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Posts posted by kleong

  1. And this year draw could make some interesting finals. Base on the draw, we could be possibly seeing an Arsenal v Barcelona or Man Utd v Liverpool final, provided they clear their respective matches.For the Arsenal's fan, they would want an Arsenal v Barcelona because of the Thierry Henry factor. Ever since the record goalscorer left to join the Catalians, they had wanted to welcome him in the final of the biggest club tournament. And of course, many including neutrals deem the 2 clubs as the greatest ambassdors of the Beautiful Game.As for Man Utd v Liverpool, well, I don't have to say much do I?

  2. I dont remember coming across a javascript that enable to you to detect the screen resolution. I would like to know if there is one. As suggestion, why not create a website with a liquid width? In that case, you need not worry abt the screen resolution of your users.

  3. I don't like books being tranlated in movie. Movie tends to add in elements that is not from the original storylines. Most of the time, it is to make the movie more commercial variable. A classic example would be the Titanic. The movie diverted from main gist which is the tragedy and in place, we had the Jack and Rose "drama". Whatever people talk about the movie, it is on the love story between Jack and Rose or that song sung by Celine Dion and NOT the sinking of Titanic. This is kinda sad I would say.

  4. My mobile phone is running on Windows Mobile. For the pros, being an window user, navigating around the phone is rather simple as it is almost the same.As for the cons, the lag. It is kinda of slow in responding. As, windows being windows, the threat of a virus is very real. So much so that I am quite afraid to surf the internet with my mobile phone.

  5. It happens because your mind is subsciously looking out for the number. When you see one, it automatically set as an event of importance in the mind. It does the same when the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time when it happen. And by then, it become an significant occurances. But in between there are millions of numbers that you will come across by they dont register in your mind.

  6. Have you ever dream of yourself dreaming before? I had and the feeling is kinda weird when I woke up. It is harder to separate reality and dream especially if it is the things that happened in the "first" dream. When you "woke up" in your dream, you go about doing things. Then when you actually woke up in real person, you will thinking, ok, the things that i do in the first dream, is it dream or real? Cos of the "waking" up process.

  7. Ya, read about it in the news. I wonder how is the quality of it. There are a few made in china cars that is in the market. Their prices is definitely cheaper than most. But their quality, to be frank, real sucks. Since Nano is gonna be price even low, I am very sceptical. I might be wrong thou.

  8. I think by telling you what I hate to see will be an easier choice for me as I am an easy-going person.1) Banners. I am fine with a banner here and there but I can't stand expandable ads banner, splash ads, pop up/under and those video ads will the sound on by default.2) Navigation that pops up a new window whereever I navigate to.

  9. It is never easy to making money online. First you need the traffic. Then you would need the traffic to click on the ads; as most of them are cpc ads. Base on some studies, the click rate is about 0.01%. Meaning to say, out of 100 unique users, only 1 would click on the ads. So base on this, if you are aiming to earn $100 a month, then you will need to have abt 200,000 users (calculated with 5cents per click. This varies thou.)IMO, it is never good to build a website with making money as the main objective. Energy and ideas should be channelled into coming out with a fresh theme and then building up the content. As they say, content is king. With good content and some awareness creating, the traffic will come. Once it does, money will flow.

  10. When I was younger, there are a few things that I had play the ouija board. As I was young then, the questions that I had asked are trivial stuff most of the time. Having said that, the accuracy level is quite high. Some of them, the answers I had with me while others, they are stuffs from the future.Whatever it is, it is never wise to call upon the spirits through either ouija board or through other medium. That is why, I have not played since then.

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