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Posts posted by networker

  1. This new forum is a joke. The pages take forever to load, never quite loading properly. It's as though there is a constant script running, as when you try to type something,the page keeps jumping around all over the place. Most times it's impossible to post something. I think they should fix it quick or Xisto users will beleaving en masse.Not only that, but Mycents seems to be taking ages to update as well.Also, one can only now view several of ones past posts. Just greatfor helping with a discussion right?It doesn't look good at all. Talking about making a mess of things.

  2. I'd still say our fate really is very much up to the luck factor. Within reason of course.One can have all the talent and ambition but still must need to be in the right place at the right time.We are all victims of circumstance when it comes right down to it. Quite often people lead not by choice butby fluke. Once there, absolute power corrupts absolutely and the meek shall inherit the earth.Overall, you can't predict very much.

  3. I tried using the site but it won't allow users outside of the U.S.That's true about genre's anyway. All these genres really are, are creations of record company marketers. The music industry really prevents people from listening to music,rather than making it available. That's why I no longer listen to the radio anyway. All the music in the world is the size of an ocean, yet all the music industry makes availableis a mere trickle, yet they can convince people what to like through the power of brainwashing. The sooner the music industry dies the better. Return the music to the people.

  4. At least they are now able to get cameras to go a lot deeper than they could before, which is probably one of the reasons we are seeing new pictures of undiscovered sea creatures all the time. I mean, something like the mega mouth shark isa fairly new discovery. It boggles the imagination to think of what they could find.Maybe there are some giant monsters down there. Really creepy things. What's also interesting is that the ocean really is very shallow compared to the diameter of the earth. Seven miles is nothing really. As much as I expected much deeper it's still a daunting thought though.

  5. I see this was first posted in July 2006. I should do a quick google search to see if this Hyphy type of music is still around.... Yes, from what I can see, it's still used to describe a type ofBay area music. Weren' the first hippies from San fransisco?I guess they don't have much to do with Hyphy music. Maybe one dayPhyschedelic hippie music and Hyphy will merge to form an entirely new kindof music. You can't rule anthing out.

  6. That's really nice that you looked after these animals. That was completely unselfish. I Wish everyone were like that. Last year I found a tiny baby sparrow. It was cold and early in the evening. Itdefinitly appeared to have been abandoned. I don't think it would of lasted the night.I took it home and fed it, and looked after it for a week. These birds need to be fed every fifteen minutes. It turns out it's illegal to'harbour' a wild animal in Canada though,so I couldn't take this bird with me in a smallcage me when I went out . You can't just leave it at home unfed though. I took it to the Toronto humane society. Just after, there was publicity and arrests at the humane society pertaining to animal cruelty.I would of rather hung on to the bird until it could fly and feed itself, but what could I do?I called it "Rex". It reminded me of a little Tyrannosaurus rex when it was gaping for food. I hope it's allright.

  7. Yes.Jealousy is a bad thing. It can bring up feelings of hate and evenretribution. The reason for this is easy to see.People can't stand the fact that someone else has something, or a certain happiness that they don't have. Rather than feel these negative feelings,it obviously would be better for somebody to do something to change their life situation. It's true, too much idle time is not goodat all. One can ponder too much and think negative thoughts. It's best to keep busy.

  8. It seems to be about the same to me. I haven't really noticed much change in the traffic. It would be nice if there were more varied posts though.Myself, I've never had much interest in computer games, oif which there appear to be unlimited posts about.

  9. I agree really. Swearing is pretty lame, unless sometimes it's done under a temper,which is unavoidable, say you've just banged your knee on a door or something.Also here in Toronto, I see political groups marching and protesting,I sometimes wish I had the guts to join them. The think is though, they have cuss words on placards and this only conveys illiteracy and stupidity really.They shouldn't be doing this. At all costs stupidity and illiteracy, should bekept apart from any political protest. It demeans the message.

  10. Who needs patience when everything is so readily available?Because it's so readily available, we also take these things for granted.We expect our music to be free, and also beceause we can find pleasure ata moments notice in a dvd player or computer, we are less inclined to goout and see a real band play. Less inclined also, to interact with other peoplein real live situations. One day for sure the way we are going, people will have microchips embeded in theirbrains for instant information and entertainement. Probably in the very near future.

  11. You can also look at the statistics. The United States, each year, has around 28 firearms murders per 1,000,000 people. For the UK this figure is 1 firearms murder per million population. That figure includes Northern Ireland, where gun laws are far more open and allow the ownership of firearms for supposed self-defence.

    So obviously they are doing something right in the U.K though I'm
    confused as to exactly what it is. If only they could apply the
    same model in the United States.

  12. At least Britain has good gun control laws. Nowhere near as bad as the U.S.I don't know what the U.K or London's murder rate is, but a city like Chicagothinks they are doing good if they only have about 500 murders a year.It often seems unfortunatethat the Police will most help those who pay the most taxes.That seems to happen regardless of country really.

  13. I think that in 1947, had the Israelies simply been allowed to say build an Island in the middle ofthe Mediterranean or somewhere , and call it the state of Israel, we wouldn't of had a lot of the problems we have today. Israel dredging up the past and moving back to where they were 2000 years before, justcaused more displacement of people and flared up old wounds and resentments.You don't see the native Indians of America asking for New York city back.Why? Israel got what they wanted , but screw the American native Indians so to speak. Then again, some do call certain world leaders opportunistic don't they?Where Israel is right now is the perfect strategic spot for an alliancewith a powerful country isn't it?There's plenty of oil there. I don't think it's a coincidence.

  14. Python on its own cannot do GUI programming. That's where PyQT, PyGTK, wxPython, et cetera, come in, allowing Python to be a decent scripting language for GUI programming (the GNOME desktop environment makes significant use of Python).

    That doesn't make any sense. That's like saying that with with Java on it's own,you can't do GUI programming.
    That's the whole purpose of classes(for instance, Java swing for Java GUI, Tkinter for python GUI), you import them to
    increase your functionality.
    The class capability of Java and Python is what makes them unlimited.
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