, do I?

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