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Everything posted by ivantoar

  1. Hi, I want to buy a new processor for my old PC (I'm kinda pumping and upgrade it). I've decided to use lastest AMD or Intel procesor. So, which one should I get, AMD Phenom 2.4 GHz or Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4? They both offers same clock speed but diffrent price tough. Motherboard is not a problem, I can buy one to fit the processor. Suggestion needed, thanks.
  2. I think the updaterate command should be adjusted depending on server's setting and tickrate too
  3. Well, the same thing. I'll use Vista if there's a game or things that I really need that can't be ported to XP. And of course I'll do dual boot. Never delete XP from harddisk LOL
  4. Well nice link, but I think I cant add mods and custom skins there as usually free forum host is not providing FTP or modifiying their files, but useful to test out basic features. Thank you
  5. Well, Eraser also provides shell menu on right click too. I never heard of BCWIPE. Anyway, I've seen Eraser as top freeware on CHIP Magazine.
  6. Yes I know what you're saying. Ah that's what I hate about inferno. Camp spots. Well, this may be because all CT's camp and spam grenade on small corridor. All I can see is grenade tearing my teammates (duh, why they always go there with many people? Don't they realize a single flashbang can kill 'em all?) and a sniper at balcony shot me in head, LOL.
  7. Grade tear me apart and of course my parents (they're worrying about me). I hope so, I tried to be optimistic like what Bluebear said. Anyway, what a good mark! In here (my school), the best score is 9. And to pass, I need to be 6.5 on all subjects and I think my average is around 6.5 - 7I need something to make me calm down, any suggestion guys?
  8. I found RO pretty boring. Lets hope RO2 better. The one I hate about RO is the enemy far too strong and when we kill them, it gives tiny tiny bit of experience points. Well, I hate when I kill 1 enemy, I gain 0.0blablabla% points and when I died, I lost 1%!
  9. Let strangers be strangers. Well, maybe you right to say they look like sad people. But maybe many people are sad. I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable when I look down. LOL, they can actually see up, remember eye balls can rotate up when you're looking down, hahaha
  10. Thanks for fast answer. Aw, so sad. Hehehe, I'll wait for the surprise to the domain. Anyway, how can I know when the domain is done? And one more thing, who's Opa? Administrator or domain owner or who else?
  11. What's the problem with this? I usually looked down too when I'm walking. (People don't like me starring at them) Yea, I hate when people thinks like that. We just want to be friendly and what do we got? I have bad experience. I wait for my friend to pick me up, there, I see a little boy standing and waiting for something. When I said "Hi, what are you waiting for", he says "Sorry, none of your business. Anyway do I know you?". Since that time, I never greet anyone I dont know. I think it's just happen in mostly Indonesia, but another country does.
  12. Must we terminate all good oldies and replace them with stinky youngster? I think most of people don't care about whether it is already existed for long time or short time. Quality talks, not the age. Well I agree with you about they will have less job to do. Microsoft really wants to discard Vista with Windows 7 after all hard work making Vista, or discard XP?
  13. Hmm... Remember where you can find that http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? It's under a category in Xisto's forum. And I'm interested with the name, so I give it a try, pointing my browser to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. But? No result! And my question is : Is it based on a real website or just a name? If just a name why use that name (with www and .com)?Sorry If I asked a fool question, but I just really want to know. Thank you.
  14. My school exams are all done. I don't feel like I'm doing it all well, and I tought around 45% percent or more I will fail this year and there's no more test to make up my score (or we call it Remidial Test). I really don't want to fail but there's nothing to do untill 23 this month (the school report time), I'll embarassed with my friends, family if I fail. Also, my father, he works really hard untill he goes to another city to work for my family, he only gather with me and my family once or twice a month. He's a typical strict man. Now what I got in my mind is worry, fear and well I don't know what to say...This thing may sounds stupid and all you guys may blame me because I don't study really well. But, I just want to vent all I got in my mind here
  15. Well, no Microsoft's? I'm surprised. Take a look at Microsoft's most popular software : their OS and office sollution and not at top 10? That report is amazing. Where do you get the source?
  16. Yep, torrent is a piece of cake for FireFox (since there are many user submitted addons LOL). Of course kilobyte, sorry, I always forget to caps and uncaps all thing I write. Yea, downloading 6 MB music is laughable. Less than 2 minutes.
  17. Of course bits, I never see internet using bytes or kilobytes. Is there?
  18. Well, everybody has it point of view. It's okay to be religious or atheis. But atheis and religious SHOULD NOT flaming and disrespect each other. That's just my point of view, no offence.
  19. Steam is a freaking resource *BLEEP* or I called it RAM eater. Steam also prevents game piracy. VAC is sucks, it cant detect hackers good. The only thing I like is auto update from steam. It makes our games always updated (no diffrent version between users)
  20. Well, take Windows Movie Maker instead. No advanced experience needed. I sucessfully make my VERY FIRST video with that.
  21. I never skipped a class, unless I'm sick or some important things to do outside school. School fee isn't free. So, why pay to get out class?
  22. Hmm.. I've tried SMF, it's good too. Easy mod and skin installation.
  23. Well, I don't think cs_assault is fair. Terrorists is a freaking camper, guard all doors and such things. But I like assault the way CS 1.6 does. CT and T got camera, so you can't camp at all.My favourite map is de_dust2 -> pretty fair map and of course large roads. Oh I hate small freaky corner or corridors like inferno does in CS Source.
  24. Not only USB sticks, some safe website still have possibility to have viruses on it (hacked). But as far I'm using free AV and firewall, I never got anything like that. It's still better to use free one better than nothing or pirated software.
  25. But somehow it seems real. I run at 768 kbps and I can download at 90kbps (stable). Well I really do not have anything to say about this. Let's wait for another opinion about this
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