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Everything posted by quangvan

  1. "Ready, Fire, Aim" by Michael Masterson ~ great business book, if you are starting your own business"No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt, Take No Prisoners Guide To Time Productivity & Sanity" by Dan Kennedy ~ Dan Kennedy is the man, with the plan!
  2. Brilliant thread..."Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki, inspired me to drop out of school to start my business career."Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins, made me believed anything was possible.Those are really the first two books I've read, and it made me a lover of reading. Def. a must read for anyone.
  3. I think a lot of these GPT sites have options for Amazon Gift Cards and such...You should check around. Also they offer merchandise as well, like ipods etc.But you can't really make too much money with these sites and your efforts could be better spent elsewhere...
  4. I'm not sure a dating site would be a good fit for Xisto...
  5. I think you can make little money. But not enough that it's worth it at these GPT (Get Paid To) sites... the real money in those sites are from affiliates... if you get people under you.
  6. Thanks for the book =] I think there's an error with the download page.
  7. I use both a "Software" Program, and an Email List Service... and to be honest if you are going to do any level of email marketing you should sign up for an email service.I use Aweber, they are amazing, they have stats/filters etc. you can do things that you wouldn't think would be possible.They have change their prices and is quite expensive now... but they are worth it.GetResponse.com I hear was a better alternative now...But I wouldn't touch software programs with a stick after using Aweber.
  8. Hey there mrdee,It's actually pretty simple to do this... just make a PayPal "Buy It Now" button... and there'll be a field that asks "Redirection URL", enter in the Download link for your sheet music...That will make it so, once the visitor pays, it'll redirect him to the page to download the music...Hope that helps.You could set up a separate"Buy it Now" button for both the mp3 and the sheet music.
  9. Click tracking sites like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ can track text links or graphics/banner links click.
  10. Great post...Having good keywords, with a good KEI, (popularity vs. competition ratio) is best for SEO.The 3 reasons you described. 1. SEO, 2. Adwords 3. Market Research is a great summary of the different ways to use keywords.These days with Google running the show, it's all about keywords.
  11. Is it a scam? I don't think it is... (well there are scams, just like in any business)But how they work... they are incentivised CPA programs. They get $1.00 and they give you 30 cents or 50 cents or whatever...I think most people realize that spending an hour for $3-4 bucks isn't worth it...
  12. Hey midnightvamp,That's a good idea, getting a 'real world' job... just to see how hard it is to get 'earned' income...I remember when I was a teen, I had the worst jobs ever... and that makes me more appreciative now... what I learned from working crappy jobs is more then the money I earned from it...
  13. Fraud is when you are someone you know, or a robot click on your links, impersonating real users. Remember with Adsense you still have to get traffic, that's the hard part.
  14. I just wrote a blog entry about GPT (get paid to) programs, you can find it below. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. You guys hear about poker bots?You can program bots to play poker for you...
  16. Wow they actually pay you!That's crazy... imagine getting paid to ripp off the RIAA ! lol...
  17. It is 100% possible for an average user to make money online.Know of adsense? Create a page, drive traffic... even click on your own ad one time, and you will make some cents.There are people making A Lot of money online, we are talking about 7 figures... they have built a business, etc.There are blogs making, 6 figures...Making money online is easy. You see all the power sellers on ebay? They are selling things on ebay as their business. There's no reason why you can't be a power seller if you really want to.There are numerious ways to make money online. You gotta decide what you want. Do you want a little bit of money? Do you want an online job? Do you want an online business?There's actually so many ways to make money online it's ridiculous. The hard part is picking one and sticking to it.
  18. There is a Forex simulation program out there... I believe it's a real time simulation, if you want to get a feel for it.it's called eToro
  19. There are a lot of ways to make money. $400 over 4 months isn't anything out of the question...
  20. Hey osutg7,Great List!I did not know there were so many GPT's out there... so people really make $$ this way eh? It's kind of like an online job? =]
  21. Great List!I use to work for Chitika, and you could absolutely use Chitika, with Adsense!-Quang
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