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Posts posted by networker

  1. I have an idea. What if every member of the Xisto forum were required topost one new relevant,original topic as a thread once a month?It doesn't seem like much to ask.Then maybe we would have more new interesting threads instead ofthe danger of there always being the same ones.There would be more ideas and more flow. We probably wouldn't haveto sift through too many of the same topics trying to find something to say.I think it would be interesting.

  2. Heres one of my tables I use. I'm no virtuoso by any means.What's really difficult is to make tables that have rounded corners and look the same in any browser.TABLE.Table1{ display:block; width: 450px; border-top:solid; border-bottom:solid; border-left:solid; border-right:solid; border-color: #000000; border-width: 2px; background-color:white; }

  3. Right off, how I'd probably do it is I'd encode the password.Php Base64_encoding is widely used. You could just tryencoding the value several times once it's been posted.Just keep track of that in your script of course.There has to be more obscure encodings than base_64 though.You could try making up your own if anything.

  4. I don't claim to be an economist,but I'd be all for the but united states.or buy Canadian,or buy British train of thought. Stimulate the local economy right?The problem is that free trade goes completely against that. I say scrap free trade. Scrap outsourcing as well.It seems a true strong economy is a strong local one.

  5. I'm no political expert but Iraq was and is somethingwe never should have bothered with. Afghanistan is a different story though.I still think a military presence is important there. I think the Taliban is too much of a grass roots terrorist organizationto think they can be completely snuffed out like that.As far as Obama is concerned, time will only tell how strong of a leader he is.

  6. To me,the idea of a nuclear war is obviously a scary scenario.

    The real scary thing is one happening by accident, or a terrorrist

    group simulating an attack from a major power, thus triggering

    an all out nuclear war.

    This idea of u.s mini nuclear weapons is weird too. How can

    they be held to just destroying a bunker? There is radiation from them

    that can travel via wind currents and such.


    It's all mind boggling.

  7. This is exactly it. All these other occupations that have been mentioned during this topic are learnable skills. I can go to school and become a neurosurgeon or a lawyer. You usually don't hear about professionals growing up being bad at the sport they currently play, they are usually just born with a natural ability. Whereas, the other two jobs I mentioned don't really require natural ability (arguable a neurosurgeon does, but you can still go through medical school and become a licensed doctor whether or not you are an amazingly gifted surgeon).
    This is just the way the economy works. As a percentage of the population, sports players are very unique.

    I once heard this same debate a long time ago, probably when I was in elementary school. Back then, they were arguing about how firemen and police officers risk their lives and don't make nearly as much as sports players. That one is a combination of what I said earlier and the fact that the government isn't going to pay ungodly amounts of money to a person that can be replaced by almost any other random person on the street if they were given proper training.

    Not to diminish the skills of a police officer or fireman, I know I couldn't do what they do.

    It's all fine what you're saying here but you are forgetting the bottom
    line.The common sports fan who has been out priced out of the picture.
    Someone who can no longer afford to view these games.Games that
    are now mainly available to a corporate elite.
    The hard core sports fan has been forgotten and shafted.
    Simple as that.
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