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Posts posted by wingman23

  1. Mmmmm, tricky one this,i am spiritual in nature, so dont really have a god belief, more of a returning to the light of spirit when we die, science too is a very closed minded shop. if they cant prove it, then it doesnt exsist, it never enters their heads at all that the reason they cant prove spirit (for instance) is not because it doesnt exsist, but because science hasnt the tools yet to probe the other side. Now im sure we have all heard of stephen Hawkins, and i found it very interesting when asked if he believed in god, that he didnt say no he didnt as you would have expected a man of such a great mind to belive, or not believe as the case may be. Maybe he was just edging his bets a bit, but to me it sounded as if he did believe in god,or at least something after we die, as he for one will know, like a poster on here said already, that we are made up of energy, and energy can never be destroyed, it just takes on a different form. For those who follow the religous path, then that is all about faith, you believe without seeing, perhaps the evolution theory is all about god testing how strong our faith really is. Faith isnt about things being made easy for us to believe, faith is about believing agaisnt all the odds :)

  2. One of the most dangerouse substances in our food today is aspartame, and i bet we all have it in some form or other. Aspartame is a sugar substitute that is used in most foods. i was reading about this only recently and aparently this stuff turn into fameldahide in your body (the stuff they embalm bodies with and is highly toxic) some countries have even banned it from there food industry, latest place to ban it i believe was Hawia, i think mexico has too. There is countless organization after banning this stuff, but as per usual the people who make this stuff is way too powerful to ever get beaten and admit they put poison in our food stuff. scarey stuff,,, i always check the labels these days to make sure it isnt in it. :)

  3. I think a lot of people start smoking for lots of different reasons, but there is only one reason why anybody carries on smoking and thats drug addiction. Smoking is as addictive as any other drug, as you will soon find out when you try to stop. Ive tried to stop more times than i care to mention and its a total nightmare, just like i guess when you try to stop doing any other drug. It has been reported that smoking is more addictive than herion, and although ive never taken anything like that, i now regard myself as a drug addict simply because i smoke cigerettes. I think in time, smoking will become one of the great shames in society, not shame on the people that smoke but shame on goverments that refuse to ban it because they get so much tax of it. On packets of smokes now you get told all the harm its doing us, and thats supposed to be ok, they are telling us what we are doing to ourself, so its our own fault. but if anybody knows the nature of drug addiction, which is what nicotine is, then any drug addict will tell you the warning makes no difference, because the biggest thing a drug addict does to himself is lie, lie to themselves that all these deseases wont effect him or her, that they will be the one in a million who wont get cancer, or some lung desease. The tobbaco companies know this too so feel safe putting these warnings on the packets, they know we dont even see them... Im a smoker and think the goverment should ban this industry and stop making money out of people dying :)

  4. I can relate to what you are saying here, i believe that the age factor as a lot to do with this. I'll explain.. im now 47 and all my life ive been fit and active, then i hit 46, and no matter what i did, i simply kept putting on the wieght, i weight lifted, walked everywhere, that is if i wasnt riding my mountain bike, and would the weight come off, no, it wouldnt. I think this is what people call middle aged spread, some of us are prone to it i guess, and like me, you arent the tallest of people which doesnt help, im only 5'3 so i really cant carry much weight before it shows. i do everything i can, dont ever eat big meals or eat late, i dont drink alchohol or eat fattening biscuits and cakes, but still, my body seems to go one way, and thats out. Doesnt seem a lot you can do about it, well apart from going on one of those silly diets like the cabbage diet or something, but that really isnt healthy and you always end up fatter than you were when you have to come off it :)

  5. I guess this question will have a different answer with how old you are, im now 47, ask me this question 20 years ago and i would have said no, simply because you dont think about it at that age, ask me now though with probably only 20 years left to live, if im lucky (im a smoker) then sure, death seems to be closer now than it was, so the honest answer is, yes, im afraid of death. Its something that no one can dodge, and we will all have to face it one day, the only hope any of us can have is that we go quick. :)

  6. This was a really interesting insight and answered some of my worries over being disabled. Im not disabled myself but my partner and i have just had a baby son who was born with ceribral palsy, we both love him to bits but my main worry, well heartache really, is how society will treat him as he grows older. i watch him as he lays in his cot sometimes and wonder what sort of life he will have, how people will see him, treat him simply because he is different.i do believe that people need educating that just because you are dissabled, that you still feel things,inside your head you are no different to everybody else

  7. Why are we Born in this Earth? Why are we created in this earth? Why are we different from other animals/creatures? Why are we marrying and have children?

    I think there is an answer for all these questions. If you have brain with 6 senses and time to think, answer these questions..

    Being spiritual in nature myself, my partner is also a spiritual medium, i have come to the conclusion over the years that we are born to fufil a life purpose.
    we all have a soul of different levels,some are young souls and some not so young, if you are a young soul, and this as no bearing on how old in human years you are, this is about soul age. if you are a young soul then you may have many lessons to learn, and so you are born on this earth to learn those lessons to be able to move onto the next soul level. Yo can always tell if any person has an older soul because they seem more in tune to whats important in life, they seem to carry an inbuilt wisdom. younger souls seem more trivial in nature. Of course there is a downside to being an older soul because the lessons you have to learn are always a lot harder, and so your life will seem to be harder in the process. there seems to be a general rule that young souls never get to much burden in life because they simply cant handle it. So we are all here to learn something, we are all here to meet people and effect their lifes too. It all depends what lessons we have to learn really to how our life proggress :) and for those who think spiritualism is the same as religion, thenfor me at any rate, that couldnt be further from the truth. religion to me was brought about to control the masses, make us all behave a certain way or else we will spend eternity in hell and damnation. which simply isnt true. we are all spirit taking a journey in human form, we will all make mistakes along the way, that doesnt makes us bad, it just makes us us all spiritual children learning lessons :)
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