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Posts posted by OhMyBosh

  1. Thanks, I prefered all white on the links. So I did that, but I left the underline. Also I'm making a entrance page.

    Also, about the kickme.to . I changed it so that it doesnt mask the URL. Now your type in kwire.kickme.to then it just re-directs your to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    And Inspired, I plan on having a keepers league with that page. Also I'll have the 2005 draft picks listed. I cant wait.

    The php things are just pages I havent finished yet. I had enuff credits on the weekend so i just said why not, and started a site.

  2. I know the stats don't work. I guess I really should move the AD. (I will) Also just a few minutes ago I changed around the links so that the links include forums and teh stats one is gone. :( I dont think its nessicary. I also changed the colour of the ads so taht its more easy on the site.

    I don't really want to move the the layer to centre it, I prefer it this way. Not to mention that itd be really hard to do.

    And I'll change the links to white as soon as I figure out the code.

    And teh re-direct. I like kickme.to :( also it would be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <-- 38
    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ <-- 22

    because it'd goto the default .html page that comes with my hosting.

  3. There are a criminal organisation, all they want to know is your paypal account so that they can steal money from you. -_- Honestly, I think that the pay out amount has something to do with it. They probably pay you accordly to the money they earn from the ads. So say they get paid 100 dollars for you seeing their ad. You go from the search page to the searched page and you earn 2 cents. They get 4 cents from the ad people. That way both you and them earn money. The searching thingy is probably just something they thought of.

  4. Anyone want to know what I think? Well your gonna know. I think that they just got the URL and the other stuff ready, then noticed that they don't have anything do with it. I got some hosting and everything here, then noticed I didn't need hosting for anything. -_- I dunno really. I guess the only thing google can now do is job searchings. They have maps and school searching. They have internet content searching, all they need is a job search thingy. :D

  5. WHAT IS PHP? -_- Im talking about the php that you use so that you make all your information in text files! :D what's the code that you put on the space that you want to put the information and what are the links to other pages on your site? Could someone help me out? Thanks, Oh My Bosh.

  6. Really? Didn't he develop some side effects to that because eating only jello could not be very healthy...


    I now remember where I saw it, it's from this celebrity show called "The A-List" and the host asked if he got bored eating eating the same Jell-o day after day. And then all he said was "well, within the name jell-o, there is alot of variety." Then the host laughs like crazy and they move on. -_-

  7. I have another question about Forums. How do I get the kind of forums that have the top being your site, then below all the forums and forum catergories? All I can do it link a iframe to show it on my site. I want something similar to lpassociation.com (look at their site then forums). Or atleast could I use php for a site, intead of a text document? HELP!

  8. i can trade with the New York Islanders so easily, it's like a get anything free for me. A hard team I have trouble tradeing with is the Vancouver Canucks. I can never make the right deal with these guy's.

    Hey, it's realistic! Look at the Isles trades before. I remember some Luongo trade, among others. In reality you could pretty much get the 1st overall choice in any draft from the Islanders for Aki Berg. Let's all blame Mike Milbury. I can't even remember his name because I haven't seen hockey for soo long.

    ESPN 2k5 : 4/5. This game can improve it's gameplay. Its been around for a while and has improved alot. I especially like this games dynasty mode. Also its a $20 game for the ps2, so thats not too bad. -_-

    NHL 2005: 3/5. This game didn't improve, it actually got worse. I actually play NHL 2004 instead because it was soo bad. The ratings really piss me off, some players are overrated and other underrated. I liked the free-for-all mode, but I have nobody to play with. :D It was okay.

    GRETZKY: 2/5. This would be a good game if it was 10 dollars, but at 20 dollars nobody's gonna buy it over ESPN. I played this at the hosipital, and it sucks. It only got a 2 because its hockey related and has Gretzky int he name.

    ITs about time that Hockey games had more variety. Before it was just EA,. Hopefully we'll eventually get like the NFL games, with alot to choose from.

  9. Rap, Hip-hop afterschool. Also I like to listen to Rock on the way to hockey practise. It pumps me up to play. I don't really think it's the genres that define my mood but the song. Such as "One Step Closer", "Breathe", and "Meant To Live" before hockey while imagining some good break aways and stuff. "Take Me Out", "Mr. Brightside", and other softer songs on a normal day.

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