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Posts posted by networker

  1. I don't claim to be an expert on anything but one thingI've learned is to focus on the people you know and things you do now. To try to move forward.To concentrate on them and not the past. Everybody has regrets but you can't let them eat you up. It sounds like your earlier problems were out of your control.There isn't anything you could of done about it then, so justmove on. I know it's easier said than done but soon it will help. Best of luck.

  2. I sometimes find Nostradamus a bit scary.The way I see it though,there have been millions of people making predictions about our future andit's ineviitable one of them would have been more right than others more often. One could say it just happened to be Nostradamus.Looking at it this way onecould put his predictions down to coincidence. One can also re-assess the past as well.I mean,wasn't the war of 1812a world war?The first world war?I think it was if you really think about it.It involved Britain,Europe,Russia,the U.s.a and Canada.That would make the next world war ww 4 and not ww 3. If that's the case then Nostradames and his predictionswould be wrong anyway.

  3. Bono and Oassis are both Wankers.I lost interest in U2 after the War album.The Joshua tree is one of the most over rated albums of all time with it's simplesquemelodies and arrangements. The Gallagher brothers talk just for the sake of talking. The Cinema's are over rated too.Hollywood is over rated.I mean,if somebodyis truly an entertainer then why should it cost hundreds of millions of dollars toentertain somebody? Comedians and musicians can entertain people for nothing.They are the realentertainers.

  4. There was only one time I lied online. I was a hired mercenary hired to over throw the corrupt Abatha government.Me and the rest of our unit stormed the presidential palace andgot a complete surrender from the Royal guards! There was no bloodshed whatsoever!What a relief. Anyway in the palace I discovered about 300 billion dollars in Gold that the U.S government said that that I could keep for my self! Bill Clinton was that gratefull.Me,being the fair minded type that I am decided to give all the money away tocharity. Anyway,when I spoke to my girf friend using yahoo messenger I lied to herand told her the gold wasn't worth much! This was after I had given it away! Why I lied like that I don't know but at least I'll admit it here. I flew home from Abatha on a pig that had wings.That's another story I could tell you about........

  5. In the United States it's very clear that gun control has gotten out of hand.I was reading an article on Chicago.This article said that August 2007 had a high total of 62 murders.A place such as Toronto,Canada has about thatmany murders a year. Why such a huge difference in the murder rate of two similiar size cities? Gun control of course.The right to bear arms has gotten out of hand.Something should be done about it.

  6. I'd agree that George Orwell's books are a major influence.Those books, be it 1984 or animal farm are so trueand real to life. These days we are on camera everywhere we go,atleast in the urban centers, and personality cults have never beenbigger. Animal farm shows how absolute power corrupts absolutely. George Orwell was a true visionary.

  7. Those pictures are a right disgrace!And absolutely right,They are a major fire hazard too. Unbelievable really that anybody actually lived in placeslike that but truth is stranger than fiction. You know what?I'd clean them up though for 100,000dollars.Think about it.It might take two weeks.That's 50,000 per week. I'd wear a medical ventilation mask and sunglasses for the original first clean up.The sun glasses might lesson the overall visual impact of the place.

  8. I don't think Marijjuanna should be fully legalized,it should be decriminalized.That meaning that people would be allowed to smoke it on certain conditions(i.e They smoke it in the privacy of they're own homes). Any breaking of the laws would result in misdemeaner fines,notcriminal convictions. Think of the money the governments could make selling it legally.Think of the tax dollars saved not processing marijuanna users as felons. The police then could spend they're time arresting real criminals and not weed smokers. We all know,Alcahol causes a lot more damage than weed.

  9. My favorite sport right now is probably soccer.That's probably because my teamhas been back in the top flight(English premier league) for the last eight years.Even made it into the EUFA twice(Bolton). Hockey is a great game too, but I don't like the idea of shoot outs todecide regular season games.Hockey after all is supposed to be a team sport. I don't like what Garry Bettman(The big cheese) has done to the NHL placing Detroitand Toronto in diffent conferences so they only play twice every three years.Talk about destroying rivalries or what. NFL football is also one of my favorite sports.

  10. People percieve things in different ways.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so to speak. I mean some people like loud music with really loud basswhile others can't stand it. Others can't stand the smell of a woman's perfume, while for others itjust adds to the overall experience. Our sensory perceptions are all probably much different.They say that blind people have extra strong senses of smelland hearing etc.It's all relative.

  11. I've sometimes drank camomile tea to relax at night before sleepingwhich it appears to help. The thing is lately if I have one cup it's fine, but anymoremakes me thirsty.It's like it makes me de-hydrate.Notonly that but it makes me want to go to the washroom a lot tourinate. Has anybody else had this problem with camomile tea?

  12. Using notepad is a really good way to learn a language be it php orJava.You can even write any of the net framework languagesin notepad if you really wanted to.Any of this drag and drop is just visual anyway.In php theres a lotof parsing of html code.

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