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Everything posted by Bash

  1. hey man calm down with teh spamming! LOL 3 posts in a row. how about u just edit ur last post or wait for someone else to post before u do!
  2. lol what is the site about? from the banner it looks like you're promoting a tv show lol. but the site looks quite professional anyway
  3. i agree with bwiz. the site/forum looks very nice!
  4. lol why did u mention my name in the description of this topic?!!? anyway, to be honest, i hate sites that are really compact. but i think u could improve urs by slightly moving the menu/buttons the left a bit, and expand the area for text so that there's isn't so much blank space for the background.. it's not too bad overall tho..
  5. wow, that is great for ur first site! the only thing i can say is that the banner kinda ruins the look of the site, u might wanna try working on a better one
  6. i would recommend myshoutbox.com too, it also has many skins that u can choose. the only problem is that they are sometimes down for a while
  7. loool, that warning image is soooo cool! ahahao yea, the photo diary is very nice - you made that yourself? well done.
  8. im not sure if there are any scripts that let you have banners on ipb2..but have u tried http://www.invisionize.com/? if u can't find anything there, ur gonna have to edit the skin templates of ur forum and add the ads manually
  9. hmmmm...... it's not too bad. i guess it's look pretty professional, in my opinion. btw, the layout of the blocks look weird, is the theme meant to be like that?
  10. lol awesome pics, but did you really have to decide to make ones of disgusting teeth? lol
  11. if i've got school the next day i have about 9 hours sleep. if not, i have about 10 hours sleep (it kinda even out cos i sleep at about 1 am and get up at about 11 )
  12. has anyone seen this film yet? if so, what did you think of it?i saw it a few days ago and i was very disappointed at the end, i thought they could've done A LOT better.
  13. as before, it's hard to review a forum, everyone has theme these days so there's not much to say about them.but i must say taht the logo for ur forum looks awesome! so does the theme of the forum
  14. wow it looks awesome. the green - grey layout is very cool
  15. er... i guess it's good, not really much to say about a forum you might wanna add more mods etc.
  16. Bash

    CS is boring

    u might wanna play UT2004 instead, that game has a lot more variety
  17. lol what a stupid name for a clan.i remember playing NS a long time ago, that game was really good. mostly about tactics and team work - which is what i liked about it
  18. wow that site is very nice, the layout looks awesome. nice work
  19. i definetely recommend u to get it. if u liked burnout 2 (or 1) then u'll definetely like this one. the only reason i stopped playing it is because i had too much work to do. the only problem with the game is the lack of variety of music
  20. wow looks pretty cool. but are all the images of card captor sakura or something?
  21. i don't get it, which parts of the image did u actually make?
  22. it sounds pretty good, but why would you pay 15 usd just for 1 more mb space than gmail, and just a few more features...
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