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Everything posted by puneye

  1. Thank you for suggestions But. Can u write me a div code to make it for me.
  2. OK Can you give me ?You can send me it, either in my email or Give me some web urls to download it.
  3. I don't smoke Because Smoking is injurious for health. It may leads to cancer and other dangerous disease.But many people smoke for entertainment, relax and it will be habitual after some time and not able to left the smoke. If someone smoke near you (suppose you are not smoker) It will be very uncomfortable to you. So don't smoke, Save your life and Family because there is saying Smoking affect twice the surround peoples(that lives with smoker) than smoker.
  4. I use Computer for following purposes Check Emails, Websites. See online videos, Listen Musics, See lyrics. Learning courses like Html, css, php and many others Designing logos, letter pads related to all desktop publishing works. Searching for my campus-study courses and answers. Use hi5.com/facebook.com Posting / reading forums. Chat with friends. Editing music, videos and many more.. I use for all works that have to be done through computers.
  5. Thank you for the support. I also want to change my subdomain ndpak.trap17.com to puneye.com I am already running to my puneye.com as a addon domain under ndpak.trap17.com. If possible please help me.
  6. I like this 100$ laptop, One child one laptop.It seems not good for developed countries but developing countries like Nepal, Bhutan can use of it.In developing countries, there is no possibility to buy laptop (Because of high cost). If laptop will come 100$ , there's lots of people have capacity to buy for their children and provide their children. Most important, poor children are literate with computers. It leads to country's good future.
  7. I think google is the largest search engine and website that provide very useful online resources to us. And it has better performance as well as fast running servers. I don't think google will show us server is down/maintenace. I use google when I start to suffer internet. I never found that. This problem may be of your ISP/ Your Router / Server computer or something like viruses. Check it properly it may works fine.
  8. Ya why not ?But beware that lots of people lying their real things in dating websites. If you from developed country like USA, UK you can find your soul mate.Meeting online is not perfect way to make dating friends. So go to night clubs, gardens, Anywhere where people lots of. Then, perhaps you will find you mate.
  9. Thank you for giving such great links. But here in Nepal, Not possible to get CD. I have not mastercard/visa credit card.I have a question?Is this genuine one ?Anyway We can find lots of copy cd here in about $1.
  10. Winrar is better than Winzip. There is limitation on some webservers that they can not compress/decompress winrar but compress/decompress winzip/tar.So for locally file I use winrar and for online use I use winzip.
  11. I am also self learner student of computer. I didn't go any school to learn computer classes. These days I am learning designing website, web programming. I start to learn html code with w3school and so on. Nowdays, I have little knowledge of frontpage, dreamweaver. And I also know something about joomla.I think online web tutor will teach me completely.
  12. Pretty Good ! Thank you for listing these programs here. Can you tell me how to use winchat.exe in Windows XP Service Pack3.
  13. I create website with Dreamweaver cs3 using table. While using table I can make center align pages. But Now I start layout my website with css. I read lots of tutorial related to page layout. But I didn't find how to make center aligned webpages. I can Make Left aligned but not center. I want to make website like this http://napn.org.np/ Anybody can help me how to make it ?
  14. Actually I don't know, What is Xisto ??Trap that means Catch something but What is catching up this website ?And I don't know about 17.As admin tells this website created with great story. I think this website have to keep it up.
  15. First you have to buy SMS Gateway to do it. SMS gateway is costly. If you want to set up after buysing this. Go this link http://playsms.sourceforge.net/ My this link will help you.
  16. There is not any problem with your page. I seen it like this on my Firefox 3.0.x. It also works on IE8 Beta 2. As rvalkass said I also like to say you Clear your Temporary Internet Files. If you are using Firefox Go tools -clear private data then tick Cache, Cookies and Offline Website data then clear it. I think it helps you.
  17. I also found same problem like You have to check your check your database setting or database user and password. Then try to show us your website. Remember that, If you are going to show something to others, first check your creation whether it is good or not ?
  18. Nice, I liked the Golden compass of money one. This is quiet good. I am also fan of creating that type of arts. It will be great encourage to me. There is lots of good arts. I want to create arts like you which software did you use ? Photoshop ?
  19. Now, I am thinking of my old days when I had in School.Definitely, My school life is pretty good. And I liked it. I have lots of friends in my school life. We have team for study lessions. our school is in silent environment, there is much study environment. Every friday have many programs like Making jokes, singing songs and many more. Teacher's are more lovely to us. And there is no stikes, lock outs such as in campuses. We have creative plans making new things.But there's lots of homeworks to do so I always tired with my homeworks. In our school there is not allowed to surf internet for us.
  20. Drug Legalization ? Over the country. It seems all country going to wild. The supports of drug legalize politicians are must be involved in the drug business or they are supported by drug businessman. I think if there is made drug legalization, there is disorder in the country. Every people starts to take drug. Every child will victim of drug, so whole nation's future may lead to collapse.
  21. Current Homepage: No not at allI don't use any website making homepage. You make homepage when you need more than others. But I use all websites equally. I use Mozilla Firefox 3.0.X So there is in left side, I have many search engines like google, yahoo, ebay, amazon and Xisto.com too. I use them when I need this.
  22. I live in Nepal. The heaven of Nature, Containing much natural places. This is good place for living.Moderate climate, silent environment, but not good modern facilities. Lots of trek to go here and there. Good destination for enjoy. Wanna enjoy?
  23. I used both of them. Both are good because of paid one. They stops, viruses, malwares, spams, and many more.But my vote is on the site of NOD32. This is pretty fast antivirus. Norton takes much disk space. It slow down the computer. We need to high capacity computer to run norton antivirus.
  24. Is this Joke ?? Making money with this website. Its only advertisement website.
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