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About xenador

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    Newbie [Level 3]
  • Birthday 05/05/1989

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  1. Nabb: interesting, everything I was writing to the file was a primative so I didnt have a to string for it, but string concatenation will work for anyone who is wondering aka:int num = 15;System.out.println("" + num);will result in "15"
  2. Nabb: I realize everything you are saying is true, but I already knew that. My problem is not finding out what is throwing the error, rather I want to know why input via a Scanners.nextLine() invocation would ever return without a character at zero. Error handling in place...I guess an empty string could cause the problem but Atm I am the user and I can assert that the entry I tried initially was a valid String. Specifically "Hello world!". So I assume it is due to my lack of understanding of how NextLine() works...I assumed it would operate like a call to .next() except allow for white space(in this case a single space).
  3. so my understanding of a scanner is that it is an easy way to get input. I am dealing with user input via system.in and the scanner atm some of the input are strings with spaces in them so I cannot reference just key.next() (assuming: Scanner key = new Scanner(System.in) although this had been the way I was used to dealing with user input from before. So I ventured out into some unknown territory, namely key.nextLine() and I assumed that would give me all of the input that the user typed in before hitting enter. Instead it gave a couple things, most importantly my reference to the string that I had threw a StringIndexOutOFBoundsException at index 0 so it appears that what I type into the console isnt getting assigned to the string...any pointers?
  4. So I really like the way that the BufferedWrite works on the Strings, I have tested it with several loops and such with varying text, but now I went to try it with my actual output and it destroyed any int that I feed it and replaced it with an unknown char symbol (more precisely ?) I am using a windows system, and viewing my files with notepad(windows)...is there any output that is platform independent and handles like the BufferedWriter, or operates with a comparable upper bounds on the space and time components?
  5. networker: yeah gui's are brand new to me, they refuse to teach us about them in school because its too language specific...anyways I found an addon called Jigloo and it is making learning to create them much easier.I do agree with you on the notepad approach for at first, (actually Notepad++ IMO is much better) but eclipse helps out with the auto-completes it does.Nitin: wow, works like a charm. Thank you very much. I have another question though...would you happen to know where to look to find out how to make the pathfile and the calling command not show? aka I dont care how the file got called I just want to see what is sent to System.out.
  6. cool. So I have learned a lot more about what I am actually doing and we ended up using eclipse for the ide like yall mentioned. I finally got around to trying out the .bat file with a simple code and it kinda works... my Test.java file was as follows:public class Test{ public static void main(String[] Args){System.out.println("Hello World!"); }}no incoming args expected as you can see so my .bat file reads:java -cp . Testupon double click the dos window is displayed with hello world! but it is just for a fraction of a second. I assume this means that the program thinks it is done...and in this case it is, but I am trying to use the System.out.println to communicate with the user in the class that I am writing so I need the dos prompt to stay open...I checked the link and didnt note any commands to accomplish that. Any tips?
  7. So Im a bit confused. I thought that longhorn was just a skin of sorts for the windows operating system and nothing more...I dont really understand how this would increase boot time...unless it has a ton of graphics that must load, or very bad integration. maybe I was misinformed about what longhorn was supposed to do?
  8. monitoring the whole internet, humanly impossible but that is no problem for a supercomputer (or even a regular computer) with the correct algorithm...it would need to operate like the ban word list on forums, where it flags certain words...now this is not perfect but it could narrow down the information that people would have to sift through. I am pretty sure that there is already someone doing this. If not at the government level it is done at the level of the individual running the site. Most forum type sites log ips that come through, I have seen some that require you to have the same IP as what you registered with. In short the internet is about as private as downtown new york, if you wouldn't view/post/host something there then it is a really bad idea to do it on the web. Is this good? well monitoring helps to stop illegal activity, the real question then is do we really have the right to do anything we want? depending on what you think about that it would determine if you thought that the freenet was good or not.
  9. so I just got done with a college intro corse to chem so I will attempt to explain this, granted I dont have extensive knowledge on any of it. uncertainty principle in short says you can not know something about a system without interfering with the system itself...due to effects of attraction repulsion you have on the system. Great example of this electrons, we know how many there are due to atom smashers but we can never know where they are because of how fast they move and the fact that by looking at the atom we would be manipulating the "operations" of the system. Schrodinger's equation- states that S(entropy of a system) = k(shrodinger's constant...or the gas constant diveded by avogadro's constant R/N)log W(number of microstates possible, generally extremely large numbers, and generally extremely hard to calculate...save exceptions), another easier way of restating this is .... ΔS = nCp(or Cv)ln(T2/ T1) that is....the change in entropy is equal to the number of moles times the Constant pressure or volume times the natural log of the first temperature over the second. This is used in the lab setting a lot more. Pauli exclusion principle- we only discussed this in terms of electrons. Basically no two electrons of an atom are alike...there are 4 different break downs on how to classify an electron. quantum entanglement- we brushed over this one quite quickly, basically at some point you fail to be able to describe one system without mention of its counterpart because how they are entangled together. hopefully that helps out a bit.
  10. economically speaking global warming is the worst thing to happen to the us. Environmentally this theory may help, but I doubt it...this theory is similar to the theory that if everyone on the earth jumped at once we could alter the course of earth's orbital, not going to happen. Is it bad that people litter and that there is polution? yes. On a micro scale we can see drastic effects, but the earth has gone through worse. If the big bang still holds we are still on the outward swing of things and having come from dust I would say that the earth is doing pretty good. But to the topic more at hand, I was in Austin when it started snowing and was actually seeing one of my friends off to Italy. I tried to explain to him why it was such a big deal that "the white stuff" was coming down, but for him it was normal...for me however that was only the third time in my life that I have seen snow in Texas. There was a theory proposed that our calendar is actually way off, we kinda knew this all along and this was what the leap year was supposed to fix, but speculation is that the season that was originally spring is now falling earlier and earlier, and now occurs sometime during the "winter" season, and that summer, fall, and winter all follow suit, this could explain some of the hotter days and colder days, as measured in accordance to days past. It does not account for the 120 F temps during the summer and lower temps during the winter, but if the hypothesis of the big bang is really true then these swings should continue as the solar system continues to spread out...but it should all work itself out when the solar system again begins to shrink. regardless of these theories it is cool to see snow here
  11. huh...wonder how they make the photos from the camera show up...Im guessing its only special phones and cameras? my best bet would be some use of the bluetooth tech that phones have now...but I have never heard of a bluetooth camera.
  12. sry I haven't read through the entire thread yet...but it seems that the common name is the thing to blame in this situation for the misunderstandings. There are actually two types of things, daddy long legs and daddy long legs spiders...the difference? many. But first similarities...both have wiry legs and are part of the Arachnida class....they both resemble each other in build but that's about it. to start off daddy long legs(this is considered the true daddy long legs) belong to the Opiliones order and are actually more closely related to ticks and mites. they have two other common names besides daddy long legs: harvestmen and opilionids. They are characterized by having one basic body segment which shows segmentation on the posterior portion, at most 2 eyes and all 8 legs attach to the pill-like body segment. They are usually found under logs and rocks, prefer moist habitat although they can be found in the desert, often have long flexible legs. They are unable to spin silk so if they are located on a web it is because they are someone else's dinner platter. They generally live under logs and rocks although some have been found in congregations in caves...I have seen them actually like this...kinda freaky they start to vibrate if they get scared and in a mass that size they make the walls of the cave appear to move. kinda a unique experience ya'll should try it sometime. Anyways back to the lesson...they make their living by eating decomposing vegetative and animal matter they generally don't go after anything living as they do not have fangs or venom. Although some secrete toxic substances from their bodies when they feel threatened. So they pose threats to small animals attempting to eat them.on the other hand daddy long legs spiders are actually a part of the family Pholcidae. Another common name for them is cellar spiders due to the fact that they often frequent cellars of people. they have 2 body basic body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen), have 8 eyes clumped together in the front of the body, the abdomen shows no evidence of segmentation,all eight legs attach to the cephalothorax. These spiders do spin webs and this is the easiest way to distinguish them. This would be the more likely candidate for the most poisonous spider in the world, although there have been no formal studies done on animals that I am aware of...if they did in fact do this on myth busters then this was a first. Speculation is that they might not be able to penetrate the human skin...they have what is called uncate fangs, in short this means that there fangs operate like tongs. These fangs resemble brown recluse fangs. The only theory that I was able to find was that there musculature was not strong enough to penetrate the skin because the fangs are about the same size of the infamous brown recluse.So summary, I wouldn't provoke em to test it but aside from mythbusters I have seen no formal study of these species that indicates high toxicity levels. So assume myth is plausible but not probable, and for the true daddy long legs...no way in the world.
  13. hmm... well I know from my hunting experiences that the first things to go are the bowl and bladder generally in the reverse order, but I have never seen a deer go through this creamy purge...or rather if it was/had I was unaware of it. I wonder how different rates of decompostition are for other mammals seeing as how were all made of mostly the same compounds it would be interesting to find out rates of decomposition.
  14. same hereI was at -.10 or something close and I started posting and its going up not down... althogh I am only at -.94 now.
  15. yeah to be a good university is to be accredited in what you have a preference to. If you are unsure of what you want to study I suggest hitting up any junior college in the area let them know you want a business major or if they offer it an undeclared major...at the level of the basic courses there about the same. The basics or begining courses you take for college will be a broad smear of courses and as such you can learn more about your inclinations to those courses, if you transfer out of state often times those course wont transfer though so be aware of that. there is a group of schools called the ivy league that are extremely accredited but be aware you will pay for this and you will need to be valedictorian or saludadictorian to even make it in there doors and maybe not even then. Most of the ivy league are considered private schools. There is however a public ivy league these schools are a tad bit easier to get into you will still need to have been in the top 25% and done really well on the SAT or similar tests to get in but you should recieve an education similar to the ivy league schools at a slightly lesser cost. In short look for somewhere that is accredited in your major and then decide how far from your childhood home you want to go(out of state cost more than in state, and I assume same for out of country types too, but cost doesnt mean anything except how much you will owe when you get out).
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