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The last book I read was "The Fortune At the Bottom of the Pyramid". It gives insights to the marketers to reach to the lower strata of consumers in order to harness huge benefits. In economics, the bottom of the pyramid is the largest, but poorest socio-economic group. In global terms, this is the four billion people who live on less than $2 per day, typically in developing countries. The World Bank estimates the number of people under this criterion to be 2.7 billion as per its 2001 estimates. The phrase "bottom of the pyramid" is used in particular by people developing new models of doing business that deliberately target that demographics, often using new technology. This field is also often referred to as the "Base of the Pyramid" or just the "BoP".he Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) has emerged as a dominant concept in business, propelled by C.K Prahalad's (2005) The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Given the enormous attention the concept has attracted, it has the potential to impact the world's billions of poor people?as well as the managerial practices of multinational corporations. This double potential makes it important to analyze how large corporations can serve low-income customers profitably (Jaiswal-IIMA, 2007). For several years, serious study has demonstrated that there is an untapped market among the very poor that can be served through market-based approaches in ways that elevate the quality of their lives. BOP markets are often very poorly served, dominated by the informal economy, and?as a result?relatively inefficient and uncompetitive. There is huge purchasing power at the bottom of the pyramid. Private companies can make significant profits by selling to the poor. By selling to the poor, private companies can bring prosperity to the poor, and thus can help eradicate poverty. According to the concept of BoP, corporations stop thinking of the poor as victims or as a burden and start recognizing them as resilient and creative entrepreneurs and value-conscious consumers, a whole new world of opportunity will open up for future marketing. There are huge potential profits to be made from serving approximately 4 billion people -an economic opportunity which are valued globally at $13 trillion a year.It looks like the future is really at the bottom.
Is india really on a path which will make us world leader by 2050. Though it seems so distant to me, I wonder what is our biggest strength? After a deep thought the answer which emerges is quite astonishing. The mistakes which we made yesterday are the reason to our booming success at present. Way ago, China adopted the one child policy, but we did not try to enforce it. Result the youth population which is the reason of our thriving economy, and immense potential which we expect in the near future. Now I think, that gone is the time, where mistakes like this could turn into fruits of the future, we need to bring about the changes which will found a new tomorrow and we need to think carefully on this front now. We will have to become the change agents to bring about this system reform. What do you think? ---- We are shining, we will be the 2nd largest economy by 2020, we are the largest pool of skilled man power on the earth, we are the emerging global IT superpower, we are the outsourcing hub of the world, we offer one of the largest consumer market across the world for MNC?s, we boast of rich and varied heritage, we are growing at the GDP rate of impressive 8-9% per annum and aiming for a glittering double digit growth rate soon, we are India! It seems that the above facts are in our favor; we are shining, but are we really? Or our mindset of estimating standard of living of the population just by the glittering GDP growth rates is a sign of our biased mentality? The other side of the story - 25% population still living below poverty line, most of the cities and villages without even suitable condition for a healthy living, proper health care centers, electricity, UNESCO is concerned about the child mortality rate in India, we are in the top countries from below in the Human Development Index and still we ignoring the reality or over shadowing the face of our country?s ugly face. We are definitely showing improvement in our condition from the standpoint of economic growth, we are doing fairly well in terms of various developmental indices; economy is at boom despite the global melt down affecting various markets. Our strength is our own untapped rural and urban markets, people with increased disposable income, higher literacy rates. Take example of Mumbai the Indian dream city, we have one of the costliest office spaces of the world and in the same city we have largest slum of Asian continent; Dharavi and many others like Gowandi. We have industry barons; at the same time we have the people who die of hunger, mal-nourished children who we claim to be the future of our country. How we can claim of an all round development of the economy when those children do not have proper nourishment and health care in place, let alone the educational facilities? We are too much obsessed with our momentary success and we have forgotten the real India, which lies in rural areas, which lies in the ignored areas of our great cities and we are actually trying to isolate them from our comfortable standpoint on the development. Our administration system though working hard to eliminate illiteracy, providing proper nourishment and health care facilities to every Indian, trying to provide the employment to everyone who needs it. We never forget to blame our government for all the failures; we try to put the responsibility on others shoulders, we keep on complaining about poor facilities, we only forget to act! We complain about the crook politicians, but again we select the same lot of them in every upcoming election. We do not go to fight on the political front ourselves, those who think they are intellectuals and politics is a dirty game, need to rethink, need to make a choice of always complaining or making things better- then only the change will come. If we can think towards a rational plan of development we should always try our hands in implementing it for the benefit of our country. It is soothing to know; that the real awareness is increasing among the youth of India, and they have challenged themselves to take different path. Path different from the traditional one, it is evident from the fact that more and more of the young turks are coming to promote the cause. After graduating from the best educational institutes; they leave handsome and high profile job offers just to cherish their dreams, just to act as a change agent for the society, for the country. The ever increasing number of the non government organizations which are working towards improving social conditions, helping people empower themselves, making themselves self dependent, fighting for social equality, abolishing child labor and many similar causes raise the hope towards a better future. There has been a paradigm shift in the mentality of young Indians, more and more of them are breaking the traditional shackles which were being followed till now. The young India represents new rays of hope, with emergence of the organizations and ventures lead by them, they are the new definition of India, India believes in them and they believe in themselves, which is what going to create a difference in the future. I am hopeful of a new India, where we will not be merely judging the growth by the growth rate of the GDP, we will not be complaining about the poor system taking care of us, we will not be thinking much before marching ahead and making a mark, helping follow citizens, helping those who need our hand to grow and see a better tomorrow in India of future! Notice from serverph: merged consecutive posts.
True! Meditation is the key to spirituality, but it is hard to come to the level where you get to feel the real meditation. Our mind is always filled with countless things which are part of our everyday life. They are outside us, they are inside as well, and this web is so strong that we can not break it free. We are entangled in what we call this world, things we feel are ours turn out to be disjoint with our real happiness. Root cause? everything around is so much associated with our selfs that we are just a part of whole this net. So if you seek spirituality you will have to become detached with all this worldly feelings. You will have to come to a level where you do not seek for peace outside but you seek it inside your heart...That is where meditation comes into picture. Meditation is an effective tool to realize this peace.
Real Unbelievers! They are the true evil
mbafactory replied to Janissary's topic in Health & Fitness
Where does this concept of believers in religion come from? Isn't it a mass hysteria which we all follow regardless of the ultimate knowledge? Why I am bringing in this point is because I know, there is no one who is really an unbeliever. Everyone has his own beliefs, may be for this side or that side- We are just the ones who try to judge (regardless of the capability) them according to the standards which we have set up. And this is where the real anomaly starts. Isn't it quite conflicting? Do we ever try to see inside our own hearts: what is wrong in myself? We seldome do and that is why we are not qualified to judge anyone. It is not about the me or you, rather it is about all of us because together we are the part of so called various religions, we are beliefs, we are what we call root of evil, we are the truth. Self discovery is the only path which can lead us to real spirituality or rather being a true beliver. -
Iris Scanning Technology: Coming Of Age
mbafactory replied to FlameX's topic in Science and Technology
IRIS technology is an application of Biometric Identification techniques. It has started taking its share from the security devices to protect offices. Though homes and application in other verticals is still not that much penetrated it is taking critical share of this market.. But the cost factor currently is high so it is not so widely used. -
The UFO theory is quite interesting. There are many rumours which accompany UFOs in and around. To site example of few:1. Some believe that UFO's keep on visiting earth on regulare basis. Many people have taken pictures of mysterious shapes with typical lights roaming in the sky.2. One theory states that most important places (even Whitehouse!) are being run by Aliens..there have been many lawsuits against governments for hiding classified information about UFO's.3. UFO's have base stations on earth which are at places such as Bermuda Triangle etc.It is still a mystry- if UFO's come on earth, why do not they make any direct contacts? Still unanswered.
This science which deals with black holes is an observational science. We can observe but we can not verify the truth. Hence what we believe may or may not be true. But as far I have gained information about the external space, I feel that there must be things out there which we can not explain. Black holes are such arrangements. Nothing can escape black holes, not even light: so why doesn't a black hole diminish its own existance? Countless possibilities lie in the space. I firmly believe that there got to be civilizations out there, far advanced than that of ours, travelling across galaxies wormholes because the empty space got to contain something.Why not black holes?
Heard the theory of "Survival of the fitest"? I attribute the phenomena happening to the human form to this theory. We are all in a fight to survive, that was the initial approach human adopted in the earlier ages, they were jungle hunters. Largest piece of meat was with the most powerful. Then we learned socialization, families formed, again power was attributed to families in place of individuals. The same is just continuing in various forms around us- all thanks to evolving human nature. I have reservations about judging individuals by single culture, rather various cultures around earth have various beliefs towards self, society, family etc. Not everyone is selfish. There are sects which devote their whole life towards welbeing of others and there are people who want to accumulate all the wealth they can for themselves. So it depends on what you want to make yourself.Ultimate truth is nothing is permanent-change is inevitable and human nature is just a part of it.
Is Human Evolution Stopping? Im not kidding dudes...
mbafactory replied to Baniboy's topic in Science and Technology
Human evolution is a never ending process & it is not something which we are to decide, rather we all are a part of this. Have you noticed that we are continuing the evolution form in a very structured manner- various discoveries we have made have helped us change our ways of living. From stone age to metal age, industrial age to information age- evolution is happening. Who knows the mistakes we will make in the future will decide the future course of the humanity. Physically too- we are adopting to the environment we are living in. Unutilized or underused parts of the body are disappearing, such as nails, hairs, long feet, palms all are getting proportional. Our mindset has evolved from pray hunters to man of wisdom.Even when we will make grave mistake, will lose balance with the environment or come to the edge of disaster, evolution will be there to give a new form to current human life. -
Aliens Make Contact! Aliens Make Contact (hypothetical)
mbafactory replied to sofiaweb's topic in Science and Technology
From such hypothesis to the mystry of the unknown Aliens have been a subject of discussion for long. Straight from 1930 when people began to notice the UFO's and alien's visit on the planet earth- people have treated this matter with quite secret. Well I believe anything could be true! For there are numerous cases which can arise in the case of aliens making contact with our civilization:1. May be aliens are already inhibiting earth, they are living among us to observe our ways. They are sitting at some important positions, they are using some experiments to study us.2. They live in isolated parts on earth and conduct their research work from there.3. Areas such as Bermuda Triangle is a station for aliens on earth.4. Aliens make regular visits to earth, but as the earth is not yet developed to accomodate their technology they do not make contact with us.It is an interesting topic to explore. -
Technology is making its advances at a consistant pace, and all the developments which we see around us can be majorly attributed to oil reserves which we have in earth's surface. The importance of oil in this age can be understood on two basice periods which we have gone through:Industrial Age: Oil was the greatest discovery for this period and it accelerated the development of the form which we see today. Alternate uses of oil fueled the growth and most of the foundation of today's so urban world lies in this age only.Post Industrial Age: The dynamics of new age depend on electricity for its energy requirements in usable forms. The increasing focus on the renewable sources of energy unlike the ones which are depleting such as oil is a major area of study, and this area is being focused duly with regards to our future needs of energy. Having developments in the energy segment, there are pretty chances that before we run out of oil, we will already establish proper alternatives to our energy requirement.
I have few reservations about colonizations on moon. Touching a very important aspect of life: Food: this will not be something we take on earth, the environmental conditions in the zero gravity situation do not permit the leisure of variety of food option we have on earth. It will be rather some bio-organic food which you will eat for the sake of keeping the energy requirement of the body in mind.Residence: Probably domes isolated from the outer environment, which have self powering systems. Most of the things managed by computers.Besides looking at the current developments the probability of moon colonization seems to be distant. But keeping the state of earth or special circumstance such as possibility of nuclear attacks and increasing level of radiations I firmly believe the future may be at Moon.
Looking at the two terms, consider this:Men evolved from earlier forms of life. Men created the world of today. Evolution is depictory in terms of formation of something from some earlier form, while creation is what is being made by someone. Evolution is a process of self emergence while creation is to bring out new form.
Pantheism: as per the meaning suggested by you, isn't it that we can derive other meanings as well?All+God : all is God Or God is in all. Everything which exists is having God as one of its basic element. If we take reference of Hindu relegion there is a similar opinion about the existance of God in every single particle on earth and universe. It considers Lord Krisna's one form known as "Viratavtar" or Magnificant God who has whole universe inside Him. Everything emerges out from one God- more precisely one element which exists everywhere, in everything. All the dimensions are expansion of this single Entity.
Astrology: it is as significant as any other scientific subject of study. This is what I think. If you try to go through the basics and advance study of astrology, which I have done, you will find that it is not something which we can regard as baseless. You heard astronomy, chemistry, physics also become somethings which can not be varified at certain level: from there we come into observation mode and have unproved theories- This does not mean that these are not real. Consider example of Micro level- we still do not know what is the structure of matter at the sub atomic level- we just have theories which even conflict themselves. At Macro level, we do not know what is beyond our solar system for sure, but we have developed some hypothesis about them and believe them in the observation mode only.So if you consider the dimension of time- and take a point of reference, think that what if this would not have been...astrology also tries to give the insights of future on may be hypothetical/theoritical level. Those who believe it rationally it is worthful for them, and those who discard it without any logic, just with their opinion means nothing for them.