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Posts posted by gummybear

  1. I've never read Fight Club, but I have read the book Lullaby by the same author ( Chuck Palahniuk ) and i thought it was pretty engaging, probably not as appealing as fight club but pretty good nonetheless. He has a really unique style of writing, probably accounts for the success of Fight Club.. a kind of preoccupation with the odd, the zany. Fight club was after all, surreal in a way.


    The Hobbit is a good pick :D In fact, i think the hobbit is the only book in the Lord of the rings series that i've finished reading. *blushes* i did mean to finish the series.. and someday i will. I actually heard that they are making a movie adaptation of just The Hobbit. As you probably know, the LOTR trilogy has already been made into films, but the story elements from the hobbit were summarized or not delved into with much detail, so that's something to look forward to.

  2. i've never read twilight, but i've seen the movie. You know, the opinions surrounding twilight really seem to fall in the extremes, there's not really many lukewarm ( so i guess I remain the minority ). People tend to either think it's really dumb or really poignant. As for myself, having seen the movie, I really didn't think it was all that bad. I will admit the fact that I do think the protagonist's name is kind of pretentious, Bella Swan ( means "Beautiful Swan" ) but you know, it doesn't ruin the story completely. In the film, Edward and Bella ( Robert Pattison & Kristen Stewart ) have a lot of chemistry, and at the end of the movie, that chemistry really saved the film, because there were some very awkward/cheesy elements that kind of soured the mood of the movie. Overall i'd give it a 6.5/10

  3. i havent read the complete series... but i have seen the movie :D it is really a fantastic and epic story, i really like the plot and how the story unfolds. I do own the book series though, just never got around to finishing it unfortunately. If you guys haven't seen the movie as of yet, I recommend it.

  4. I've heard of the secret, and i've also read material by abraham hicks/esther hicks who also had a hand in the secret ( although not the official release ). The only qualm I suppose that I have with the secret is the fact that answers to questions like.. "How do you explain the Holocaust?" are much too ambiguous for me to consider the law of attraction as morally valid, in fitting into the framework of the philosophy as a whole. However, thats not to say that the whole of LOA ( Law of Attraction ) doesn't resonate with me, because there are some neat factors in it.. just something one needs to take with a grain of salt.

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