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Posts posted by midnightvamp

  1. I find it strange to hear when people tell me they are bored. My friends tell me that all the time, but for me, I can't honestly think of the last time that I was bored... well, except in situations that are out of my control. Like if I need to sit through a very long presentation that really isn't interesting in the least. Yes, things like that make me bored, but it is were up to me, I'd be doing something other than that... and while I'm sitting there I'm also thinking of all the other stuff that would be much more productive for me to be doing, so yea...And when I am doing things on my own, it's like I don't even have time to be bored. I'm constantly doing something at all times, and it's actually a challenge for me to find time to relax and just read my book or something, because I'm always too busy with things. I often think to myself how much of a shame it is to be spending so much of my life asleep. So many hours everyday, when I could be spending a few more of those hours on things that would be so much more interesting, or fun, or whatever the case may be. But perhaps those hours are good to let me wind down from this crazy 'non-bored' life of mine. Otherwise, I might go insane :(And I'm not saying that I'm a work-a-holic, or that sort of thing. No, I certainly am not spending every waking hour working. I just have so many things that I like to fit into my day that I can't seem to find enough hours to get everything in that I want to do, let alone find the time to be bored.I'm constantly learning new things, or working, or reading, or cooking, or eating, or catching a show, or playing a game, or messing around on my piano, or talking with my family and friends. There is just an endless list to everything that I do, so it's really hard for me to even imagine what people are thinking about when they call to tell me how bored they are. Doesn't everyone have a lot of things to do?I mean, how can a person just live their life doing nothing? For instance, this one friend of mine tells me about how bored he is... and that he spends most of his time in his room adding names to a long list that he's been making of movies that he wants to buy when he has the money for it. I suggest, why don't you go out and look for a job? Because then you'll won't be bored, and you'll have money to get the movies you wanted.... His reply: Nah... I'll look for one in the summer. I don't want to bother now cause it's cold outside. So, instead of doing something... he'd rather call me up and tell me about how bored he is and about his list of like 300-ish movies that he's going to buy when he decides to get off his butt and actually get a job.Mind you, hearing "I'm bored" from people everyday gets rather boring in itself I suppose, but I tend to even be doing other things during the same time as I'm listening to other people's complaints of boredom. One day I might be surfing the net, the next day I might be editing a paper, while another day I might be cleaning the house. I tell the bored person to find something to do... write something, read something, clean something.... whatever, I'm sure there is something that can be done. Go out for a walk... anything! Is it really that hard to not be bored?!I don't know... I guess everyone is different and either wants to be bored, or doesn't want to be... or if they are like me, never finding the time to be bored... but I figure, there's always something that can be done to erase the boredom... it just depends on what the priorities of the person are. I could be doing XX or I could be doing nothing. I'd rather not do XX, so instead, I'll just do nothing and be bored.Wow, I wrote more than I expected to write... but I'm starting to understand why I can't find the time to be bored. Perhaps it is because I tend to write too much, say too much, read too much, do too much.... If I could just find a way to write less, and say less, and read less, and do less... then maybe, just maybe, I could be bored too <_< Wish me luck :(

  2. Wow, that's really interesting... It's neat to see how different people will act to the same situation just based around if they are alone, or with a group of people. I personally don't know the scientific definition of an experiment... but it sounds like one to me, because isn't an experiment when you are testing to see the how something reacts? I don't know... but it's cool anyway!

  3. I use Dreamweaver all the time myself, and can build to XHTML standards in the program without a problem. Mind you, I don't build everything to fully validate because I like to find a balance between strict coding and usability. Plus some things just can't be validated when they are 'embedded' from another site that doesn't offer you the ability to correct their code. The main thing is, when there is a client that tells me they want HTML 1.0 Strict coding, I can do it in Dreamweaver. The thing that is probably different though, is that I spend most of my time in the "Code View". Sure, Dreamweaver can act as a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) Editor, but it is also very good at handling user-entered code. Because of this, I do nearly everything in the Code View. This way Dreamweaver doesn't get the chance to mess around with my code and I have the freedom of being able to make things look and act just the way that I want them to. Plus, I can have my pages all easily accessible and organized, because of the way Dreamweaver is set up. I also really like having my FTP right in the same program that I use to make my websites, merely a keystroke away. Yes - keyboard shortcuts are a wonderful thing. And inside Dreamweaver, I just press CRTL+SHIFT+U and my page is on the internet where I want it to be :P (This only works if you've properly set up up your site and the path to the folder on the server where you wish for your files to go.)I also test my sites on different browsers and resolutions to better ensure that what is seen on one screen is seen on the others. That's something that every website designer should be doing if they want their website to "be all that it can be" so to speak.So, coding or designer? I really think to be a successful web designer you need to have a little of both worlds. If you want to make sites that will work on different browsers properly, I think you are going to need to learn how to code. There's really no getting around it. Basic HTML isn't all that difficult, and from there you can learn about CSS Styles, and then add other things if you need it, like PHP or whatever works best for you. I say that you're going to need to learn how to code because if you just work out of the visual side of Dreamweaver, you will have very "fat" and messy code. The program generates a lot of extra coding that can be redundant and not the best way of coding. Plus, the code that it does create, though it is pretty good, still isn't up to the standards of an actual live person doing the coding. You're site may not act the way you want it too, and it more than likely will act differently depending on the browser - which isn't a good thing.So yea, sorry I got so long winded there... I didn't expect to talk this much. In summary then - To make good web sites that will work right in different browsers, and have then look nice too, you'll more than likely need to be both a coder and a designer.

  4. Well, that seems to depend... yes, video clips would be a good place to put a discussion if you were talking about the videos in YouTube, but if you were talking about the owner's or something that related back to Google, then it would fit here fine too. I think it all depends on what the topic is about to where it would fit best.

  5. Yea, as far as I know, if the video is hosted elsewhere on a site like YouTube, then it shouldn't be using your bandwidth. It will still use some bandwidth to load the rest of the elements on the page, but the video itself is streaming from somewhere else and uses the other site's bandwidth. Sites like YouTube allow people to embed their videos elsewhere, so you don't have to worry about stealing other people's bandwidth because they want you too.

  6. Wow... I had no idea that they took that long to grow! That's crazy, but it's still cool that before hand, it still makes the traps that catch things, even though they start off very small.It might be worth seeing if I can get a couple then. One that is already grown, so that I can see it in all it's glory, and one that is started from scratch so I can see it in all it's stages. But I hope I can find one that is already started too, cause I'm impatient :o

  7. Yea, I think that it has a wealth of information in it, and that most of it is probably correct, but the problem with it is that parts of it are bound to be wrong because it can be edited by anyone. I've seen pages that were sabotaged on purpose with faulty information being written... that were later "locked down" so to speak so that changes wouldn't be so easy to make until a later date to try and stop acts like this. But if someone were to come to that page before it was reverted back to it's older version and locked, they might have read that page and took it as truth, because it was written in the wikipedia (and things in there must be true, right?)Another problem with it, is that people may themselves have their facts wrong. A person could edit a section and in all honesty think they are providing accurate information on the topic, when they indeed are incorrect in some of their facts. They may not mean to be writing false information, but since they believe it to be the truth, that's what gets up there until someone comes along later and discovers that it's not quite right.I think it's because of things like this, that schools don't allow you to source your information from wikipedia when you are submitting a major paper. They know it's not necessarily going to be correct all the time (though often it is) and would rather see highly credible sources be named so that they know the facts used in the essay or whatever are the correct ones.Either way, I'm constantly looking things up on that site, because it truly is a wealth of information... but I'm not necessarily believing everything that I read, and important things that I need the most correct and up-to-date information about, I tend to look up elsewhere first, and if I can't find anything else, I then go back to wikipedia to see what they say about it.

  8. Wow, that does look good! Definitely looks like you've spent a lot of time on it and adding lots of great resources :D And the fact that your layout is that amazing green colour... well... I love green :o It's my favourite colour and it makes your site look very nice. Sorry for sounding weird or something, but I really like it!I also initially looked at it in Firefox because that just happened to be the browser that I am using at the time, but then also checked it out in Explorer 7, because of what fffanatics mentioned, and yes, it's also overlapped on my screen. I'm not really sure how to fix something like that.. but my guess too is that it's a CSS issue, so something that you might be able to play around with to see if you can get it straightened out.Anyway, aside from that it's looking great! Keep up the good work :D

  9. Yea, my site has been doing that too... being up for a couple seconds when I'm not looking, cause it registers a new hit or two every so often (but tons less then it should be), and then it's down whenever I try it myself.

    Though I did notice for a little time, my second site - which I pay for through Xisto - Web Hosting - went down and nearly every server that is run through them was down at that time, but now it seems to all be working except for the one server (gamma)... where my Xisto hosted site is on, so I'm guessing that's where all your sites are probably on too.

    To check the network status, I go to this page:


    Not sure if you've all seen it before or not.

    Though I'm not sure if it will help you in this case, because we know it's a problem with many sites... but when I don't know if it's just my site having a problem, I like to check that page to see if there's anything wrong with the network (then I know it wasn't me that broke something :o) Other than that, it will give you the head's up on what parts of the server are currently online - though they are changing so frequently right now, it's probably not really going to make a difference.

  10. Hmmm.... I have some strange things about myself too :DLike you, I really do think that I can fly, but that I don't have the concentration to do it. I think if I were really really focussed that I would be able to do it, but I really don't want to test my theory from jumping off a building, but maybe from an on-ground takeoff. I think it might have something to do with how I tend to dream that I'm flying, so maybe that's what makes me think it is possible?As for compulsions, if I can call them that... I tend to have a certain order to things that I have a big problem changing.When I brush my teeth, I have to put water, then toothpaste, then more water on the brush... in that order, or I can't bring myself to brush my teeth until I've done it in the right order - even if it means rinsing the toothpaste off and starting again.Also with food too, I have to do things in a certain order - like with spaghetti, I have to put on the salt before the cheese, because I can't seem to eat it with the salt on after. I'm weird that way... if I forget to do the salt first, then I eat it without it, cause it's just wrong the other way. But it's probably healthier for me if I forget, so I guess it's not all bad :DSo, yea, you aren't the only crazy one :o I'm pretty insane about certain things myself.

  11. I just love how this segment can even go on for so long... I mean they talk and talk and talk about how horrible and bad that the game is between themselves in the news room, but when they are actually talking to people that have played the game, they are in a huge hurry to get them off the show.


    And I loved the part where he was like, so have you even played the game?! And then the host was like, Nooooo.... in this really snotty voice. Like, of course not! Because she'd never stoop so low as to get some first hand information on the game that she is doing a report about. Because hearsay is far more news-worthy than actual facts. But in her defense, she did watch the trailer, and click around on the website for a few minutes as "research". Riiiggghhhttt.....


    Anyway, as I haven't played the game myself, I can't say really be saying anything good or bad about the game that's brought such controversy to the Fox headquarters, but I will say, if that's considered "news", then that's just sad. I always have to laugh when I see what the state of television has become lately. It seems every time I watch it, something even more incredibly dumb is being said, regardless if anyone's bothered to get any real facts to report or not.


    Just as a side note, I found this comment underneath the video a classic... I slightly edited it for language.


    I've played mario brothers but I haven't eaten mushrooms and jumped over **** turtles

    Anyway, yea... Fox, has once again proved to me just how much I really can't believe in network news. Fun to watch, but oh so stupid... I think I may have actually lost some braincells watching that...

  12. So far I've never had problems with Google Adsense... a couple times, I was scared that they would say there was click fraud, because I ended up with many many more clicks than normal, so I emailed them about it to let them know... but I'm not sure if that was any good or not, because I never got a response back. But seeing as it's a huge company, I wasn't really expecting anyone to write back - especially not something which hadn't been an automated message. But it would put me much more at ease if I'd actually received something to tell me that things were okay. Judging by the way my account didn't get suspended, I'm guessing it must have been alright.Anyway... I've so far been paid with them three times, so they seem good to me. But I'm always worried when my earnings hit around the $100 dollar mark, because I hear the stories about how Google tends to wait until you've earned enough for your next payment to close down people's accounts. But since I've never done anything against the terms, I think I should be okay.Luckily, Adsense isn't the only advertiser out there. I used to think that if they kicked you out of the program, then you'd be in serious trouble, but really, since so many people have had it happen, I think that life goes on with other advertisers too, and even if they aren't as good as Google Adsense right now, they should get better with time as more and more people are looking for alternatives.

  13. I marked myself as addicted, because lets face it, I am ALWAYS staring at the screen of my monitor. I really should be doing many other things, but it's seems that almost all my waking hours are in front of the computer... whether it be for work, play, television, reading, research... there's just a never ending supply of stuff that I can do online that doesn't let me break away from it.I always think to myself... if only there were more hours in a day... then I could do all this on the internet, and make time to do things that aren't on a computer, but hey, I'm sure if there were more hours, I'd probably just be doing the same thing that I am now - spending it doing one thing or another on the computer.There's a few times a year that I go away for a while (like a week camping...) and I almost go insane because I can't get online. It's strange how dependent a person can become of a machine. And to think, that I grew up without a computer at all... and after we finally got one, we didn't even get the internet until a couple years after that. It seems strange to think that there was a time that I could be perfectly happy without my computer lol.But yea, I'm thinking the same thing is true for me, like bishoujo said above... I think I'm more addicted to the internet, rather than the computer. Yes, there are many things that I do while offline... like reading, music, movies and such, I tend to have to pause them in the middle just so I can check my emails, and my web site stats and stuff, because I feel like I need to know right now if anything's changed.So, you wanna know just how addicted I am? I've been up since around 11:30am... from then, I went straight on my computer... where I stayed for a while, then I got up and did all my getting ready stuff... and went back on my computer... until it was dinner time, so I braked for dinner (I was hungry, cause I didn't really have breakfast or lunch... too much computering going on), and then after came right back to the computer again where I'll stay until around 2am... when I force myself to go to bed, because if I don't I tend to stay at my computer until 5am or later... and then I never wake up :) Yep, I'm addicted :)

  14. I've never really thought about the forums being too large, mostly because I just thought that they were good the way they are, since there is lots of good stuff to search in it, and plenty of topics that are good to contribute to. I think that deleting the old forums wouldn't be that good of an idea, because I'm sure that a lot of the people that use / find these forums for the first time are people that are searching in google for different things.I know that even myself when I'm making google searches end up finding these forums ranking pretty high in the searches and when I look, it usually tells me what I wanted to know, so I think it's a good thing not to get rid of older topics.If the forums were running slowly, then maybe I'd be worried about removing some of the old topics (but it would have to be very careful not to delete ones that have anything useful in them (and seeing as I'm sure all or most are of at least some use, that would be hard). But since the forums seem to be running smoothly, I think they are fine just the way they are :)

  15. I hope you have a very happy birthday! A much better one than you had last year! And it's nice to see that you've already had lots of birthday wishes, because you sure do deserve it!Anyway, I'm thinking it's probably not still Jan 3rd where you are, but it's almost 10pm on January 3rd here, so I hope that this counts :) I would have wished you a happy birthday earlier if I was online before, but I wasn't :(Anyway, happy birthday :( Hope everything turns out just the way that you were hoping it would!

  16. Yeah, best advise I can give you too, is that you should see a doctor about this. Especially if it happens to you again, but I would go before something like this happens anymore, because it's good to catch things early just in case they might be serious. I'm not really good with medical stuff and the like, so I'm not sure what could make symptoms like that, but again, you might really want to explain it all to your doctor and see what they think it is, or if you need to be on some medication or anything like that. Still, see your doctor, cause it's better to be safe than sorry.

  17. Wow, this is a really interesting way for memorizing numbers, and to be honest, I didn't know something like this even existed. I'd never seen anything like it at all before reading this. Now comes my dilemma... I REALLY suck at memorizing things... not just numbers, and I'm looking at that chart, and doubting I'd be able to memorize something like that, since all the number / letter combinations seem highly random.I was thinking, oh that's cool.. maybe I could make that easier... like if we associate 1 with O (cause it starts with O), and 2 with T, and 3 with... oh crap, here's another T word... and then after that, my theory went out the window :)I suppose unless I can somehow manage to memorize that table of letters and numbers I'll be stuck with writing everything down like I already do lol...Anyone have any suggestions or tips on how to memorize that handy table up there?

  18. Xidomains has been working for me whenever I've been buying domain names, and I've told my dad about them and he's also started using them and finding it good too :) If you didn't know, Xisto - Domains is the company that's been set up with Xisto - Web Hosting, which is like the paid version of Xisto.For me it's really handy, since I can get everything I need from Xisto - Web Hosting... the domain, the hosting and all that, and it's all so cheap plus, excellent service, so personally I'd stick with them.

  19. lol... thanks for checking into it for us jlhaslip. I wasn't too concerned about it, cause every time this has happened before it's been resolved pretty fast, but I was just curious to know what the cause was. Good thing I'm not a cat, cause my curiosity would have done me in long ago :(Anyway, I decided to take this time and go through my masses of emails that I've been avoiding. I figure by the time I get to the end of them (probably in about 2010), my sites should be back up and running :)

  20. I was also wondering about this so I came over here to see if anyone else had any news. Both my sites are down right now, the one through Xisto and the one through Xisto - Web Hosting. I'm not sure what the issue is, but there are several servers that show themselves to be offline at the moment (4 out of 10 as I write this).The other servers are up and running fine, and I can tell that because my dad (who is also hosted through Xisto - Web Hosting) is currently on his site right now without a problem.

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