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Everything posted by Ashara

  1. I just bought Spore, and have become addicted, so much so that I almost forgot everything else for a time. I do feel annoyed about certain things about it, but I put up with it for the game.What are your views on Spore? What do you like/dislike?
  2. I used to play Neopets a few years ago. Started when I was 17, quitted when I was 19. It was fun, but I just got bored. Different people have different tastes, so as long as YOU like Neopets, then it is fine
  3. I love cats - they are just so graceful and sleek, streemline.I also love wolves, and there is nothing better than hearing wolfsong at night.My two cents
  4. I've always been partial to your average joe house cat. They tend to have wonderful natures.Recently we lost out 17 year old moggy, Snowy, who had to be put down because of a tumour. Earlier this week we got our second cat, Frankie, another good old house cat. He may be 7, but you should see the heights he can jump.However I used to have a good facination for Turkish Vans and Agoras
  5. I would probably go for the Shadow Hearts series, theres something about being able to transform into demons that makes things very good.I also like the Shin Megami Tensei series, especially Digital Devil Saga 1+2.I'm also a fan of the Legacy of Kain series, there is something about playing a vampire that makes things a little more fun.Hope those help!
  6. Favourite series of boka includes:Anne McCaffery's Dragonriders of PernRobert Jordan's Wheel of TimeTerry Goodkind's Sword of TruthJRR Tolkien's Lord of the RingsJK Rowling's Harry PotterStandalones:David and Leah Eddings' Redemption of AlthalusI just have so many I love reading so much.
  7. Well, I work in a technical call centre for a Brittish telephone company. Although I get decent wages in comparison to other UK joba, I would heavily suggest before you join any call centre based job, that you ask what the statistical pressures are. Things can always be looked at in a few different perspectives, and I now heavily regret not asking them about the stat pressure. So just for any of you out there that think sitting down in front of a telephone all day is easy, please rethink your strategy.
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