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Posts posted by HDuffRules

  1. This strangely reminds me of this...


    Cheap laughs aside, religion can be very important and influential to some people, but may be relatively insignificant to others. With that being said, I really believe that it is improper to attempt to indoctrinate people into religious beliefs before they are old enough or mature enough to decide for themselves what it is that they believe. I understand that many religious parents fear for their child's soul, and this is a strong motivator behind taking the child to church and teaching him/her about the Bible, but any benevolent creator would accept his children regardless of if they believed in him since they were 3 or if they did not begin practicing (is that the right term?) religion until they were older.

  2. Georg Cantor in the late 1800s is responsible for the manner in which infinity is treated in modern logic/mathematics applications. Cantor mathematically demonstrated that infinity comes in different sizes.

    Let us consider all the counting numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5... etc)
    Let us also consider all the even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8... etc)

    These two forms of infinity are actually the same size. There are arguments to be made that either set is twice as large as the other, but this is not the case. For every number we have in the second set, there is a corresponding number in the first set (and vice versa). This gives us a 1:1 correspondence ratio, which then leads to the conclusion that that both sets contain the same amount of numbers, and thus represent the same infinity.

    However, if we consider the infinity of all fractions (yes, all of them), we will find that this infinity is larger than the two infinities we have previously considered.

    Let us consider the counting numbers again, and then try to conceive how we will depict the fractions. We can effectively partition the counting numbers up so that they form intervals (from 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, etc.), and some simple logic will tell us that there are an infinite number of fractions that fits in every single interval. Extrapolating, since we have an infinite number of intervals and an infinite number of fractions in each interval, we conclude that the infinity of fractions is larger than the infinity of counting numbers (Incidentally, it is bigger by one order of magnitude. Whatever that actually means, I have no real idea.)

    A more rigorous, mathematical proof is provided here:

    Edit: I noticed that I got a little off-topic and didn't totally address your concerns.
    The reason that the different sizes of infinity are relevant is that in your scenario, the income infinity is larger than the tax infinity. Assuming that you're not getting taxed at 100% (at which point I would consider moving to a different country) and that the tax rate is constant (I don't want to go into progressive/regressive tax schemes right now, although it shouldn't affect the results at all), you still have some money to spend, and thus the tax infinity MUST be smaller than the income infinity. If this explanation is insufficient, consider a real-world (sort of) example, which I've modified slightly.

    Assume that everyone is always employed (great world) and that everyone is taxed at 25% (even great worlds have taxes). Finally, assume that everyone lives forever (OMG AWESOME).

    What happens in this scenario? You can see that your income is infinite. Your taxes are also infinite. However, you still get 75% of your income to spend, demonstrating that the income infinity is larger than the tax infinity.

  3. Scientists don't create resolutions to problems. They research and report their findings. Scientists are not at all responsible for "revolutionary ideas"; rather, they are responsible for learning stuff that caused other people to have these revolutionary ideas. Scientists are merely curious people who wish to learn more about the universe.

    This only applies to some scientists. Other scientists make zombies. I want to be that kind of scientist XD.

  4. This already exists. Verizon FiOS has been available to most of the United States for quite a while now, and they are currently laying fiber optic cables in the UK to expand their network there. I don't use it at home, but reported speeds appears to be 50Mbps down and 20Mbps up. On a sidenote, I did a check on speedtest.net of the internet I'm using here at work (which I know is a fiberoptic network), and it runs 80 Mbps up and ~40 Mbps down.

  5. There are several ways to prevent... bad things like this. 1. Warm up slowly. 2. Perform several short sprints (<100m) before and after a workout. This opens up your lungs. Be sure to stretch before this to avoid cramps or pulled muscles. 3. Control breathing. This has already been mentioned, but the method that I use personally is 3 breaths in, then 1 breath out. The third breath may feel a little unnatural at first, but it works extremely well. (Switch to 2 breaths in, 1 breath out when running faster than 70% or going up a hill.)4. Don't eat before running. This is bad.

  6. Baby don't hurt me.... don't hurt me... no more....^^ hehe sorry.. couldn't help myself. Love is a chemical balance. Or imbalance, depending on how pessimistic you want to be. In the brain, on the stereoreceptor and chemical signaling level, it actually functions somewhat like an addiction, which is what gives rise to irrational behavior, strong feelings, and motivations.

  7. lol. I take it you don't try to reach enlightment like the monks, then?

    Lol yeah, I'm not reaching for that. There's way too much interference from the rest of my life for that to even have a minuscule chance of yielding any results. There's a reason monks live away from the rest of civilization and only hang out with other monks. And by "hang out" I mean meditate, I suppose...

  8. We will never exceed the speed of light in this universe. This is impossible. Aliens are not necessarily bad. Maybe if they are mean, but there is a good chance that they are not. When you think about it, in order for sentient life to reach a stage where they are making contact with other, populated worlds, there ideally needs to be stability on their homeworld, in order for such vast amounts of resources to be spent on exploring. This stability is theoretically difficult to achieve with belligerent predispositions. Back to the issue of earth. It probably won't last very long, at least not with us on it. We've put so much strain on the environment (and note that there is a time lag between cause and effect, so what we're seeing is just the beginning and the situation is definitely going to get worse before it gets better) and we've done so little to compensate. And we're still fighting wars for oil. The fact that a non-renewable resource is so important that we are fighting for it does not bode too well, IMO. As for the Universe itself, it will keep expanding, and darkmatter/darkenergy forces will continue to speed up this expansion. Slowly, over aeons, the stars will all die out, and the Universe will grow cold and dark. Then the big bang happens again and replaces this Universe with a new one. Rinse, repeat.

  9. Is meditation/yoga really beneficial ? I tried it for a couple days but I didn't stick with it, I might try meditation again. Does it really make you feel better, or whatever it's supposed to do? Any tips for a beginner?
    PS: What's Pranayam?

    This would really depend on what you are looking for it to do. I meditate for short periods of time to relax a little bit and regain a little energy in the middle of a busy day. For me, it really isn't too much more than a powernap. Its possible that I may be doing it wrong, but I don't see what else sitting in a room with my eyes closed could possibly accomplish.

    Pranayam, also known as pranayama, refers to controlled breathing. You can tell if someone is asleep, because their breaths become much deeper and more drawn out. This can be exploited the other way around, and forcing yourself to breathe this way will quickly put you to sleep). Pranayam is the method by which changes in breathing affect a mental state or consciousness in this way.

    Note: If anyone wants to correct me on any of these things, go right ahead. My knowledge is limited and I'm no expert in this matter.

  10. First-year students at Med School were receiving their first anatomy class with a real dead human body.
    They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet.

    The professor started the class by telling them, "In medicine, it is necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor:
    The first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving the human body."
    For an example, the Professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the corpse, withdrew it and stuck it in his mouth.
    "Go ahead and do the same thing, "he told his students.
    The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead body and sucking on it.

    When everyone finished, the Professor looked at them and told them, "The second most important quality is observation.
    I stuck in my middle finger and sucked on my index finger.

    Now learn to pay attention."

    I'd heard a different version of this joke, which involved using a brain instead of the rear end, but then I called them out on it, since its generally not a good idea to eat brains, because everyone knows that this will turn you into a zombie.

    Just kidding. But seriously, eating infected brain tissue not only transmits viruses and prions, but has also been shown to transmit several different debilitating neural disorders.

  11. forget about meet and eat fish (red fish and salmon), do not eat butter, instead put honey or strawberry juice in your bread for the breakfast.
    Forget about eating cakes and stuff like that, you will suffer for a while but it will be worth it for you and only you.

    This part, I do not understand. Really. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I run 40+ miles a week, and I eat these things. If the philosophy behind this is that eating unhealthy foods is bad, this makes very little sense, since exercise leads to generally improved health and it would seem that this should allow some freedom in less healthy food choices. However, if one exercises very little or not at all, then the food that goes in needs to be healthier and this is when paying attention to the diet is more important.

    For some clarification, I'm not saying that its okay to eat lots and lots of junk just because you exercise, simply pointing out that it makes little sense for exercising to require an ultrahealthy diet that excludes beef, pork, and other yummies. (Training for certain athletic events is a different matter completely.. and I'm not going to go there in this post.)

  12. I still never had a girl, but i have dated them sometimes.Dates actually suck, because they always come with them friends and it`s so stupid.

    I'm just a little confused here, but what kind of dates do you go on where she brings a friend? This appears to be less of a date than just normal hanging out. A date is supposed to be just the two of you, and a third wheel completely illegitimizes (is that a word? maybe I made it up) the whole thing.

  13. Life philosophies are generally a very tricky thing because people tend to have their own, based on their own experiences and personalities. It is also maddeningly difficult to convert other people to a certain life philosophy because there is no simple method to make other people see things your way. With that said, optimism is a fairly widespread belief that factors into a lot of peoples' life philosophies, simply because (and this is speculation) it is a lot more fun to think about good things than it is to think about bad things. Whether or not this will manifest itself in good things actually happening is up for debate. It could be argued that being happy (or pretending to be happy) will cause people around you to be more happy, and when people are happy, good things tend to happen more. Unfortunately, there are a few links in that train of thought that may be confused cause-effect correlations and it may not work at all (For instance, the when people are happy => good things happen transition may be an artifact of associating bad things with unhappy people, because our general experience has been that bad things => unhappy. However, this does not necessarily mean that good things => happy and even less that happy => good things.) My own personal philosophy is to not worry about any of this stuff, which as a whole ends up saving me a lot of stress and drama. I've been told by other people with brighter dispositions that i'm cynical and a pessimist simply because I don't see each new day as a possibility. I just see it as a new day. And when it comes down to it, is that really all that bad?

  14. Flying buildings is really not the solution here. The problem is that you can't make a building float just by putting magnetic materials in it. There needs to be corresponding magnetic or electric field on the ground, which is how maglev trains work. Unfortunately, when there is an earthquake, and the ground moves, this will disrupt the ground portion of the mechanism, and no amount of tweaking by any automated system would be failproof in protecting the building, hence precluding the need for all the magnets in the first place. Also, this is only slightly relevant, but "drilling into the core of the earth" is not a viable source of energy, partially because during an earthquake, the shaft that leads down into the earth would be a structural weakness and would most likely collapse. The other reason its not so great for energy is because there isn't a whole lot you can do with raw heat. Sure, its theoretically possible to use it to boil water, which is then used to power a steam turbine, but the process of pumping water down there and bringing it back up for cooling would take a lot of energy in itself, not to mention the depths that would have to be reached in order for the temperature to get high enough are almost completely unworkable.

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