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I think the PS3 is gunna be the best system. Then Xbox 360 then the Revolution. But I think Ill buy all three machines no matter what. But I will buy PS3 first easily my favorite system, then Revolution, then Xbox 360. I wrote a pst a while back talking about the games for each system and the specs of them, Ill put a link to it later.
I always wanted to try but I dont have the ability to pay for it so if I could play for free on a private server then please tell me so I can start.
I agree with them Sephiroth takes the cake in rpgs. Although Lan DI from Shenmue was a bad *bottom*. Edae from FF8 was cool and pretty much any villian from an Rpg they always look cool and mean hahaha.
Your Favorite Rpg Game and why its your favorite
Tseng replied to XxPrinceValoxX's topic in Computer Gaming
I like too many Rpgs to mention but I would have to say either Final Fantasy 8, Musashi, Star Ocean, or some cult classics like Persona and Shadow Madness. -
If you are asking for somone to code your site I will. As for templates I would search for free ones online. I made the template for my site by editing a free one I found. Also is your MMORPG done, is it a company who made it or a smal deveolpment team?
Continueing from before: (see key in above quote) +--Survival Horror--+ >Resident Evil series-PSone, PS2, GC, DC, Gamboy Color >Silent Hill Series-PS2, DC >Fatal Frame I & II- PS2, Xbox >House of the Dead- Arcade >The RIng-DC >D2-DC +--FPS--+ >Halo series-Xbox >Goldeneye-N64,PC, GC, Ps2, Psone, DS >Delta Force-PSone >Rainbow Six-pSone, PS2, XBox, PC >DOOM-Xbox, PC >Quake-PC +--RTS--+ (not much of a fan but an awesome genre none the less) >Warcraft-PC >Starcraft-PC >Command and Conquer-PC >Stronghold-PC +--TRPG(Tactics Role Playing Game)--+ >Final Fantasy Tactics-PSone, GBA >LA Pucelle Tactics-PS2 >Battlehunter-PSone >Disegea-PS2 +--Driving--+ >Gran Turismo-ps2 >Ridge Racer-psone, ps2 >Test Drive-psone >Forza Motorsport-XBox >Project Gotham Racing-xbox >Need for Speed-PS2, psone, xbox, PC >Burnout-Ps2, xbox +--Puzzle--+ >ICO-ps2 >Shadow of the Colossus-ps2 >Mr. Driller: drill spirits-DS +--Action/Stealth--+ >Splinter Cell-ps2, xbox, pc >Metal Gear Solid-psone, nes, ps2 +--Action/Hack n Slash--+ >Chaos Legion-Ps2 >Devil May Cry 1 and 3-ps2 >Seven Samurai 20xx-ps2(its ok cult classic) >Samurai Warrioirs-ps2 >CAstle vania- Ps2, psone, N64, GB, GBA, GBA SP, DS >Onimusha-PS2 Ok im done for now, Ill make some more later. And dont forget these are like only a few of the many hundreds of games ive played. LOl but its too much work.
I totally agree with thse people who hate sports games. I think they are lame...I dont find fun in play videogames to play sports, I can just go out in the street and do that. BUt I like RPGs and shooters and all other games cuz its sumthing you could never do in freal life. I like playing games on distant planets and do things I could never do. How many times can you say you've summoned a GF or shot someone with a gunblade? OK now how many times have you played football. See its not much fun comparitaively. As for recommendations I would have to say that the following are some of the best in there feilds.-Key-+--Genre--+>Game----------------System:::Keep in mind this is a small list and I might add some later Ive played too many games to remember:::+--RPG--+(In no particular order)>Final Fantasy Series(of course the best of the best)-NES to PS2>Star Ocean Series-PSone to Ps2>Persona and Persona 2-PSone>Alundra and Alundra 2-PSone>Wild Arms Series-PSone>Legend Of Dragoon-PSone>Lunar series-PSone and GBA>Beyond the Beyond-PSone>Front Mission series-PSone to PS2>Brave Fencer Musashi and Musashi Samurai Legend-Psone and PS2>Legaia and Legaia 2-PS2>Chrono Cross-PSone>Crono Trigger-NES>Shadow Madness-PSone>Threads of Fate-PSone>Baten Kaitos-GC>Tales of Symphonia-GC+--Fighting--+>Tekken Series-PSone to PS2>Soul Calibur-Dreamcast, PS2, Xbow, Gamecube>Bushido Blade-PSone>Dead Or Alive- Dreamcast, Xbox>Bloody Roar- PSone to PS2>The Bouncer-PS2+--MMORPG--+>Phantasy Star Online-GC,Xbox, Dreamcast>Final Fantasy XI-PC, PS2+--Sports--+NONE LMFAO!!!!Well I have tons more Ill add to the list next time, and poissibly go over FPS, RTS, TRPG, Driving, Puzzle(woot ICO), and some other genre.
Nice. I usually dont play games like Command And Conquer but this is a really good reveiw. I might check it out. Thansk for the heads up.
Personally I like to make RPGS mostly. and I get ideas from many places. Poems, songs, shows, but the biggest is dreams. I have a talent i guess you could say. TO havew sequential dreams of me being someone in another world. I assume the role of someone in a n rpg. But I donmt know its an rpg. And then when I wake up I write down what happened. And I do that everynight till the dreams done. I ts really weird but totally good fo rme making the RPGS I lovbe so much. and its not always one type of rpg. Ive have Smurai type ones futuristic ones. Tons of really good I deas. If you ever need a storyline just hit me up and Ill give ya one. I have books upon books of them.
Sounds good...Finally some good feedback. In fact if you would like I can add you to my development team.(Check out my fourms in my sig) and I need some people to runn new I deas by me. Although you have to rememeber im working on RMXP. Also im on 16 so im not extremely good at coding yet. But the stuff you said I can add easiely with help from friends but yeah. As for battle sytem an active battle system like the one in Dot Hack series is what were going for. Is this good? And also I am making a quast system where you get new weapons and level up by completeing quests. Which is way cool. And thing else I should add?
If you want to get help. Goto my forums and post something abouit it. Or send mye a demo to my email:TsengTsuzaki@yahoo.comIll be more than willing to help.
Playstation 3 Or Xbox 360? Which one is better?
Tseng replied to dundun2007's topic in Computer Gaming
It seems to me your a total fanboy. You say that Nintendo's dropping out and Sony should too? Yeah right I can see Sony and Nintendo saying it now "We hate money, and games, we sux, so we give up the industry" Lame. PLus if you look at the shear technology, the PS3 wins hands down. Also the Nintendo Revolution isnt the final system. Especilly when they have just come out with Gameboy Micro and the DS. PLus the PS3 sports two Nvidia GeForce 6800 graphics chips and the cell processor. Totally better thatn the Xbox 360. And they offer better online play this time around. So I can tell its gonna be the same once again. Just like Current-Gen systems. Look how it is now: Xbox dominates Online Play; Ps2 dominates single player, and has a larger install base than Microsoft. And nintendo holds familiar franchises and party and multiplayer games as its title. The same will hold true with next-gen systems. And you right about one thing, the PS3 will have good games. Just like how ps2 has some of the best games out there. Granted Nintendo and Microsoft have good games, but come on. Everyone knows that PS2 has way more variety and alot better games. So fanboy, have fun liking one system and believing everyones gonna drop out except Xbox 360. Cu z ittll never happen. Tilll the companies fall. And that wont happen for a while. Especially not Sony. And one last quote befoer I close this statement. I find this to be one of the dumbest things Ive herd in a while. -
I dont know about the ones for GBA or SNES but I really like Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. Its really sweet. I like how the stroy is taken place underground. It adds to the mood. And the ability to change to a dragon was cool. and its awesome use of celshading. The fact that you have to play the game like 20 times to get everything is cool. AS you must lower your D-Ratio and get more overlay events.
Actually...IM making one...myself...from scratch..and I just want to know what you like best about MMORPGS, ones that are 2d, like Lunar, or anoither oldskool rpg....I might make one involving Dot Hack, or just design a custom game. But any input would help.
Mine is derived from many things...Back when I first got into Rpgs I started writing novels. I wanted a cool name fro the main chara. I had just started playing Final Fantasy and I liked the name Tseng; but I didnt know that in japanese TS is like an "S" sound.So I thought it was pronounced T-seng and when I found out it wasnt I desided to make that my own nickname(as no one else says it this way) then I added the last name be cause Tsuzaki derived from Hazuki(the last name of Ryo from Shenmue) and my middle name used to be Cliz(a name I made up) but later I changed it to Shinji because I thought it was more japansese like. So now my nick name is Tseng Shinji Tsuzaki. I plan to get my name changed to this legally when I turn 18. By the way if anyone wants to read my novels or see mey manga please send me a pm on my forums(look in my sig) and I ll get around to it.
Ive been there b4...I first went there about a year ago...Its awesome...I highly recomend it. I also visit BluLaguna.net It has tons of Rpg soundtracks for free...and it totally legal.It also keeps you up to date on rpgs coming out and stuff.
The genre is RTS(real time strategy) I like those also. Its sometimes hard to classify games into genres but Ive played enough that im now l337 and I understand most.Oh I forgot a genre..lol...I like survival horror as a tie with fighting games..hehe...Infact I love Silent Hill, Clock Tower, Resident Evil, and Fatal Frame.
Rpgs definatly..I love setting out on a quest thjat takes a long time to finish. The Idea of travelling to a different universe like in FF7 is awesome. I also like Tactics Rpg. My second fav genre is fighting games cuz they require skill, and then action games. I only hate sprots games. They are extremely lame. You say you like shooters whats your fav? And fav company who makes them?
BUMPIs everyone against me? Ireally want some input on a MMORG im making. PLease help me out here.
My favoriter charas are below:Good guys:>Squall>Cloud>Fayt>Sora>Ryo from Shenmue>the list goes on foreverbut im lazy and hungry lol...cya later
Dont get me wrong, I like shooters, but in my opinion TRPGs(tactics-role-playing-games) and Fighting games take much more skill than a shooting game such as Halo 2. For example which is harder, sniping someone, or preforming a 16 hit combo in Tekken5 or Soul Calibur 2? Normal Rpgs are hard too, leveling up, and all that stuff. But as for Halo 2 i think its overrated. The people that are in love with it need to check out the good shooters like Unreal, and Doom3. But I guess to each his own.
Lmao...My friend has the one for PC and Xbox....he played the PC one...got scared...played the Xbox one...still got scared....I love the game...but I havent played much...
Okay tell me any ideas you get. ANd if you want to help with the rpg (story, characters, coding) just goto my forums(link in my sig) Thanks.
@Saint-Actually no, I really did play thru the entire game 22 times(roughly maybe -1 or +2) And I only used the quick level gain three times of the times I beat it. Same with Final Fantasy series I've betten them so many tims I cant count.@Ryo- Yes this game is one of my favs(besides FF of course) But the real question is, what would you like to see in the sequel? I plan on making the game when I get arround to it lol but I want to know what IO should do to make it awesome.
Thanks for the input....I havent been on lately(as I have been working on a dot hack Rpg with RMXP) Actually these are good pointers. @Microsoft- There are many programs for making games, for Rpgs use Rpg Maker XP(simply the best) and the tactics game IM designing will be made with a new maker that a friend is developing.@Saint_Michael- If you could please pm me with some cool weapons, spell, summons, and character names. If you can. Thanks and keep on giving tips(I really need some)