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Everything posted by Tseng

  1. I also agree, because BB is my favorite band. I like their CD Saturate the best.
  2. here is a brief list in no particular order:1.Rpg Maker 952.Rpg Maker 2000(rm2k)3.Rpg Maker 2003 (rm2k3)4.Rpg Maker XP (2004)5.The Gimp6.Adobe Photoshop7.Notepad(for html editing, btw does anyone know any good non wysiwyg editors?)8. Game Makers 6.09.ika10. Rpg Toolkit(just got it)the list goes on and on but those are a few...
  3. I tryed to do what you said and it didn't work does anyone else haevany ideas
  4. No one has answered my post in qutie a few days so does this mean that noone is interested in Rpg Maker here?
  5. Sadly I have to dissagree with my freind Leon. I thinkypes of g that the Ps3 will infacct have simikar features. Xbox is awesome but I still like Ps3 a whole lot more. It has the best graphics9which is plainly visible, online gameplay, and really cool rpgs. I would agree with him though. Xbox is an online driven console, thats whypeople buy them. Playstation 2 on the other hand is a one player system,for the most part, and the Gamecube is a party game system. They all have bits and peices of the other systems types of games but that is how the systems thrive. I think that sooner or later all the systems will have similar types of game play but for now the makers are just going to shake things up. Personally I will buy the Ps3 first, then a few months later, the xbox 360, and then a few months after that the Nintendo revolution. But I am loyal to all systems,and people like me are what keep the sytems at war with each other.
  6. The game looks promising, I signed up already and I think that I will start playing it tomorrow. I suggest playing Dofus though. Some one here already posted about it. Go check out there post and see what I mean.
  7. The channel is only available to certain cable providers if you want it then goto theanimenetwork.com and on the right there should be a button called demand it! Where you can ask for the channel in your area.
  8. Do you use notepad or another program to directly edit html? I use notepad because I hate WYSIWYG editor. Are there any other non WYSIWYG editors out there?
  9. The following is a list of the different makers and other info: -----From the several links on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -----szupie They are still planning for Rpg MAker 3D for PC and I anticipate that it will be better than Rpg Maker 2 on PS2. Because you can get better (and more) resources than the pre-loaded crap on the Sony version. Lets just hope it gets translated soon. And if anyone gets info on the new maker please PM me. -----Please use the quotes tag for quoted material-----szupie
  10. I do know how to replace it but it says my file is an empty file and says it has been uploaded. The file is index.html.
  11. When I try to edit, remove, rename, or replace my index into my public_html folder. It does not work. Is there anyway to erase everything on your account, and start from scratch. Or a way to fix this problem. I have PMed and Emailed the admin but haven't gotten help, can anyone here help me?
  12. can you count because if so you know theres 3 systems, xbox, playstation, and gamecube. tsk tsk, and you call yourself a hardcore gamer...
  13. Yes, its true. I head the development team called [Tri_Ware] Corp. We also work with other makers besides Rpg Maker but those are our main programs we use. I also can help with programming html. Pretty much anything you need help with making an Rpg we can help. Just goto the link to the forums in my sig. Register there and then I will email you guys when my site is done. If any of you have any interest in becoming staff on my site or at [Tri_Ware] then PM me or email me.
  14. I agree with Leon. I think that people that blame games for ther'ye homocidal tendencies are stupid. If I hear about some kid killing his parents on account of Halo2, Area 51, or Manhunt, I will go insane!
  15. After reading the thread about ' COnsole game sounds' I decided to post this. What is your favorite OST(Original Soundtrack) or song from a videogame? If you tell me the game and name I can provide a link to download the song.
  16. I like the sound of PSone loading up, and the sound they make when the words 'Konami Entertainment of Japan' come on the screen for the original Metal Gear Solid intro.
  17. I thought so too. I liked Metriod like a religion! But I still think that Contra was a good side scroller.
  18. EDIT- Its doesn't require a language. Sorry misspelled it.
  19. Yes I will add tutorials to the site. Also you can download the makers from my site when its finished but if you want it now then goto http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. also I would appreciate it if you joind my forus. The link is on my sig.
  20. I have a few things I would like to say. First off you don't need any 'language' unless you want to edit the games engine itself(for rpg maker xp) Secondly, there is an online rpg maker for mmorpgs but there are only wo of them: the old one sucks and you have to buy your own server because no one hosts the games any more!!!! The new one is still under development and if I find the link then I will post it. Third the maker doesn'ttake any time to learn because you can make a game in like 30 minutes but it will suck cuz yer a noob so you have to practice alot to make a good game. I have a development team know as [Tri_Ware] Corp. If you would like to learn rpg maker and/orjoin my team then visit the site on my signature I am currently uploading my site to Xisto.com and the downloads for the rpgmakers will be available. Until then just sign up on my forums(also located in my signature)
  21. Actually, Rpg Maker dioes require coding. It is all acording to how far you plan to go. I personally like Rpg Maker and Dark Basic the best. I suggest you play a game made with one of these makers before developing one. If the game is fun to play then take the time and effort to learn how to make games with the development tool. Most people just want to make a game because they like rpgs and have a decent storyline. But you have to WANT to program the game and put alot of effort and time into it even if hardly no one plays it. If you really want to make you rpg known then just tell tons of friends and advertise in rpg maker forums.also you can get you rpg hosted by gamingw.net for free and my rpg maker site also which will be located at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ when I finish uploading it. PM me if you have any questions about Rpg Maker or if you are interested in becoming a moderator for my site or a developer for my game designing team [Tri_Ware] Corp.
  22. Thanks....I needed someone too do it but with those links I cannow do it myself.
  23. I use stepmania plus a dance pad I bought from radio shack. You can download Dance Dance revolution max from stepmania.com I also play it in the arcades all the time. I'm getting better every day. I just started playing a version using eight directions nd on heavy with 8x the speed of the normal song!!! Talk about hard. Do any of you play ddrmax on your computers? I think that they shoulfd make it available for online play to hold tournaments and stuff.
  24. I'm not sure if this fits or not but you should try getting noticed with http://www.37.com/ because they submit alll their directories to 37 different search engines. Or you could get googled buy paying them they say they don't do it but if you goto the page and click google ads then you get put on the list.
  25. Tseng

    RPG Maker XP

    Okay as far as the program being illegal; noone cares because it would suck to have to pay for it.(kinda like buying mp3s when you can just download them. I can't tell you the exact link but just google the words 'gamingw' and the site should help you get started on making rpgs. Besides that I have to agree/disagree with you guys I like Rpg Maker XP and 2003 the same but for different reasons. Its according to which game you want to emulate( i mean model your game after not like useing an emulator)If you want a Dragon Warrior type game then use rpg maker 2000if you want a Final Fantasy type game then use Rpg Maker 2003But if you use Rpg Maker XP/2004 then you can learn Ruby and do anything the other two do.anyways I have my own staff of people that create Rpgs and fighting games. I fyou are interested in helping then please pm me.
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