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Everything posted by room2593

  1. room2593


    I believe in prayer. God exists, and he listens, I'm sure of it.In my life, I've had moments where I would pray and he would help me... It was usually very powerful. But I'm sure there were moments where he was very subtle.There was one time when I was a colporteur and I was really down. I was only 14 and I hadn't sold a book all day. I was about to cry because there was this really mean dude that kicked me off his lawn and I was questioning God's work. Why would I feel called to do something for God that I was horrible at?So I prayed. I asked God to show me whether this was right for me.The next house I went to was a good block away (there were trees inbetween houses) so I had a lot of time to think. The man was out in his driveway. Those are the hardest to approach. I was a gutsy little kid, so I walked over to him. I showed him the first book I had, a cookbook. He bought it for 100 bucks.It was shocking.God really helps when you pray.
  2. My phone doesn't accept mp3 ringtones, so I had to go through a laborious process in order to begin making ringtones for the phone.I have a bluetooth dongle, and I have been able to put files on my phone. The phone sorts files out of the ringtone folder, though. It's very aggravating.I can convert the songs to a common ring tone format using media-convert.com, but there are three choices and I don't know which one to choose.If someone can help me to pick the right format, I would be grateful.
  3. I love how the people on the end of the post didn't read what the beginning was...This was originally a post about how Halo 3 would never be MADE... not about how it was declining after being made.Pretty useless, if you ask me. But I also agree with the more current warp of the title. I hate Halo and the entire series. Mostly I hate things that get hype that they don't deserve and that is the epitome of the series. Only the multiplayer is fun. The storyline is retarded; there are too few enemy types and the story is pretty lame in my opinion. And no game that is only half good should be getting perfect tens...I hate that, so I refuse to play it any more. I played each one as they came out and was disappointed. I give up.Bungie, you have reached into the porta-john for your storyline one too many times. I now disown you.
  4. I always use VLC, Mozilla Firefox, and Open Office instead of their retarded Windows counterparts.Go Richard Stallman! I love you for making the copyleft!
  5. This list is often bollocks. It's just lame generalizations and stupidity.But sometimes it's dead on. Like... to the very core of my being on.How do you make a list with such contrasts?It's odd. I wonder if this was made by a girl or by a guy originally. I'm going to guess a girl.I agree with some of it in any case.I won't ever let any girl I care about at a full version of this, anyway. Stuff about how your best male friend loves you more than your boyfriend? Seriously? That's not even objective. The more modifier is inaccurate. This would just scare a lot of reasonable people.
  6. Seriously? Is this even a question? I mean...You need to find someone that respects you. Dating is a precursor to marriage, and that is the making of a bad marriage.He should think of you better than that. I realize that sometimes you get stuck in a comfortable pattern, but break out!Don't expect him to change! If he doesn't feel like you're worth the effort now, he won't on down the line.Watch how he treats pets and children when he's angry or thinks no one's looking. That will show his true character.But primarily get out. Now.A man should always respect his woman. Conversely, a woman should always respect a man. I have an inferiority complex, and I'm mortally afraid of other men around my woman... so I treat her like a queen. I know she won't leave, but that doesn't stop me.
  7. Mass Effect is surely the most epic. It plays like a movie.Half Life the series. Surely Epic.Fable... I love this game. It's not the best... but it's very epic.Call of Duty 4 has a great storyline with a very real moral point. (Nukes R Bad)Assassin's Creed has a very large and encompassing storyline.All in all, there is a graph that looks like this:Epic Scale:100: God99: Mass Effect98: Half Life seriesbreak...50: Fable40: Call of Duty and Assassin's CreedThe only game that I've ever liked the cut scenes in was Mass Effect... The music and the camera angles and the story line knock you back in your seat and make you go: Wow. That was a lot of game play to be completionist... but it was totally worth it. I love Mass Effect... and with next gen graphics! Beautiful...
  8. Carnivores aren't wise for eating meat, they're wasteful. I don't care about how much protein there is. If you look at meat scientifically, the advantages are slim. Plants make glucose, and when ingested, it is a very efficient source of energy. The body doesn't need to build any mechanisms to break it down and create ATP (adenine triphosphate, an extremely efficient energy storage unit). It merely enters straight into the krebs cycle and cellular respiration. However... the sugar found in meat is much more complex, and has to be broken down in order to get glucose. Much of it is wasted in the process. Also, it takes 7 times the land and resources to support a meat eater... the inefficiency is extreme. Check it out: http://veg.ca/2007/02/01/meat-and-the-environment/ There is no moral obligation to be either a vegetarian or a meat eater. I don't believe in the souls of animals or anything like that... but vegetarian food is really good too... and meat eating is just outright wasteful. There is no reason for it.
  9. Whether you like the first or the second is objective.one is point controltwo is free buildone is simple and the races are distincttwo is (more) complex and the races are pretty cookie cuttersone has game ending power-movestwo has useful power moves, but not game-endingone has a few heroes...two has more heroes, and the option to make more.I personally like #1 more because the races are so distinct. I love Rohan... cavalry charges with theoden... epic.
  10. Every good rts player has the really deep and consuming games that they play... AoE II, Starcraft, Command and Conquor...But have you tried an uncomplicated smash fest recently?It feels great.A couple of friends and I bought this game and started playing it at LAN parties. It's an amazingly fun game.It's unbalanced in favor of the "good" races, and the "bad" races can rush too quickly b/c of cheap to free units, and the power moves are devastating (army of the dead, anyone?)But it's an excellent game. There are some mods that improve gameplay, too. The Elven Alliance (beta) is one of these. It adds the elves and a bunch of heroes to the game.My favorite race is Rohan. There's nothing like Theoden's golden charge - trample damage with 5% slowdown on contact...Wipe an army in seconds... Ooh. It's so epic.Has anyone else played this, or am I alone?And what's your favorite race?
  11. I like the Warhammer: 30k series or Battle for Middle Earth for some relaxing death matches without too much strategy. But when I really want to get down...Age of Empires II or Starcraft. I only got to play starcraft at a friend's house... it's way complicated and well balanced.But Age of Empires is my God.I got to the point where I could take on a hardest army for fun. It would take me hours... but I could take them.My favorite army is the mongols... Cavalry Archers are untouchable. Plus, their insanely fast siege... I can pile six men in a siege ram and fairly outrun my cavalry...
  12. In a custom scenario editor, you have to select the opponent's difficulty when you add them. You can do it afterward, too. It should be a drop down menu.This will make them harder or more agressive.Be careful, tho... don't make them too strong.I love conqueror's. About six of my friends used to get together every sunday and play for about 5 hours. We got to be excellent...The top few of us could take on hardest armies for fun.
  13. Utorrent has plenty of hidden features such as a scheduler and lots of user interface goodies that just make it a really good program.It's also a small download and has very elegant protocols...It's very easy to use. My grandmother could use it and she's eighty and going blind.All in all, I prefer Utorrent as my p2p downloader.
  14. Security is never perfect for several reasons.1. Technology on the firewall end is always reacting. They only react to cover threats. They don't cover exploits that don't exist.2. There are humans involved.You can have the most perfect security software, a high quality firewall, and you can still get through. The internet is constantly expanding to stretch the boundaries. College students will find and use holes. Believe me; I am one. I've seen them do it. I've seen holes like blockers that are incomplete to blockers that don't monitor sites that are secure vis a vis https:// anything.Sorry, but you're just going to have to try your hardest and hope for the best.
  15. I wonder... do you still have static IP adresses? Here's a graphical reference to what he talked about before... Follow all the steps to the letter and it should work. No guarantees. If you can't do it in the GUI, then there are ways to do it in the command line. Go to the start menu, click run. In the prompt, type "cmd" without quotes From there, type "ipconfig /release" without quotes on the command line then type "ipconfig /renew" without quotes on the command line If this doesn't work... then you might want to consider buying a router and plugging the modem into that, then from there into the computers. Modems are not always the best with dhcp.
  16. I've always found that winrar is a very obtrusive program that hassles you with unnecessary burdens. I never use it anymore.Instead, I use 7zip. Then install file is smaller, it's a painless process. The program itself can imbed itself in context menus so that you can zip or unzip files by right clicking and going to the very handy menu.Since I found it, I have never used anything else.
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