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Posts posted by serverph

  1. I just got admitted to start a website under this domain.
    One problem. I have no idea where to start. Where do I log in?
    Do I make the site offline? and if I do, where do I upload it?

    Basically I need a the basic starter kit. I have looked for a FAQ but I can't find it anywhere on here or on the main site.

    Yeah I need help I know I *BLEEP* :P but I have never really used this system and I am quite new at making sites.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Xisto is a very professional hosting. but as pawoodster said, we can help
    you more if we know what you intend your site to be. :P the server can
    handle plain html (as most newbies would use), and it can also handle
    server-side scripting with PHP and MYSQL so we have a very powerful
    hosting if you decide to use it.

    basics you need:
    >> for html - an html editor. you may be familiar with frontpage already,
    but you can search the forums for other html editors members of Xisto
    use or prefer (some just use NotePad). :D
    >> FTP - choose an FTP app which you will use to manage your uploads to
    your hosting space. this has been discussed as well in the forums. ;)
    >> javascript - for short yet fancy scripting for some cool page effects like
    "no-right-click", etc.

    when you decide to raise your web experience as a webmaster, you may
    try to learn the following later on:
    >> CPANEL - if you desire to manage stuff in your webhosting space, login
    to your site's CPANEL. experiment with the features, especially the ready-made
    scripts there. :P
    >> for PHP/MYSQL - Xisto forum has sections devoted to these so you
    may want to check suggested tutorial links and ready-made scripts provided
    there. this would take a while to learn, and it would be best to setup a
    personal web server (on your PC) so you can make initial testing before
    uploading and tweaking later. this is to make dynamic pages which uses

    forum members will be able to help you if you have further questions later :lol:

  2. That thing is so simple... if you get overwhelmed by that you're stupid... just like I did for four years.

    who said anything about getting overwhelmed? :Pdidn't you figure out that the magic 8 ball is just for fun?
    and i know it's simple, i have seen the code!

    don't be a party pooper. that page is to support Xisto
    if you even cared to check the page. tsk...tsk...tsk... :P

    at least you admitted your stupidity 4 years ago. lolz :D
    i hope it would show no more in your succeeding posts! lolz

  3. it seems you have a very good knowledge about SEO lib2day. pls PM me and send to me all the necesary procedures. i have been relying so much on meta tags and i never use alt tags cos i never knew the use of them.
    i will have to start learning how to use alt tags from today onwards. thanks lib2day for the info

    you're most welcome odomike :D search engine optimization is a thriving online
    business, and i really don't have the nitty-gritty details that "experts" (read:
    paid SE optimizers) have. i can only help you guys from my experience with SEO
    in the past. (which i learned from googling a lot. lolz.) :D

    here are some other pointers on SEO which can help:
    (since i can't post the info verbatim here, you need to go there. :D )


    these links would give you lots of basic insights to SEO.
    and as a serious webmaster, you should read this:

    hope these tips could help you get busy with SEO guys. :D good luck!

  4. so what about this for instance...while searching for web designing..will a domain name like odowebdesigns get a high ranking?

    not necessarily a high ranking. if ur domain is a TLD webdesigns, then it would be at least in the first 10 pages of the search page results. ur odowebdesigns would still crop up when keywords used would include +web +designs but there's lots of competition on those keywords. ur domain can still help in getting a good search results with +web +designs keywords but dont expect too much. use other methods as well and don't simply rely on your domain name for a high search ranking. :D

  5. champage, it all depends on several factors:
    1. number of visitors/day
    2. size of pictures
    3. size of html/php code
    4. number of html/php pages
    5. miscellaneous stuff embedded (menu images, thumbnails, midi/wavs,
    flash, etc.)

    remember, EVERY page access to html/php/images/etc would count
    towards your bandwidth usage.

    let's say you have an extremely busy site with 100 visitors a day accessing
    an *average* of 150KB size of image on a 10KB html/php page with embedded
    stuff of 30KB. let's say you have an average of 50 pages viewed per visitor/day.
    let's do the math...

    10KB html/php page + 30KB embedded stuff + 150KB images = 190KB
    x 50 pages = 9500KB/visitor

    that's already:

    x 100 visitors = 950000KB

    (by this computation you already overshoot/exceeded your 500MB bandwidth
    limit for package #1 - on DAY 1.)

    and that's only for a day. x 30 days =


    now that's for a busy site :D you can do your own calculations based on
    your own variables as listed above. newbie sites won't reach that amount
    of bandwidth in a month so it's safe to say you wont need that much
    bandwidth yet. if you do, you might want to opt for paid hosting already.

    here is an online bandwidth calculator for you. KB-MB-GB :D

    NOTE1: Computation above is just based on factors/variables provided. there
    could be other factors which could contribute to bandwidth usage which i am
    not really sure (like uploading for example).

    NOTE2: ACTUAL bandwidth usage can be viewed on your CPANEL along with the
    web logs analysis.

    NOTE3: web space needed is entirely dependent on the actual total size of
    uploads you intend to have. you can check this beforehand on the disk where
    your web site files are located. when you right-click on the root folder of your
    web site *on your PC*, then PROPERTIES, you will get to know the SIZE of
    your web site upload. :D

  6. thnx all. i know it's a bit 'in ur face'. just hoped it cud get more hits that way. :D btw wassie, its a standard banner size, like d ones at the top of Xisto pages. i just added factual details that cud make d audience wantto visit Xisto. i believe information is more valuable in a-d-banners thanjust nice design (w/c is secondary to me). space maximized to give d "shock effect" as cragllo says. :D.click guys, for the benefit of Xisto. :D and use it if u want. just right click,save as, upload to ur hosting space, then link to Xisto.

  7. you are correct there zenchi :Dbtw, just remembered that a DOMAIN NAME does a great deal ingiving your site good search engine rankings. :D if you search for "screensavers" for example, the search engine will spit out the most relevant sites/pages first -- that being the domain bearinga name nearest to the word searched. so choosing a good domain/subdomain name helps a lot in SEO and search enginerankings. :Dchoose well. :D

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