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About xboxrulz

  • Rank
    Colonel Panic

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  • Location
    Toronto, Canada
  1. usually I tend to stick with AMD for a variety of reasons. One of them is that they tend to be cheaper to complete my tasks at an excellent speed. Ideologically speaking, I support AMD because I support competition in any industry. If it's not for AMD, Intel won't really be that innovative and would have processor cost a lot. That or we all go to other architectures if it gets ridiculous.AMD's the only x86 competitor left.
  2. It is a known issue. I already submitted a report to the correct department and so has the admins at Xisto. Please refer to this post below: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/95463-phpmyadmin-doesnt-work-on-gamma-server/
  3. It is unknown on the Chinese government's stance on free hosting. However, if you can visit this website, most likely you can get hosting. As for Chinese, I don't think you can host a website in full Chinese content. If Trap 17's rules are the same as Xisto (I'm a moderator at Xisto); then only English is allowed as hosting content.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. I'm constantly working on seeing what I can do. I, myself am not a graphics designer so changing the skin and sorts isn't quite easy for me.BuffaloHELP wanted me to post more about my website, so I shall post on his guidelines he gave me privately. Anyways, my website is Kwokinator.com, it's a computer and games website. The site discusses anything from hardware to software and about any games. Periodically I post or any member can send in an article to help people across the web on hardware/software problems or need a how-to guide on beating a certain boss. My ultimate goal of having this website is to create a community of gamers and "techies" alike, to have a central place to chat and share knowledge.That's the basis of my website. Sorry if I didn't post that earlier.xboxrulz
  5. Well, since I'm hosted at Xisto (since I'm a moderator there too), I'd thought I'd share my website with y'all Xisto members. My website is Kwokinator.com and it focuses on computers, and games. Currently I only have 6 members. Any thoughts? xboxrulz
  6. It is, in theory, such a possibility for destroying the whole Internet. At the same time, destroying all electronics in the process. It's if a nation decides to blow the world's economy by dropping a massive EMP bomb. It will take us a good half of a century to repair this damage. It will cost us quadrillions of dollars to fix this.xboxrulz
  7. I added a Facebook group for Xisto. /login.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F2231223500%2F&_fb_noscript=1 If any of the administrator wants admin powers on the group, feel free to PM me and I will bump you. xboxrulz
  8. it should be under /dev/sda ... try redirecting ur player to play from there instead of /dev/hdb or /dev/hdc
  9. You just need w32codecs. sudo apt-get install win32codecs if that doesn't work then, you'll have to manually download and extract the archive to /usr/lib/win32 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. ya, Linux is much more customisable than Windows will ever be.Heck, I'm a Linux user myself.
  11. hey y'all,my friend recently reinstalled her laptop with Windows XP SP2. However, when I tried to help her install the driver, her laptop can't figure which is which.I tried to tell her to install the driver provided by Toshiba for the LAN adapter on "Ethernet Controller", however Windows keeps rejecting the .INF.If anyone has a solution, it would be greatly appreciated.xboxrulz
  12. thanks for the reply anyways guys, I really appreciated.I actually found the API documentation for the Bluetooth and Java thing.Yes, I know that Bluetooth can only support ranges up to 10 metres.
  13. Hey all Java programmers on Trap 17, I'm wondering is it possible for Java to communicate to another computer through a Bluetooth device? The reason I ask this is because I want to create an instant messenger that would be using the Bluetooth "network" so that people can use their computers to communicate from one to another without the use of the Internet. This is very useful in situations where you want to talk to a friend nearby but does not have access to the Internet and cannot talk to them in person. Thanks, xboxrulz Notice from jlhaslip: xboxrulz, please do not 'sign-off' on your postings here at the Xisto. It is frowned upon since it adds to your posting credits and provides no 'content' to your posts. I realize that other Forums allow it, but not here. Thanks.
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