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Everything posted by kingjim007

  1. I am responsible for purchasing equipment at work and we use Dell. With extended warranty, a good website, easy to order and the Dell ST number I like them. You can download all updates for a computer by ST number, check warranty info etc.I have heard from some people that they prefer HP and a local business recommend them as the service staff is good. I don't much experience with HP but am pleased with Dell and get pretty good service.I would recommend Dell as their site and resources and service is good and they make cool computers, especially laptops. I have my eye on the Mini :)So it's Dell for me all the way.KJ
  2. You can go to chemist and get a pack that should contain a pumice stone and a heavy duty balm/moisturiser. All you need to do is pumice the rough skin daily then use the balm. Keep doing it for maybe 2 or 3 weeks and over time it will look and feel a lot better.I have had to do this as I live in a very hot climate and wear sandals all of the time even at work. There are different types of pumics stones made of different materials. Some you can use whilst in the shower some are better dry.Whilst you are moisturising the area think about other dry areas too such as your elbows and maybe face...keep you looking younger...longer. Sounds like a commercial right :)KJ
  3. Yea right...unlimited scam opportunity!It's so hard when are really looking for a home business as there as so many people just wanting to make a quick buck. It is really not that easy to make money online. You need patience and perseverance. It also helps if you have some training and mentors, a support system and something actually decent that people need or want to buy.The business I am now with believes in the turtle approach to wealth-slow and steady. Remember if it sounds too good to be true it usually is. DUE DILIGENCE is required to check out a company/product before you hand over your money. Don't get scammed do your homework.KJp.s. check the site in my profile to look at the home business company I am with.
  4. I prefer Firefox 2. Firefox has some really annoying features. I hate it when something works great and they add all these bells and whistles and make it a heap of junk.....maybe i'm just getting old :DI use IE as some pages just load things better on it such as video i.e. watching footy replays at http://www.afl.com.au/ :)I haven't looked at chrome but maybe google is becoming like MS trying to dominate everywhere.Firefox loads many pages 10 times faster than IE. I heard chrome loads even faster.My pet peeves are related to privacy. I don't like browsers that remember EVERYTHING you type and everywhere you go and want to have drop dows and try and guess every search for you...it's just annoying.Probably a personal thing browsers...like mac or pc....laptop or desktop....holden or ford ) i'm an aussie heheGo Holden!KJ
  5. Yea the mini Inspiron looks good, I would have liked to see it a bit cheaper. I think it's good as a second laptop or work only computer. 16 gig is not too much storage space but it only weighs about 1kg so it's kind of like an oversized blackberry :)I am very tempted to buy one!
  6. My strategy in Aus is to get the cheapest line rental from Telstra, the fastest and most competitive ADSL which for me is 8000/384 and then use SKYPE to make all local, country or international calls. Skype you can also set up voicemail and some other cool stuff. I have worked this system and found it to be the cheapest.If in Australia I recommend you visit whirlpool.net.au to compare plans etc...is a great site.And wireless is a pain sometimes so I stick with cables...less goes wrong apart from the occasional tripping and swearing :)KJ
  7. I think the general consensus would be that where there is love and support that is good for a child. However if we had the choice to raise a child in a stable socially acceptable family such as the normal model in society we would choose it. If this is not available and a child has a need then a same sex couple would be better than a child having no support. I am sure there are many same sex couples that are able to offer the love and support to love a child that is not the argument. It is whether 'in the best circumstances' that would be preferable and I believe in the 'best' circumstances this would not be.KJ
  8. The global economy is going to hell in a handbasket. Take all of your investments out of stocks and anything speculative and put in in something low risk like cash. USA is set to crumble and the Fed is using desperate measures to keep the banks afloat by releasing more worthless bonds. They are hopelessly bankrupt and they are going to take every financial system down with them. Get out now and salvage some investment. Don't be fooled by short term happy markets look at the fundamentals-they are shocking.KJ
  9. Hey there: It is $299 for a year and as far as starting a business is concerned...dirt cheap. It includes a registered domain and hosting plus all the tools and modules. The research tools are awesome. Btw it also has a 30 day money back guarantee. ALSO-and this is the FIRST time I have ever seen this on the net and I have been here over 10 years they offer a ProRata money back guarantee. So you could use it for 6 months, throw in the towel then get $150 back. And you would keep the registered domain and your website. I will be happy to post my site in a month or so or however long it takes. The theme will be around home business tools and success thinking and barriers to success. There are so many scams I am just grateful to have something rock solid. Yea and some of the videos are hilarious. I mean how many products or companies have people who make videos and don't get paid about how much they love the company or product. The most HILARIOUS VIDEO I have seen is on this page: Funny Video Scroll to the bottom and it is the top 1/3 Titled he Origin Of Webmaster by Ashley from church-of-texas-holdem.com If this doesn't make you LOL you are a corpse! Enjoy. KJ
  10. Hey all:I saw this poem written on a dunny (toilet) wall. I recited it in high school at the auditions for the school play...I got the main part believe it or not :)The Night Was Dark,The Sky Was Blue,Around the Corner,A Dunny Truck Flew.There Was a Crash,A Scream Was Heard,A Man Was Hit,By a Flying Turd!Yea I lol too heheheKJ
  11. http://videotour.sitesell.com/ This is a free video tour of one of the best products I have found online if you want to start your own home based internet business. It has all the tools for turning something you already have knowledge of i.e. fishing, moutnain biking, gaming and to create your own website that will actually make money. The difference here is that it is NOT Get rich quick but a step by step plan with lots of support (strong forum). It gives you real business skills and a plan but you don't need technical knowledge as it has modules and easy to use tools to research keywords etc. A total newb or an experienced marketer could use the site (the research tools are awesome) to 'quickly' build a site and monetize it. The tools that help you select ways to monetize your site BEFORE you build it are great. You can know how you will make money and what the actual demand is BEFORE you build a site. Over 60% of people using this service appear in the top 3% of Alexa. I use this myself and am building a site. After years of researching so called business opportunities I am finally making real progress. Check it out. peace. KJ
  12. When I worked night shift i found the best way to control sleepiness was to find a nice little quiet spot and have a nap. Be careful to use an alarm and don't get caught-you don't wanna lose your job right. The best way to not be too tired is to do what you are doing now sleeping 9.30-3.30, but add one hour to this before you start work. So if I started work at 10.30pm I would have a sleep from 9pm -10pm then go to work. This should help. And drink tea and not coffee at night and lots of water. I am having trouble with my sleep right now. I keep waking up at night and find it hard to return to sleep. I have taken a few natural medicines and they don't seem to do much. I really don't want to take meds as they are addictive. It's getting to be a pain though-suggestions welcome. KJ
  13. No worries mate let's stay on topic Back to the queers heheYea I guess they are two separate issues, child welfare and what some people call 'lifestyle choice'. There are many areas of the homosexual experience that people just don't know about. You think the hetero's have a hard time in the area of love and rejection you should some hear some stories from the homosexual community! It's really bad out there for some. I have compassion but think the needs of children come first.Now this is slightly off topic but it is for this same reason why I don't support abortion for selfish reasons: Some one has to protect the young (whether they are born yet or not they are still citizens). So it is the idea of protecting the young from harm that is behind my view.It is laden with strong opinion for many different reasons and I acknowledge my own biases. Although they may be partly be formed by religious beliefs I have a brain and like to see issues from all possible angles. At the end of the day we all have emotions, dreams and desires to be loved and accepted and that's what makes us all so similar. No-one really has 'rights' of any kind anyway we just have what can believe for and what we can take.
  14. Thanks for the comments godfather89 I agree 100%. Ignorance is a tool used by the powerful over the weak to twist doctrines (in this case) to their own perverted ends. It's a shame the action of a few misguided zealots brings about such shame for peaceful people.As in the words of a Rage Against The Machine song..."If ignorance is bliss then wipe this smile off my face'". I always liked that lyric. When it comes to world events I think ignorance is bad. It is better to actively seek knowledge and be prepared. In personal life I have reached a slightly different conclusion. Due to past hurts I have found it hard to deal with thinking about certain things. e.g. If my wife came home and told me about some guy who tried to chat her up at the gym. My previous betrayal may make it hard for me NOT to think about this and to Trust her so in this case I would prefer NOT to know...to be ignorant. I DO trust her and know there is nothing in it but it's difficult to process. I have noticed however that as time passes and I recover from the past and actually ACCEPT the idea that I can trust her that I am more able to process these feelings without fear mistrust or jealousy.So AT Times I think ignorance is bliss when the conscious mind cannot handle the facts. On the whole however I think we should pursue the truth no matter how shocking, stretching or hard to grasp it is.
  15. No I am not homophobic and yes I know myself well. I have also studied psychology, counselling, sociology and many other areas and have studied the causes and behaviours of homosexuals. The idea of a well adjusted homosexual person is somewhat of a myth. Mostly they have deep trauma associated with childhood or adult experiences and are not what you could call well adjusted. If they think they are then most likely they suffer from denial and a lack of awareness.An no I am not being irresponsible to assume that people without a grasp of fundamental sexuality and moral values do NOT have the right to raise children. How can a person who does understand or accept how we are designed have any idea how to nurture a new human being.From the way you jumped down my throat and assumed I was narrow minded without looking behind what I was saying seems to say more about you than me. I HAVE thought it through and have known many homosexual people. I have seen what they get up to, how they live, talked to them, being approached by them. I find some of their thought processes and behaviours quite amusing but I also see their pain that they try and hide so well.Would a reasonably stable and 'well adjusted' gay couple provide a better environment than a hetero couple with alcohol, violence and verbal abuse in the mix? YES I think they would but it would not be ideal OR preferrable.I do think it important to distance the person from the comments themselves and not make personal remarks based on your own subjective opinion.
  16. It's good that China says that Moon landing would not be to compete with USA as they are about 40 years too late! A manned exploration the Mars is now closer to reality as they have now found a water supply there. This means they would not have to carry it with them and it can be used for many other things such as generation oxygen and making power.Whilst it does cost money I think space exploration also lifts the human condition to think about what is OUT THERE and not just on our own problems. The benefits in working together and science and technology are great.Even terraforming Mars would be possible in a large time frame. I imagine that if this was achieved the science to make it happen would be beneficial for our own environment too.Space exploration is as much a Philosophical endeavour as much a technological one.Lets see how fare we can go :)KJ
  17. Yea they went to the moon. Things were different in the day of JFK. Instead of interfering with the rest of the world and chasing 'terorists' they were engaging in national projects to put themselves at the forefront of politics, science, technology and industry.Perhaps if the whole world got together for the International Space Station and the next Manned trip to mars sharing science and technology, and stopped fighting over resources we may have a better future.Big projects like these fire the imagination and bring the world together... or maybe I'm just a Star Trek fan! I believe in a better future.KJ
  18. Oh thanks I will book mark that-very helpful.I used to have a Basset I think they like howling too...must be the hound :)My wife will love that site so thanks for that!KJ
  19. I think most people know instinctively that this is wrong. If you disagree think of this. If your wife died and then you died would you want your son to be raised by two men or in a family with a man and a woman. Children learn different things from parents or caregivers of each sex. How skewed would their reality be if they don't get this. Also most homosexual people as they are a minority can't help but have strong attitudes that are out of balance with the rest of society (the other 90% +). So what chance would a child have of distinguishing between the attitudes of a noisy minority and that of mainstream society?As adults we can choose our own beliefs but children don't yet have this faculty. It would be irresponsible not to factor this any argument about same sex couples wanting to raise children. Perhaps same sex couples are being selfish. If you don't want to live like the majority of the world then fine we can't make you. But you also lose the privledges that go along with that, including the 'right' to raise children and train up the next generation.
  20. Hey all:My recent investigating on the Blackberry Bold 9000 shows it to be a very good piece of hardware. It has a qwerty keypad and you can not only set up 10 different emails but browse the web with the Blackberry browser. It has a 2 mega pixel camera and a very crisp screen capable of playing movies and music clips etc. It also has a good speaker that is very loud for the size.You can use it as a tethered modem to plug in your laptop and have internet access. If you use a program like Mobishark it will fool the blackberry into thinking that the data from the laptop browsing is going through the blackberry browser so you don't pay for extra data (assuming you have an unlimited Blackberry data plan).I will be grabbing mine ASAP...mobile internet.KJ
  21. I would have to agree as well....when one person is feeling lazy the other can pep them up. Also with spotting I always push more weights. It does make it a bit more fun as well as we can motivate each other and have a bit of a competition. Without my partner I would not have achieved this body! KJ
  22. Does anyone have experience with beagles. I heard they can be quite destructive and need to be exercised a LOT. And if you get one you have to get 2. I owned a Basset hound but I think they are different.Any experienced Beagle people's comments would be much appreciated as I was thinking about a smaller dog but the Mrs is super keen :)KJ
  23. Maybe it is a sign of the times when on so many radio songs and video clips 'i kissed a girl and liked it' is broadcast everywhere. Also many girls groups and songs portray women as not needing men and that men are weak and to be used. I feel sorry for younger women growing up thinking all that BS is actually true and having bad attitudes about guys.They are just ripping themselves off by not appreciating all the great traits and things that guys have to offer like strength, support, problem solving and of course our muscle ripped bodies :)Equality for women is now out of balance with some women trying to be superior over men. It's a bit sad really as each sex has great traits that we can all enjoy.KJ
  24. Hey all:A great book I'm reading right now is by Joe Beam called Becoming One. He goes into the different aspects of a person and how by achieving peace in each area you can open up to your partnet and become much closer. I find it an easy read and have had a few emotional insights and breakthroughs.One great thing he said is that "you must first accept yourself AS You Are, before you can become what you Want to Be.Good for relationships, communication and self discovery.KJ
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