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Everything posted by EchoTang

  1. Urgh no, I cannot imagine this. What is your way of life that they have something against? Why would they be working out all the time against your 'way of life'. I bet you cannot answer those questions and I bet you are paranoid of 'extremists' and believe all that mumbo jumble because got brainwashed by the media and it from the media somewhere. Don't worry my friend, even if they had nuclear weapons, no1 would steal it just to smuggle in you country to destroy your so called 'way of life'. Think about it...
  2. Sir, I'm afraid you have no clue what you're talking about. China does not release sensitive detail regarding military operations, sides I'm sure they have a lot more than that probably in the hundreds somewhere. There were never any wmd in Iraq only biological weapons that were supplied courtesy of America. What do you mean 'except for conspiracy theorists' I don't think there will be a WWIII, governments in this world run for the interests of big businesses. I don't see why they would like the blow up the world they live in. But if there were, I'd say America will start it with another stupid war for money that goes too far.
  3. Watch the media distort this and some have link them to some negative connotation and repeat it again and again and again like the words terrorism, al quada (which is linked to everything these days as it seems). Whats the bet that there will be another 'Operation Freedom' here, or a war called 'war on terror'. Hmm seems like something to go to war for. Like they say, 'the world revolves around money', so does war.
  4. Yeah I totally agree. yeah they run round the clock and dock every month/few months or so. They cost tens of millions to maintain per year and even more to upgrade. It's not really used to keep your country safe, your coast guard does that.
  5. well those wars are full of *BLEEP* in terms of what they represent. 'war on terror' 'freeing iraqis?' Come on, anyone with half a brain who comes near those phrases can smell stinky and smelly BULL *BLEEP*.You country goes to war mainly because of the fear in your people. That is easily created and manipulated through the mass media.So what, Iran gets a satellite up and running, we should give them congrats... but no. We gonna try and scare everyone and imply that it's a bad thing, a terrible thing that might have repercussions. Really, would the Iranians bomb the world if they had their hands on some nukes? I doubt it. They would probably use it as security or threaten Israel with it. That said, I really think this issue is being overinflated. China developed nuclear weapons.. They are communists OOOHH they must hate democracy! Well do you see any damn nukes flying out of their country? I don't think so. Why is Iran much worse? Is it in the genetics that Islamic people can't handle bombs because they are born with the urge to hurl it at someone from a democratic country? Anyways IMO there will be a war on Iran not because of nuclear weapons but because of money. War generates money for Contractors, Military weaponary manufacturers, oil companies, etc.
  6. you guys are so naive. Iran will not bomb you guys so don't get scared for no reason. Even if they had nuclear weapons, they are not 'terrorists' and will not bomb you. Get that out of your thick heads. 'Terrorism' is just word used to incite fear in the masses so they can be manipulated. Ever notice why that word pops up a gazillion in your media?Sides Israel deserves to get bombed the f out of. Those greedy Jews run this world. All of the media companies, the entertainment industry, banking industry is run by jewish people. America is so fond of Israel... you know why? because your government is run by big businesses. The presidents are elected through funding from big businesses.That said, thats why the USA loves Israel so much. Btw any bet your country will go to war with Iran in the next decade for reasons such as 'weapons of mass destruction' or 'terrorism' or maybe something called....... 'money'
  7. No government would even consider such policies/measures in place because governments are heavily HEAVILY influenced and basically run for the interest of big businesses and not for the people as you may think.JFK was lobbying against the greedy bankers of America and was assassinated because of it. You think any future presidents will try meddle with their interests again?
  8. yeah, just go buy one, they're really cheap... probably cheaper than a meal at lunch these days.. xD
  9. This started like early last year i think, so there might have already been a post on it... Anyone feel that the viewing limitations are a bit outrageous as well?
  10. yeah im kinda in the same position, i hope it doesn't take too long to learn html properly.
  11. Well the topic and description is self explanatory. I'm curious as to whether I can host a forum on Xisto, and if the answer is yes will the hosting be effective enough keep loading times very minimal? I've read around that you should try find a good host when starting your own forum and free hosting sites probably won't be effective in the long run as you get more traffic... is this true?
  12. ive seen zeitgeist before. Pretty interesting ideas and i truly believe in most its points, theories and arguments.
  13. the games that i have loved playing in the past are Age of empires II, starcraft/broodwar, conquer online, dota and wow
  14. 911 was carried out by the US government so that they could use it as an excuse to go to war and make money for the extremely wealthy. Going to war makes contractors, oil companies and bankers who finance the war become filthy rich. Terrorism isn't a threat, but the fear it generates is a threat to your freedoms.
  15. do you all seriously think some terrorists in caves orgainised all this? 911 was an inside job.
  16. make the link colour match the colour of links in your website that helps.
  17. i dunno my click rate is like 1% ish but i don't get much traffic lol xD
  18. its terrible hosting. theres a lot of server downtime.
  19. you didnt add making an online blog/forum/website/business nor gambling.. thats profitable.
  20. learn a mix of martial arts. MMA ftw
  21. No, poker sites don't make money from fixing hands. They simply make money from raking in cash games (where theres a limit to a hand) and tournaments which is usually 10percent of the (buying + 10percent). But the question is whether they are legit and not just scamming you for the $99 lol
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