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Posts posted by HDuffRules

  1. APPS. I doubt the Palm will have an app store like the iphone does :( or such a potent music downloading system, such as ITUNES.. plus come on.. that would look so uncool, im listening to music on my palm.. Iphones literaly pass for ipods.. (and they have a built in ITOUCH as well)

    Just for clarification, there does exist a set of apps and a store-ish interface I believe, for the palm, but it has nowhere near the number of programs available for the iPhone or even the Android.

  2. People have been complaining about the iPhone ever since it was launched. But it still sells! It's got that "something" feeling about it. So despite the many complaints, I would personally prefer the iPhone over the Pre, just for that "something"!

    I agree. You get the feeling that the iPhone was designed by a kid, and the end result is that it is easy and fun to use. I can't say that the Pre isn't also easy and fun to use since I didn't play with it for that long, but I feel it took too many tips from the Blackberry in terms of design/appearance and it feels like you're doing something bad when you try to use it to have fun. I hope that made sense, its a little hard to describe.

  3. After having touched the Pre, it feels yucky.. Its like a toy, but its not fun. The buttons are plasticky and I find myself just wanting an onscreen keyboard. Personally, the only viable reason to choose the Pre over the iPhone is the strength of the network in the area where you are going to be using it. Although the Pre is Sprint-exclusive now, Verizon expects to be carrying it by January of 2010, while the iPhone is still tied to AT&T.

  4. It could be localized to certain areas of the skin that would be exposed to sun. We still are able to produce Vitamin D in the sun, even while wearing clothes.
    You're right about the green though...not sure how to get around that one...

    so THIS is why all those little green aliens you see in the movies are green...

    ..XD sorry, couldn't help myself.

  5. the question that is currently bugging me is this:
    how many numbers are there between 0 and 1. that includes decimals. for example 0.3456544 is between 0 and 1. the answer is there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. because you could have 0.234565787654567876545678654 - that is between 0 and 1. so infinite numbers between 0 and 1 right?

    but then how about this: how many numbers are there between 0 and 2? you could have 1.2345678976543 which is between 0 and 2. so there are infinite numbers between 0 and 2 right?

    then the question is are there more numbers between 0 and 2 than between 0 and 1? they both have infinite numbers right. but the numbers between 0 and 2 have ALL the numbers between 0 and 1 + the adittional infinite numbers between 1 and 2.

    interesting question right?

    so this is why i think there are different sizes of infinity.

    Georg Cantor (1845-1918) demonstrated that there are indeed different sizes of infinity, in basically the same way that you just did.

  6. I don't really cook, so I guess I might not be too qualified to reply to this post, but my mom always says butter is bad for you, and generally doesn't use it. I'd never even tried butter on bread until I don't even know how old, but I know that whenever I order a bagel at Finagle, it always has to have butter on it... The way I see it, if it tastes this good, it really can't be too great for you. (But that's no reason to not eat lots of it... :))

  7. I could try that... I'm on a listserv where people post to the list whenever they're going on a run and invite people to go with them, but I dunno if I'd like that... Running is usually just my quiet time when I think about random stuff. I might try it next week though.. if it's not too cold outside by then.

  8. I run mostly 5k, with the occasional 5 mile or 8k or 7.5 mile thrown in there. Currently train about 40 miles per week, although I should start increasing that again, I've been at this level for about a year, and I'm nowhere near ready for the half marathon i'm planning on running in a few months

  9. um.. well if we're just storing information.. ie. someone's genetic code, then when you die and you get cloned, its not like you come back to life. There's another copy of you, sure, but it wouldn't share your consciousness 'cause you'd be dead. Its kind of related to the whole nature vs. nurture, genes vs. environment thing. Genes are not completely deterministic (ever seen GATTACA? lol) and just 'cause your clone would have the same genes doesn't mean he/she is going to be exactly like you because you would be developing and maturing in different environments. So basically, yes, you can have a copy of you made in the future, but the version of you in the past wouldn't know what future you was doing/thinking/seeing, so it would be.. useless in terms of getting information, etc.

  10. Okay so basically I'm confused as to what my account status is at the moment. The first e-mail I got from Xisto said it would take about five hours to process my order/set up my account. As of now, it has been 21 hours and I have received no second e-mail. However, when I login to Xisto - Support.com/billing, and look under "products and services", it says my Logic Plan is active, and even gives me a username and password at the bottom. However, when I click "Login to CPanel" or "Login to Webmail" the page won't load. This might have something to do with DNS, I'm confused as to what the real nameservers are. The FAQ says ns.computingservice.com and ns2.computingservice.com but other places say ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  11. Have any of you ever been walking on like the sidewalk and gotten stuck between like three people who are walking together and taking up the whole sidewalk? Now normally that woudln't be a problem, but when they walk really slow and don't let people pass simply because they aren't aware that they're holding up traffic, its really annoying. It gets worse if I'm late to class or work or really need to get somewhere, and I don't want to say anything, because its rude, and I don't want to walk in the street 'cause drivers in MA will basically run you over if you walk in the middle of the street. I'm pretty sure other people share this same sentiment, there's even a Facebook group called "I want to punch slow walking people in the head" or something along those lines :)

  12. You're right about the oil thing though, we currently use way too much oil to be sustainable, and nuclear power only supplies about 25% of the electrical energy used in the United States. Believe it or not, a lot of our electricity still comes from coal, which I guess is still better than oil because it doesn't come from the Middle East. Until a majority of our power comes from renewable (or more sustainable) sources, we're going to be in a lot of trouble...

  13. The problem with the one child to a family policy is that this does have some negative effects, and it would be inviable in a lot of western countries where pension and retirement plans for the elderly relies very heavily on new people joining the workforce. For instance, right now the way social security is set up, roughly social security tax from 2 or 3 working people goes to pay one retired person's social security benefit. However, in 20 years, the ratio will be one working person to 5 retired. This is why social security is going down the drain, there simply aren't enough people working to pay for all the retirees that are now living longer thanks to our great medical care. If we can fix this problem, then implementing the one family, one child policy could work in developed countries. However, in other, poorer areas, it is beneficial for people to have more children because children actually work towards generating income for the household, and if said family lives on a farm, having lots of kids = having lots of free labor. It would be much harder to get these people to only have one child. That being said, there are few methods of lowering population that doesn't involve suffering. Jared Diamond, the environmental determinist, author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, The Third Chimpanzee, and Collapse, looks at population in a few of his books. Basically, he notes that food production in first-world countries have been increasing monumentally thanks to advances in technology. Meanwhile, population in these countries is actually remaining fairly stable. Some countries in Europe are actually declining in population. Meanwhile, in third-world countries, populations are growing very fast, while food production remains stagnant, simply because these areas aren't great for farming. So basically what is hapenning is that the food surpluses from first-world areas is being sent to hungry third-world areas through aid programs like UNICEF. Daimond advocates that we should stop sending this food. Yes, lots of people will starve, but the ones that remain will be a sustainable number. Of course, I think I did see earlier in the thread that we shouldn't even be considering this, but its the only surefire way that I can see.

  14. Well the whole eradicating bad things by not letting certain people mate has been tried before, the Eugenics movement never really worked out, it just put tons of people into governement-maintained facilities, which basically just ended up costing a lot of money. The thing with evolution and evolutionary forces is that the forces that shaped our evolution in the past don't have as strong a sway anymore. Genes basically sit around. The point when man realized he could manipulate the environment in his favor, evolution in the old sense started losing its influence. But just because physical evolution has stagnated doesn't mean mental evolution can't. Basically now we are what we are and we have what we have, but its up to us to innovate, to think of new ways to utilize these resources. The concept of a "meme" as coined by Richard Dawkins points to that. A "meme" is kind of like a gene, but it represents an idea. Memes can be accepted or rejected collectively by societies. Whether or not a society accepts a meme and aplies it to its everyday function comes to define that society. Memes can also be transmitted between societies, either through immigration, emigration, or education, etc. Essentially, the day of competition between individuals is over, and now its down to competition between groups of individuals. Eventually, given enough time (if we're still around, asumming no particularly aggressive society decided it would be a good idea to start a nuclear war) all societies should consolidate, ie. have accepted the same combination of memes. At this point evolution may have reached its highest point; when everyone agrees on a large set of memes, then they by extension agree on all related memes, and any new memes to arise (kind of like mutation) would violate a meme already well-established, and would be rejected quickly. Only at that point has evolution reached the end of evolution.. unless you believe in ascension, but idk if ascension is something that is actually possible. But going back to the actual question, its definitely possible the society we're living in may be degenerating, this would be the result of adopting too many memes that have turned out to be detrimental to our standing in relation to other societies...

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