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Everything posted by SpiltBlood

  1. you could also take a screen shot and open paint and poof you win.
  2. i think he knows he needs to change both but there was a guy on his account possibly not allowing him to change the pass and that pic for an avatar wasnt his fault he was hacked
  3. go check out the credits link and see how far you are behind and then get it back to what you need to servive then youll be good.
  4. i guess you just got wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind but i guess you gatta bring it on back......lol thats a shame but you can get there
  5. lol they sould all switch to improve their lives as they browse the web! good job
  6. thats true your bank page is important you dont want it messing up and lossing like 200$ and then what? your screwed and out 200$ you like said above write them an email and explain your problems.
  7. i like that first one it would make a good avatar....... of course there are some more but i think you get the point well internet explorer is the butt of the web browser world and thats a happy occasion. any way theres my contribution to your thread.
  8. yo i play its a good game. i play all different ones my tag is- Decades
  9. i use mozilla firefox and hate crappy IE ive never heard of that other browser but i dunno......................i dont think ive found a flaw in Firefox yet and that makes me and the world veryhappy i love the themes and all the different stuff you can change and customize its just a great browser.
  10. i am taking french in school and its hard. but mayby because i dont pay attention but thats not the point. you got all these accents and all these forms of verbs and all this weird stuff. i dunno its just a weird language and i wish i would have taken spanish but what am i ganna do now? lol oh well. i guess i was just stupid at the time and picked a language i thought would be cool to speack and learn all different stuff.............................but i guess i was wrong and thats a shame.................................it would be cool to take a language like portugese or german i dont know why i just seems like it would be cool.. any way thats just me
  11. very true they are all random and i dont get poetry it confuses me and makes me wanna hide. But what are you ganna do there all better than i can do. Good job
  12. they do let rockers and rappers on it on the new on...there was the one guy...constantine or soemthing...broke off from his band to go to american idol...he acctually had a pretty good rock band...but the drummer quit i guess cuz he hates american idol with a passion. and this one rapper was pretty good....
  13. Yeah i agree...I was watching the new, well i wasnt really watching it, it was just on, well anyways. There was this HORRIBLE girl in a red dress or something, and she was soooo bad. I mean she was probably the worst thing ive ever gheard sing. I've watched american idol a whole like 3 times. And i was glad to watchi it this time cuz i laughed my *bottom* off. This girl even thought she was good...she said she was "not too shabby". I mean WOW who tells these people there good so they think they can try out for american idol. Its stupid. I'm never going to watch american idol again...if i do happen to turn it on sso help me ill kill myself.
  14. ive seen a bunch of weird designs that i doubt are true but they were awsome. heres a few ive seen on google. 1 2 3 personally i would love to see number two sitting in my living room even number three would be good.
  15. i dont think it sould be threehundred characters to get a post. Not all answers require 300 chars. if it dosent require 300chars to answer a post then you dont get your post. it sould be about 100chars thats not tomany and people have to actually try and type somthing not just say yea, or i agree or anything of that sort.
  16. this may be a stupid wuestion but im new at this. i wanted to install phpnuke and wondered what to set after http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/----------'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/---------- replacing the --'s to make it go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ not http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/--------- i hope that i explained my problem wll enough for someone to under stand. thanks for the help.
  17. i would buy one of those pocket dictionarys and cary it around and on the plane or however you are getting there and even before try to learn phrases you might say frequently. things like hello,goodbye,where is....,how can i find....., just different thing you may need when your trying to navagate a city you may have never been too before hope this helped
  18. chiclete ive been trying to go to your site for a while and it hasnt workd thats a bummer. i hope you get it back and are able to get all your files and stuff back. that would stink if you had to remake everything and upload files and script stuff. it would annoy me to a point where id want to start hitting things with a hammer or somthing i dunno what id do..... well hopefully that dosnt happen to me if i get hosted.......
  19. why couldnt you use it just for a forum if you post regularly and everything there souldnt be a problem. its not like your useing to much space or anytihng like that too you dont realy need upgrades and all that jazz. your just hosting a forum wich wont use much bandwith so your good all around
  20. it may be more convenient to just click the banners and poof thats it but its more fun to talk to people on the forums. get tips and give advice as you need or see fit. the more people who use the forums regularly the more people that can give advice to those of us who may need it. or they could ask questions that ther people are afraid to ask about. see you must post to keep things in order
  21. i would do a google search for somthing like"Free Ringtones" or "Free Downloaded Ringtones"or just different stuff untill you find anything good
  22. i play random map and i hate deathmatch because you get tomany resources and its no fun. i like making a village and getting resources the hard way it makes it interesting. dose anyone play online? i cant get it to work online...
  23. my good buddy known as moneymaker has quit posting untill further notice. he used to use the schools comps untill they got power mad and blocked it so please take a second to remember moneymaker for the weirdo he was thanks. i apreciate your veiwing of this tribute to moneymaker.
  24. StarCraft is worth every penny...you get many different maps and gametypes 3different races and its all win win! ive heard good things about EverQuest and check sites like GameFaqs.com for reveiws on games to see what would best suit you. also try and find different sites with people who like that same types of games you like. do a google serch or a yahoo groups thing.
  25. < SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">window.open("enter link here");</SCRIPT>this should give you a popup that links to a page<script>var popunder=new Array()popunder[0]=" Enter Link Here"var winfeatures="width=100,height=100,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,toolbar=0,location=0,menubar=0,status=0,directories=0" var once_per_session=0 ///No editing beyond here required///// function get_cookie(Name) {var search = Name + "="var returnvalue = "";if (document.cookie.length > 0) {offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)if (offset != -1) { // if cookie existsoffset += search.length// set index of beginning of valueend = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);// set index of end of cookie valueif (end == 400)end = document.cookie.length;returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))}}return returnvalue;} function loadornot(){if (get_cookie('popunder')==''){loadpopunder()document.cookie="popunder=yes"}} function loadpopunder(){win2=window.open(popunder[Math.floor(Math.random()*(popunder.length))],"",winfeatures)win2.blur()window.focus()} if (once_per_session==0)loadpopunder()elseloadornot() </script>that sould give you a pop under with a linki hop that has help in at least the slightest bit
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