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Posts posted by xboxrulz

  1. This is IN MY OPINION


    Best Linux Distros for users (desktop, not server): SuSE Linux, Yoper

    Best Linux Distros for Servers: Fedora, RedHat Linux, Turbo Linux

    Worst Linux Distros for users (desktop): Slackware, Mandrake Linux, Turbo Linux

    Worst Linux Distro for servers: Yoper


    Best Desktop OS overall: Linux, Macintosh. SkyOS

    Best Server OS overall: Linux, Windows

    Worst Desktop OS overall: Windows

    Worst Server OS overall: Macintosh, SkyOS


    Best OS overall: Linux

    Worst OS overall: Windows





  2. I rather go backward 1 version (Windows 2000). I found a hidden feature for Windows XP, it's called "Eat itself". Both my cousin and I found this feature, the thing the activate it is unknown. Our computers ate itself. That's y I'm afraid to use WinXP, so I rather use Win2K.


    Heck, y bother use Windows. I got better choices, SuSE Linux, Mac and SkyOS!




    Long Live Linux, Long live Open Source Software

  3. Well I say DSL but Cable seems to have a faster connection (I have Cable from Rogers Communications Inc. in Canada). The fastest is 5.0 MBPS dl and 800KBPS ul for cable and 4.0 MBPS dl and 800 KBPS ul for DSL. So u might be wonderin y I say DSL... DSL in Canada is dedicated therefore you get all that 4.0 MBPS juice but cable is shared, therefore, you might not get all your 5.0 MBPS speed. Is it expensive you asked? Well here's the pricing for the fastest plans:Cable:CAD $44.95 (without modem rental fee)DSL:CAD $64.95 (without modem purchased)xboxrulz

  4. Windows XP stands for eXPerience. All I experience is "need to update Windows, need to update Firewall, need to update antivirus, my Windows ate itself, Bill Gates is trying to track my every movement (feels like it), I have to spend $100 for an Office System, I need to be more protective on my network by placing another firewall in my router, my files are writable when remotely connected, encrypting and compressing files are not good to Windows... bla bla bla bla." This becomes very annoying. That's different with Linux, you don't need to update Linux's firewall seperately from the OS. You don't even need an Antivirus for linux. You don't need to spend $100 for an Office system, you have chmod function to lock writing from others. You don't need 2 firewalls to secure yourself. LINUX WILL NOT EAT ITSELF! (Unless you do it on purpose!) BILL GATES HAVE NO CONTROL OVER LINUX, THEREFORE IT WOULDN'T MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE BILL GATES IS WATCHING YOU.xboxrulz

  5. I am a proud Linux user. I hate Windows in all aspects except for compatibility to other software. My Registered Linux Number is 362616. It is the number that I carry to show that it's no prob. to run Linux and that I'm proud to use Linux.I rather have my Registered Linux Number than My Windows Serial Number.Anyways, for newbs, NEVER USE MANDRAKE! IT'S FOR MORE EXPERIENCED PEOPLE! Newbs should use SuSE or Fedora Core. They are built for mainstream users. It works best.If you are still stuck to Windows Apps like glue, you should try WINE (https://www.winehq.org/), it's free! For gamers, try WINEX or it's new name Cedega (transgaming.com). Although it's for games, you need to pay $40 USD. (better than running Windows, $300 CAD)Here's some facts:Hotmail's interior system (inbox and mail service servers) uses Linux.Rumors says that Bill Gates uses Linux instead of Windows.xboxrulz

  6. In my opinion, I really hate GTA (and all its series). Robbing cars, blowing cars up, doing very illegal things, that's just setting a bad example. Even I, a gamer thinks it's not good for others. Toronto has already sued Sony for having GTA on their console because 2 kids were doing an re-enactment of GTA and killed at least 2 kids at a high school.xboxrulz

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