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Posts posted by gummybear

  1. hmm... well i think it's kinda dangerous for you to be drinking at 15.. i guess it really depends on where you live though? Cause in the US the age limit is 21 but i know that in some places in Europe its much much lower. Kids even used to drink wine at the table. Anyway, the reason it could possibly be dangerous is because a ) you might drink too much, and because you're young, i think there's a greater risk of getting alcohol poisoning... b ) make sure that you're around people you are comfortable/safe with because you dont want to be taken advantage of.. especially at parties with a bunch of strangers. You are still developing, so I would lay off the alcohol at least until college... but thats my opinion.

  2. Maybe you could consider going to the gym to tone and make yourself look more fit? But i mean, if you really want to gain weight, as in fat, plump up a bit, rice/fish/eggs/veggies prob aren't going to cut it. These foods are naturally lower in calories and fat so while they're healthy, they're certainly not going to help you gain weight any faster. How about sandwiches, pastas? In the sandwiches, to maximize cals in a nutritious and tasty way, you could add avocado ( high in cal/fat but very good for you. plus its the good fats ) and bacon ( yum? ) ... club sandwiches are tasty. Add chips to that, and you've got a better serving of calories than with just rice/meat/veggies... which would probably keep you at your current weightPastas, bread, foods rich in carbohydrates will also help you to gain weight. Steamed rice in and of itself is pure carbs but unless you eat more than two or three servings you probably shouldn't limit yourself to rice if you're looking to put on weight.Good luck !

  3. haha teina... google toilet. That'll be the day...I can't imagine that they'd be able to execute that kind of project so well.. because taking satellite photos are one thing.. but actually manually having people take pictures of houses on every street? If they do manage to pull it off though, i'd be pretty darn impressed.

  4. Isn't it funny that no one is older than 30 on this list... It is really weird that Runescape is on there, who plays that game any more? I thought everyone gave up on Jagex a long long time ago.

    haha. It's funny because when i used to play WoW ( go ahead and judge me. lol. ) a lot of my friends there secretly admitted to still playing Runescape on their spare time ( back when WoW didn't exist ). One of them even got me to play on one of his accounts... and wow, I was like, people actually get addicted to this? I spent like 20 minutes just trying to figure out how the heck i was supposed to move in those weird, enclosed, aesthetically-challenged environments. I could draw a stick figure more attractive than my pixelated "person", basically. But yeah, I guess the whole appeal is stripped when you discover it years and years after it's been made. And the only exposure I've had to pc gaming was counterstrike & WoW so I didn't have anything similar to it that I could really compare it to...

  5. Just thought i'd bring this topic up because I've become interested in introducing some meditation into my life recently.. the only method that I recall i know is focusing on your breath, and using your breath as a center point in order to draw attention away from your thoughts...but for those who have been meditating for a long time, i wonder-- what method do you use? Are there any you find work better than others you may have tried?i'd like to get a good idea of what works for some people and what doesn't.. so yeah. Feel free to share :D

  6. I think i've experienced sleep paralysis before... only once in my life time though. It was really frightening... everything was really dark and I thought I was floating. The scariest part though, was that i absolutely could not control my bodily movements. My mind was alert but my body was fast asleep. It only lasted about a minute or two but I remember the experience pretty distinctly. Hasn't happened for like 3-4 years though..


    They refer to lucid dreaming as 'astral travel' sometimes i think, which is a metaphysical term. I'd want to experience lucid dreaming, but it'd be a lot more helpful to be *aware* that you're going to be lucid dreaming instead of it happening randomly like in my experience.. you'll probably be able to handle it a lot better too.

  7. yea, it's not so much what the guys eating... it's his caloric intake.So lets say for example he had a big mac for breakfast ( idk, around 4-500 calories?)and then like... a cheeseburger for lunch ( around 300 cals )then for dinner... he had a fruit n yogurt parfait ( roughly 380 cals )that would be a net caloric intake of around 1200 calories.. and considering he's a male and likely expends a ton more calories than 1200... (Probably burns around 2000 cals per day w/ sedentary movement, maybe more depending on his lifestyle ) ... that would be a net caloric "loss" of 800 calories... so considering he went along with this calorically-restricting plan ( being discriminating when it comes to the menu, of course. Because an average mcdonalds meal probably has around 800-1k calories ) it's entirely possible that he would have been able to lose weight.Mcdonalds food doesn't have some fancy schmancy *fat* ingredient, lol. It's just based on how much food you eat... and as long as you're counting fat grams + calories, you could fashion any kind of diet you want from a mcdonalds menu, i'm sure.

  8. Really sorry about your situation first off...Unfortunately there's not much you can do with the current situation besides continue to be yourself... you can't really change his mind or how he feels, so don't beat yourself up for that. These things happen, and you're both still young i imagine. Don't panic, first off... and who knows how this will end up? People have doubts in their relationship all the time... maybe it's also a good time to examine any problems that may have been swept under the carpet you might have been unaware of. Communication is key. If it doesn't work out, don't lose faith. It might also just be the fact that you guys have gotten comfortable with each other. There are phases in dating, where you see your significant other as immaculate, you idealize his traits... and then reality seeps in and the illusions dissolve and what you have left is the human... a lot of people don't see this phase coming so when it finally hits them perhaps this kind of situation is apt to surface. In any case, i would stress that honesty and communication is important; your feelings now, express them to him. Good luck

  9. I just wanted to know if the default mode for cpanel was to have safe mode off or on? I'm having blog import issues in wordpress and just wanted to see if safe mode was off. And if it is on, how would i go about turning it off?Appreciate it and sorry I've been asking so many questions lately... i've pretty much been spending all of my free time trying to get these little quirks smoothed out. Wordpress is so confusing sometimes x.x

  10. haha, learned about this in my psychology class this quarter... feels like a review :Dyes, it is fascinating.Have you heard about the language acquisition period?There was a specific case my professor talked to us about... a girl named Genie, up til she was about thirteen years old stayed confined in her room unable to speak or interact with anyone.. sick, i know. A social worker saw her condition while she was out with her mom, and that's how the authorities discovered her... but when they did, they realized she couldn't speak. There's a specific time frame in a child's first few years which allows them to learn & use language appropriately apparently... and if that period passes and the child is not exposed to language, then the child won't be able to fully master the mechanics of communication.

  11. Oops, accidentally clicked 'Adult' *headdesk* :D Not what i meant to click though... oh well. Since you didn't have a 'Docu-Drama' option... that would probably be my pick. ( I like stories based on real life events, especially psychological thrillers. my absolute favorites in this category would include films like Ordinary People, Doubt, & Speak.. ) I'm also into comedies.. examples : Smiley face, Pineapple Express, & Rolemodels.. and films based on fantasy/imagination ... Bridge to Terabithia, Mirrormask, The Nightmare Before Christmas, & Fantasia just to name a few.<---- film buff extraordinaire! :D

  12. i think most of the major pc games have a pretty lenient set of video card/ram requirements as far as that goes.. unless your computer system is more than 6 years old, there's not going to be much of a problem. Either way, you would want to update your video card/ram for optimum computer performance, if its not up to par... I don't own an x-box, but I've done the pay-per-month mmorpg games and haven't come across any major upsets.so it isnt so much that part which dulls the appeal of pc games for me, but the fact that most mmorpgs just require a lot of time inputted into the game in order to get anywhere..for me, thats the main drawback

  13. The most people usually know of astrology is horoscopes. Horoscopes should not be seen to represent the whole of Astrology... most professional astrologers in fact turn their noses @ horoscopes ( the newspaper, magazine variety mostly .. and probably now web variety too ) ...because basing Astrology on simply sun sign is too broad. I will say in defense of professional astrologers today, they do not only do it for money, not all of them, there are a great many variety of astrologers and like with anything you are going to have some bad apples or some people who simply do it out of greed or self-involvement. But these are people who have studied astrology in depth-- meaning not sun signs but heavy analysis of the natal chart... the sun is only one celestial body out of several in our solar system.. asteroids are also taken into mind.

    What i'm saying is, before you write off astrology completely, make sure your not basing your opinion on a very limited idea of what astrology is. Read before you judge, in other words.


    If we are all writing off newspaper/magazine horoscopes, well.. I'm there with you. Those are pretty much useless. They're not difficult to "disprove" according to scientific means either, James Randi got a lot of attention off of that one video where he provides everyone with the same horoscope.


    Psychology and Astrology, if you give the latter validity actually have much to do with each other. There are an increasing amount of psychologists who incorporate astrology into their practice for example. Jeffrey Kishner being one of them. (not sure if i'm allowed to post links here but you can google him if you want to know more about how he uses them in conjunction )

  14. Would anyone happen to have any tips as to how to solve this dilemma?Everything is running smoothly, but in cPanel i made my website direct to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of http://www.example.com/ because I wanted the main site to be the blog itself. However, in the url pane, the redirect looks like "example.com/blog" instead of "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; ... so basically my question is :What would i have to twink in order to have everyone that types in "example.com" or any page thereof ( like example.com/blog) get the "www" part included? do i need to edit the .htaccess file in my public_html? I'm so lost.Sorry if that sounds confusing, I can clarify if it doesn't make any sense, lol.

  15. Let the punishment fit the crime. so men like hitler, saddam hussein, just men who have committed or given orders to have committed unspeakable and heinous acts of cruelty by using their position and status to instill fear; yes, i think there will be a hell for those people. maybe not an eternal hell, but im sure God will be just in his conviction and punishment in that respect. for people who lived good honest lives with love but didnt happen to be christian, no i dont think there will be a hell for them.who knows whats gonna happen? Perhaps we'll reincarnate into people and have to pay karmic dues for those past life errors, or simply be pressed to learn different lessons in their lifetime. I don't know. But I do know that we have souls, no matter how damaged and embittered they are. Or perhaps the soulless even roam among us. I'm just rambling off into a tangent here... but i don't know. We'll see.

  16. so yea, get an error 403 forbidden message on my website that im hosting here..

    is that the default message ? Or did i have to submit my web host's (Xisto's) ip address to my domain registrar (godaddy.com)?

    trying to install wordpress

    Here's the error msg i copied & pasted :


    You don't have permission to access / on this server.


    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Apache/1.3.33 Server at AppStuff Port 80

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
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