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Posts posted by xboxrulz

  1. Well, of course I choose Linux over Windows because of the public relations with the Linux community which I'm part of. Linux is great, I must admit, that's I run campaigns to suppress Windows. I'm currently trying to run Windows-free; which is hard if you're a type of guy that spent 3/4 of your life using Windows and Macintosh (and which I am one). I trimph over using Windows because I believe I can do it and I don't need a rich person controlling what I can or cannot do. In this case, I support Linux for cost, public relations, freedom and most important, what it can do for me.That's IMO, depending on what you want to do with your system, you decide.xboxrulz

  2. I don't think LILO would work with your OS unless the structure is very very close to the Linux kernel since LILO stands for LInux LOader.GRUB is also a more sophisticated bootloader that even works if you're even booting a UNIX system. SkyOS, which is NOT based on UNIX uses it as their bootloader. All they needed is to make configurations for GRUB to boot their Filesystem.GRUB is also better than LILO in Linux because if your system ever will not boot; LILO requires a rescue disc and GRUB does not.That's the difference between GRUB and LILO.xboxrulz

  3. The only good reasons to leave the computer on for 24/7 is if you know that you are running on a stable Operating System such as Linux or any UNIX based OS including MINIX, FreeBSD. If you're running a server using your computer. Don't want to kill your system as fast. Your computer heats up quickly (like my Samsung NV5000 laptop). Reasons not to leave on is:If your OS is unstable as Windows. Easily infiltrated because you don't have a firewall or anitvirus. If your parents don't know that shutting off and turning on a computer takes as much energy to operate. If you're on vacation (except your laptop since you bring it with you). Your batteries are low. Electric company shuts off your power because you spent your money drinking beer or smoking instead and the lamest reason, you hate the fan's whizzing noises.xboxrulz

  4. HORUS is very right and gunbound is right, this whole war is about oil and Americanism. This is awful, I'm seeing WAL-MART, EB Games and other US companies are taking over the Canadian economy. I hate Americanism because it's the silent soldier that takes over a country. The States planned to invade other countries since the 1700s. They planned to invade Canada because they said that every part of North America is part of the United States ("Mainfest Destiny"). Glad that never happened.That's my view on US and the war in Iraq.xboxrulz

  5. lol Solar, yes, these things are really affecting how girls think, act and socialize. Mattel, and other doll making company all they want is money, money, and more money. They create fads that are mind controlling these kids to do stuff. I heard from my English teachers that she saw some girls (at the old school she teaches) even act like strippers (w/ out actually stripping and other nasty stuff) and they are only like 6-7 years old. How can this continue? Simple answer; write a worldwide petition and a world-wide boycott of these dolls that drive girls to be spoiled and stuff explained above.xboxrulz

  6. I was planning to run it on my VMWare that was installed on my system (on my Windows side), but it would be great if I have a choice to install the OS into the hdd instead of your idea of just running it off the CD, which is in fact slower. Plus, can I have the URL for the site?Thanks,xboxrulzPS: Just give me the files and I run some tests on your system :) rite away since I'm on March Break til' next Tuesday.

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