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Posts posted by midnightvamp

  1. Yea, I'm not really sure about the other countries, because I've only been to School in Canada, but I can say that things are all different even between our schools in the same districts. I remember going to grade nine (first year of high school for me) and the entire thing was just a repeat of things that I'd already done in grade eight and earlier. Yet there were many students that hadn't learned this stuff yet, so other schools were at a different pace than mine apparently was. In some subjects like math and english, I came out with super inflated marks because all the stuff that we did, I already knew. It was so boring that year. It was almost like I'd failed and had to take it all again in a different school because of some clarical error. Luckily though, they finally started to teach some new things in my second year.

  2. There's been a couple times where I've realized that I've been dreaming, but once I do, it doesn't seem to last all that long before I wake up. Mind you, that's probably because I'm half-awake which is why I'm realizing that I'm still dreaming anyway.But I was able to have some fun... mind you, I don't think that even in a dream I could make myself walk though a wall, but then again, you never know because I was flying in some of my dreams lol...I don't think that I'd want to try and kill myself. Because like some people have mentioned, then what if I'm confusing the real world with the dream, and really do kill myself? It doesn't seem worth it enough to me and I really don't have the desire, fake or other wise, to die.There was this one time though while I was dreaming that I thought I really was dying (and I didn't know that I was just dreaming). But in the dream, I couldn't breathe, my head felt like it was in a vice and my eyes were bleeding and stuff. It was creepy, and scarey and very painful.When I did wake up, I found out I was buried under a ton of blankets and comforters and I guess I ran out of air. My bad head ache was still there for a long time afterwards, and I had to go and check to make sure that I hadn't popped all the blood vessels in my eyes, cause I was sure I must have since it felt so real.It was terrifying, and I really don't want to feel that again. No more sleeping with my head under all the blankets, no matter how cold it gets.Anyway, I think I'll go and check out those links, cause you've all got me interested in trying this lucid dreaming thing again. I almost can't wait to go to sleep now, but I should get that reading in first, so I know what to do lol :P

  3. I'm guessing they matter so that your site doesn't get all messed :PIt's a good thing that it's not hard to gather up the new credits and get hosted again though, if that's what you need to do. Luckily it's not like you already had put masses of work into your site and then accidentaly deleted it all or something. It's easy to start over when you are just starting out.Best of luck with your new site though!

  4. Well, I was as others called me a "troubled youth", though I'm guessing by someone's standards we all are... but that didn't stop them from putting me in weekly sessions with a psychiatrist for around a year... only problem I suppose is if I didn't see the problem, then I really don't think that there was any point in being there.All the time I heard, "maybe we should start you on 'such-and-such' medication, cause it would help you with your 'such-and-such of the week'." I'm guessing since I didn't say much to them, they had to keep trying to find a new diagnosis that would fit my "withdrawn personality" or whatever, which had nothing to do with me, but rather the fact that I was with them. I told them up front, I don't need meds, and there was no way I was going to take them. I like the person that I am, and if I can say that, then I think I'm leaps and bounds ahead of his 2 o'clock. Sometimes it was almost like the place got a kick-back from selling prescriptions, so hey, the more the merrier!It's bad... I suppose they can be a good place for some people if that's what they feel they need to do, but then there are just people like you and me that I don't think really need it. People aren't all built from one mold, and to subject people to try to conform to some unwritten (or probably text-book written) standards... that's just plain wrong in my books.

  5. I was always interested in what makes a number have it's superstitions or whatever you'd like to call them. I mean it's only a number, and if someone hadn't have come up with the same way of counting, then wouldn't that number then be something else? I don't know... it still interests me to no end though and I enjoy reading up about it all. It's sort of a fascination of mine. I'll be looking at that link later :P

  6. Well, I've been a fan of gmail since I've gotten it a while back. I also still use hotmail, and I like them both, but I do most of my stuff from gmail now though, since they are the ones that gave me the incredible space amount long before hotmail ever did. I was getting pretty sick of having to constantly delete old messages because the box was almost full. Luckily gmail has it worked out that there's practically no way to fill it lol... I have hundreds if not more than that of emails in mine, and it's still only at 2% full. It's so great!

  7. Wow... that was certainly not what I was expecting to read when I came in here lol... Mind you, I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but since it was in the Ranting section of the forum, I think I was expecting something a little less coherent, I don't know.But you are right, I can't stand these kinds of ploys that people use to make the money, because they are so sleezy when trying to sell you whatever it might happen to be that once they find a good line to draw people in... it gets used over and over and over again - regardless if the product is even truly related or not!And yes, you are very correct, because when I read the title, I was like, wow... wonder what could be so bad that this person might explode?! It really did draw me into the conversation... and the scary thing about it, is if it was another one of those scammie emails or websites that I try to avoid, then I probably would have unwittingly been drawn to it, and it's "claims" for everything under the moon, just to make that sale.And I've been very close to purchasing these things on more than one occasion, but luckily the price has been what stopped me so far. I just don't want to shell out that kind of money on something that "might" work. And trust me, I know deep down that it's a rarety to find something good out there like this, and if they do indeed come through with tips, it's probably going to be common knowledge, or something easily found for free elsewhere.Sorry for ranting too lol... I didn't expect to write this much, but I think it must have hit a nerve or something.

  8. I just applied for a Visa card, but then again, I'm of age to do anything lol... since I'm 22 :PBut I don't know if I really want one, cause I'm afraid I'll over spend on silly things, and then not save my money anymore. But I need one for my business and to build credit, so that's why I applied. I'm just hoping that I don't regret it later lol...

  9. Hi, I had been feeling the pain from repetative use as well, and have been getting pain in my wrists for a while now, because I spend all day on the computer. My mousing hand was the worst affected, but I ordered myself a wacom tablet with a pen which has helped incredibly for that wrist. It only took a couple of days using it (and about a day to get used to it, cause it's a bit of a challenge right off the bat, but then becomes second nature :P), and I was basically pain free in my worst wrist, that would often prevent me from working. If the keyboards don't help or you find it is primarily your mousing hand, then you might want to give a tablet a try, cause I couldn't dream of living without mine now, since it's been like a blessing to my wrist. Only problem is the price. I wanted to get a good one, so that I could do my work without a problem, so that's why I decided to pay the extra money for a wacom tablet, because from what I've heard they are the best. I have no regrets of getting it, other than I didn't get it earlier.I'm still thinking about getting an ergonomic keyboard, but I haven't done that yet because the need just isn't there like it used to be, but I'd stil like to so that I don't have the same problems return slowly without my knowing. I figure prevention is probably good in cases like this.

  10. I think that they are pretty good! I really like the second last one that you posted up there. That one is very cool ;) And I agree with the other people, those would make some very nice banners.It was a nice surprise to see some of them moving. I wasn't expecting that, and that made it all the more fun! Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to see some more stuff that you do, if you wish to show us sometime ;)

  11. I personally really like the one that's right in Dreamweaver. It's easy for me to work with, and it's so convenient that I can just click one command and the files go where they need to, while I'm working on the pages. It's a real time saver.I've had other ones, that I've used and were okay, but all and all, I still like the one that comes built into Dreamweaver.

  12. Ah yes, my favourite by far is also VideoLan (VLC) as other's mentioned ;) I found that it's able to play all my files, when many of my other players can't handle that many types. I do enjoy using Window's Media Player though to listen to my music, because of the playlists that I've created in there. But often I listen to albums and files full of music with the VideoLan player as well. It sort of depends on the time and files I'm after.

  13. It can work fine as a primary income, depending on the type of businesses in your area. I recently finished my web developing course in college, and before I was done, I'd already had a couple offers from companies that wanted to work with me.It also depends on the kind of work you are doing - either contract or salary, whether it's a primary income, because with contracts, obviously the income depends on getting the jobs, and that can have it's ups and dows.And don't worry about having to know a bunch of stuff... since you've already been selling some websites, then you already have the basics, and most courses will re-teach you that, plus give you a good understanding of several programming languages, plus teach you many things about design as well.I think that if you already like the job, and have saved up the money for it, then you are well on your way to a great career. Working is always better when you love what you do.

  14. Wow... That is really good, especially for a first wallpaper! Nice job. The colours really seem do do something for me.... like the red and the black - they work well together, particularly the shade of red you've used. Like the others... I'm trying to think of what might work okay for the images, and what I think I might have tried (which you may have and maybe it didn't look right lol...) would be a tiny tiny tiny drop shadow on the images, so that it looks like they are lying on top of one another. But I do like how you have them all "blocky" for lack of a better word, cause it gives a nice feel to them.Also, I really like the drop shadow that is around the right side of the image, but to me the one on the left side and top, just doesn't seem to make the lighting of the picture correct, but it's not a big thing for me....Anyway, great job! And I can't wait to see some more from you!

  15. I have no plans to update mine, since xp is working great for me... plus, usually things that microsoft lets out into the market is pretty bugged at first, and that's why they release so many patches and security updates and all... I think I'll let them sort throough all that stuff a little longer before I get my version of vista.Mind you, so long as I have this computer, I don't really see the point. Maybe I will buy it, but that's unlikely, since I'm happy with what I have and I've never upgraded any of my other computers before. By the time I needed a new one, the new operating system came on the computer I was buying, so I'm guessing that will be the same with vista in a few years when I might be needing a new machine.The pictures do look impressive though...

  16. Yea, if you are young and active, it can be very hard to put on weight. I'm 22 and my metabolism is so high right now, that no matter what I eat, and no matter how much of it that I do, I can't seem to gain anything. I've been this same weight ever since I stopped growing in grade 9...One thing you are going to want to be worried about, if you are gaining weight is to try to do it in a healthy way, because everyone knows that eating five packs of bacon everyday isn't exactly the best lifestyle choice, and can lead to clogged arteries and such later on. Balance the kind of foods that you are eating, and don't forget to try and keep in shape as you are doing it.Why are you trying to gain weight? Are you underwieght, or are you just curious about how someone would go about it?

  17. I think that they say opposites attract for a reason... because people with so much in common seem to have a tendancy not to last.. and that is almost proven in this case, since the two of you have broken up twice already in the past.Think about why you decided that you were never to go out with her again, and figure out if those were valid reasons, or if you were just angry or upset or whatever. Cause if you had thought about it, and came up with some good arguments at the time, they might still apply to this new situation you have with her.What concerns me most though (and I'm sorry because this isn't with your questions) is why you are telling a girl that you love her when you do not. It's okay to go out with someone because you really like them, but I don't think that's it's fair to lead them on by telling them things that aren't true, no matter how much you feel that other person wants to hear it.Anyway, you might want to talk to your not-current-but-was-twice-in-the-past girlfriend, because it's obvious that these things are in your mind. Maybe if you can work through them with her, you can make a better decision or at least find out if she's feeling the same thing about you.

  18. I can't see this place disappointing you, from the ones I've tried out there, this is by far the best. And all you have to do is post a few messages here and there. Pretty amazing deal if you think about it.I've heard of Maple Story, but I haven't played it yet. I was thinking I might try it out, cause it sounded good from what I've read.Anyway, welcome, post away with interesting topics and enjoy your stay ;)

  19. That sounds very possible, and maybe we could harness the power that comes from splitting it up and give us our energy as well from it. Though I'm not sure if separating the atoms gives the energy or if it needs to split on in half. I'm not quite sure of the process here.I wonder how hard or how costly it would really be to do this, and what things would be the first to be made once we have the technology.

  20. Welcome to the boards! I hope to see your website coming up soon! Basically, the good thing about this forum is that if you need to know something, there are tons of people that are willing to help you work through your answer, so it's very easy to build up the credits that you need.Plus, this place has the best features all for free and without ads. You really can't beat it. That's the reason I decided to pay for a site too through these people, because of the outstanding service.Anyway, I'm sure you'll like it here and meet a lot of great people, so welcome again :P By the way, I'm not sure if you know or not, but the credits that you earn are based on the quality of your answers, not the quantity of your answers like some other places, so you can really get into your answers here without worrying about wasting the time where you could have posted 10 pointless answers on another board, because one in depth answer could be worth as much :P

  21. I really like this suggestion. I mean, the best part about Xisto is all the great features that they give you without having to post ads on your site, but sometimes when things get busy I don't make it back to post on time and my site goes down for a day or two. I'd much rather have some ads showing on my site for those days rather than the site going down completely.I know that I'd rather not have the ads, so that would keep me coming back to post, but I could rest easier knowing that my site isn't going to be suspended if I forget again to post on time. Because lets face it, I'm not perfect at posting lol...

  22. Well, it does make me wonder, because I myself am not a vegetarian, but I have a much higher IQ than many people that I know - some of which are vegetarians. I consistantly do well in what I do, and typically come out of things on top. I don't say this to brag or what have you, but I received the top marks in my program over all in college, and it wasn't a fluke. It's been like this since childhood.I think that people can be smart regardless of what they eat. But if the studies are proving a five point difference, then they might be on to something, though I'm not really inclined to believe it myself.What I can believe, as other people have said, is that the people with higher IQ's later in life decide to no longer eat meat. I could do that, though I probably wouldn't, cause I like meat too much, but in the future, it might happen. After all, I'm not 30 yet, which is the year the study seems to be using.My question to you all, how many of those in the study also had a higher IQ before swearing off the meat?

  23. Yea, my thoughts on it too would have to be that it can't have water in it to be a vacuum, since from what I know (very little) about the subject, I thought that nothing at all was in it, and that's why it was a vacuum. From what I'm reading above, that seems to be the definition that other people are finding for it too.Now, I hadn't heard that gold, pure or not, could be in a vacuum, if it was a true vacuum, but if this is true, then that would be something new and very interesting to consider, but I just can't bring myself to think that a vacuum could have something in it, as it goes against all that I learned on the subject. (Again, very little).

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