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Posts posted by kitty

  1. I'm not believe in reincarnation but I think the topic and the thinking about this is very interesting...I suposse I would like to be human again,and interesting but true I wouldn't correct anything in my life...I'm happy,life is not only happynes and joy so I wouldn't miss a thing from my life...I would choose the same people around me,same country,same loves,same first sympathy,same first love song,same parents...I would make maybe some correction about my personality,but I can do that in this life to...So,about the reincarnation and my future life I would make a choice to be ME! ^_^

  2. I live in Serbia,the flu is getting closer and closer,the last affected country was Romania which is very close to my country,it is in main news,I meen the flu...Saddly,my country is still keeping down the panic because they believe that the flu wont come to our country,it is very sad to think like that,and very sad that people believe them(governement).We,I mean our country didn't try to get any medication,any mask or something...I think,that this will be very mass kill flu... :)

  3. Unfortunattely,the civilisation get us to choice to make an abortion or not...I can't tell what is the proper choice...because,saddly today many girls start with sexual life,have relationship,etc.So,let supossed that a fifteen year old girl get pregnant,is the birth a real choice for her health,personality and lets think about the infant to,can she take care about the child in her years,is she mature enough to take care?I think that she is not,but maybe she is...On the other side,I'm against abortion for those mature persons,who is mature enough to take care for a child and who can give to the child everything for groving up.But they decide not to have a baby,because they want to make succes on their work,or something like that...then I called abortion,a murder.But,I think that the case is different from a situation to a situation...I don't know,maybe I'm wrong.

  4. Ok,we talk about with some kind of stuff with God but suddenly he just stop talking to me. :)

    Me: good day
    Hello, nice to meet you. What's your name?
    my name is hakunamatata
      Glad to see you,  hakunamatata.
    and yours?
    Try asking me a more specific question.
    what is your name god?
    My name is  God.
    how old are you?
    I was connected to the net on  the Big Bang.
    Big Bang is that somekind of meal?
    Compare that to small  Bang is that somekind of meal.
    i have to compare a meal with meal
    Yes that would be everything.

    Notice from wassie:
    Dont forget to close the quote tag

  5. Oh, and am I the only one that notices the irony in one who does not believe in things beyond the normal using the name 'Spectre'?


    First of all, Spectre you are not the only one who notice that thing,so called irony.And I'm realy sorry about the behavior of some people.

    Anyway,a human mind is very weird in lot of casses.I think that we should know some more thing,which are very rellevant,for example how tired was you that night,or did you watched some movie and what kind of movie before you gone to bed?Maybe you find my questions very weird,but I will explain.

    I was for about 12 years old,one night I watched a movie,the content of movie was based on some kind of little machine,that doctors put in somebodies ears to find out the toughts of that person,anyway after that movie I went to bed.I had that movie so strong in my memory that after some time I started to cry that I have something in my ears and the weirdist thingof the all was that I feel something in my ears.

    With this example I just want to tell my experience,which was maybe the same like this...so think about it,did anything before sleeping happened to you which will start your imagination?

  6. I hate this show. I like Oprah so much more.., i really hate it. it's stupid putting stuff like this on tv. but who cares, its my opinion :huh:


    I think that your opinion is not bad at all,because I think the same to.I mean,who watch that kind of stuff,what is interestnig so much in those kind of shows?


    If it's not real,then we should ask ourself are we so stupid do believe in that and give to them a some kind of support,like fact that we are watching them and their jokes.


    But if that is real and true,I don't know but I did anybody think how that person feels,who is guilty or not...I thibk that everybody has some rights to their privacy in these kind of situations.Maybe I'm wrong...


    Maybe someone enjoy that the whole state look at him/her...it is popularity at the end of all. :P

  7. Well,personally I don't love chatting in public chatrooms,it's sometime a very confusing and iritating,I mean some people are really anoying.But I went sometimes on my friends chat server and I had a really good time,but that was because I know the persons who was on that chat.

  8. In the latest time my favourite song is from HIM-Join me in death.I've heard about this song from my friend who told me,that I must listen to this song I will be nicely suprised and I have to tell you I was.I adore songs that make me feel creepy and this song is definitelly creepy.So,this is my favourite song for about now 2 months,more or less.

  9. I like very much to listen to music, and I acn't really put a finger on a one song, that's my favourite, I must have at least a hundred favourite songs :ph34r:But, I have to point out few of themThe Rasmus - In The ShadowsGuns 'n' Roses - Don't You CryR.E.M. - Losing My ReligionMany songs from diffrent bands I can't think of, mostly pop bandsDesert Rose, by Stingmany songs from the bands in my country, the names wouldn't mean anything to you :DMy favourite song depends on the mood I'm in, so I like different songs, in different situations :(

  10. That;s great news guangdian, at least, the job part is great :(Didn't we all tell you, you just have to be patient and you will find a job? :( Now, you got it. I get it's not an easy job, but.. What job is easy? People all arround have to work hard, some of them have even to jobs. Times have changed, and we have to change with them. It's getting harder and harder to get a job, and when you do get it, it's even harder to make a living, and keep that job.And yes, you could be more clearer about the post :(But it's great that you finaly have a job :( Things are not so bad, right? :DJust keep workin' :ph34r:

  11. Hm..ask yourself,would you like that thought that your girlfriend is cheating you?Especially,when she want to marrie you?Well,honestly I dont think so..The most important thing,I think that she deserves your honesty,so you would probably have to tell her,about this..offcourse if you respect her enough..And if she forgive you,I think the things will never be the same again..you can forgive to someone but you can't forgot some things like this..and the CONFIDENCE..that will be really an art to deserve her confidence one more time..I dont know it is a very sad situation.... :ph34r:

  12. Well...first of all,being nervousis not a character of a geek..we,girls get nervous sometime for the same reason so it is nothing weird,so i think that you can tell her about this and maybe she can help you with that,maybe you can sross that fellings together easier..if she is ok,she will understand you,believe me..The confidence is very important but like the other was saying it doesn't come over night..I had this problem,I couldn't believe to anyone..but the time will do the best.. :ph34r:

  13. Well,sorry really but I don;t know what to review but the icons look ok,just maybe you need to put up some text or something,so yours website will have "the touch"..I don't know maybe I did'nt understand you, what should i do when I go to your site..I hope so, you will not be angry at me..I believe in that when I would go to your site I will see a lot of content and really nice things.. :P

  14. Hm..I like this very much,the firs off all the colours beat me in positive thought,your site colours are in harmony and it is very peacefull to look at it,I also like the navigation-button on your home page..I've also checked out your forum,it has a very interesting topics and themes to talk about...I personally think,that you did a good job,with your website and when you put some little details on it,it will be perfect.. :P Congratulations!

  15. The way you see it as an "object", seems a little odd, but here's my standpoint....


    I, personally, feel responsible for most things in my relationships. In pretty much every relationship I've been in, a lot of the problems seem to come from something I did. So now, I just naturally assume everything's my fault. That's foolish, of course, because I could be doing everything right, and she could do something to mess things up, but I just feel if I take all the responsibility, there's nobody to blame but myself.


    And..gr...lost my train of thought...got old school rap playing...kinda distracted me.  :(


    Basically, what I'm saying is, if I blame myself for everything, I never wrongly accuse someone, I never hurt anyone but myself, and it never really seems to cause conflicts.


    It's like back when you were little, and a bully would pick on you. If you just let him do it, you won't stir up EXTRA trouble.


    Bah...not good at explaining everything that flies around in my head...I'll just leave it there. You guys can discuss or help me find where I'm going with this or whatever.


    Well..hm..these are very interesting thoughts..first of all I don;t think that you never have to accuse anyone,because it is a lot easier to accuse yourself,if there are good reasons to accuse the other part to for something what goes bad in your relationship,you can do that,because you will maybe help the other part to change his/hers bad habbits..but offcourse in nice way.

    But in psyhology exist the term of people who accuse always themselves for everything and there are the persons who always think that everybody else is guilty but themselves..you have to find the golden middle in that.

    Well,I don't know is this something you can understand,I hope so.. :(


    Second thing,the "owner of the relationship"?For me that is a little odd,because from that standpoint you own the person to in that relationship,no?

    You can't own a relationship neither a person,from my standpoint..because for te relationship you need two person,who will try together to keep the love,understanding and be there for the other part..one more reason,if you own the relationship you need to have control over the relationsip,and from my view that is not right..


    Maybe I'm wrong,but I think that relationship is a compromise of two people,where is nobody in charge.. :P

  16. I'm not in highschool any more,but I think that everybody sometimes feel like a looser,girls and boys to.But we need to learn from our mistakes..I know that is hard to do,but we need to try, nobody is perfect and the biggest mistake of all is when you make an image of perfect girl or perfect boy,there is no such one..there are a different types of people,some guys are looking for an extra girls,long legs,nice body etc.,some girls are looking for macho guys,with a good car..but there are girls and boys who are different then the others..For example I'm not some extra chick,I'm a common girl and I like boys who have something else and not a muscular body..I agree with some people from here,the communication is the most important thing,and for those who is to shy to start a conversation think about that,that the other part is shy to and you are the one who must to make a move..nobody will be agressive with you if you aproached to him or her with a smile,and start a conversation..I think,that everybodyon this world have someone who is like him/her or who will like our character..maybe you are not a nice guy or girl,but there are person who will look into your soul,but you must let him/her inside..I think everybody had an experience with evil persons,but that doesn't mean that we must to finish our social life,because we globalize everybody in one category..The second thing,yes,the technology had his on influence on us..the internet gave us all the benefits of communication,but what kind of communication?We can't live our lives on the internet..or I'm wrong?We are different from the animals because we have a power to talk,be social..so let's use that power don't you think so?Enjoy every day of your life,because every day is bringing to us something or somebody special to our lives,we only have to recognize this things and persons.So,you don't have to shy and you talk a lot to other persons...and don't forget for everyone there is someone who will make you happy,just open your eyes and offcourse open your heart to.. :)

  17. Well guys thank you on your positive and negative critiques,they are very helpful for somebody,who is just a beginner like I'm.Now the answer for mike_savoie,I have planed in the future to make a copy of my website on english,but the firs of all I must to finish the site in my own language..and I speak serbian language,if ever heard about it. :) About the intro,I realised that the most people have a problem with it,so I will make it a little different for everybody,I will put a link to the homepage,so nobody have to,watch it to the end,and nobody will have problem with it,not even the guys who have a dialup connection.. :) Offcourse I'm still waiting your appinions... :D

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