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Posts posted by OhMyBosh

  1. I'm like one of those kids who always gets the advantage from vending machines. Once I put in a dollar and pressed a drink, then pressed coin return. I got ALL the money from the machine and ALL the drinks. This was after my Cross Country team returned from a meet and everyone was thirsty. So I feel like I did a favour for them all. When the machine offers free stuff, why not take it?A while ago I was being investigative and I put washers into the machine (ones sized to look like dollar coins). It worked, but now I feel that I'm too lazy to bother or I feel bad about putting fake money.

  2. ah poo, that's gotta suck, but it can't be as bad as my computer not working, since I had five 30 page documents in it, and lost ALL of it after my computer got infected by a virus... :(


    The best remedy is to treat yourself to an ipod shuffle or a new mimi ipod. :lol:






    It's gone for repairs now and will be back in 3-4 weeks. Geez-wheez.


    It wouldn't turn on. I think it's because I let the battery drain while I was getting my PC reformatted. Now I haveta wait how long? 3-4 effing weeks.


    Also, RadioShack said that it comes with a 1 yr replacement warranty. REPLACEMENT means that I automatically get a new one, doesn't it. It's freaking mis-leading.

  3. Hmm, I don't know. Although something funny that happened today would have to be when.... (obviously fake names)Weeman = A fatt kid who eats people's lunches. Thinks that girls like him but they find him annoying. A cocky stuck up dude who constantly gets made fun of behind his back. Shoeby = A japanese boy. Often very shy. ** both are guitarists and hate each, they fight alot. Anyways, I got to school and was talking with Shoeby in the cafeteria and Weeman arrived and broke a chair which made a loud thump. Shoeby immediately yelled "Godzilla" while everyone was watching in and ran like a maniac. It was funny, because in drama the day before we saw parts of a classic Godzilla.

  4. I agree. In Canada there wasn't a big hype or anything for the PSP. I know that people actually went out and got a DS instead. I think it is in part to the price difference of $199.99 CDN for the Nintendo DS and $299.99 CDN for the Playstation Portable. I guess to do well with little children (what the DS wanted), you'll need alot of gimmicks. The PSP has a funny name though. A portable playstation, what next? Monkey bars in a can. Also, the Playstation Portable has really low battery life.

  5. I'd have to say the state of Michigan. I do alot of traveling from here in Toronto Canada to the US. I mostly visit the stats of, - Michigan- Pensylvania- New York - Masachucettess- Colorado- Ohioand Michigan is my favourite place. I do alot of shopping in Buffalo. Also how on earth would Vermont rock anyones boat? Its like on of the states nobody cares about.

  6. I guess that my ideal phone would have to have. - a camera that has alot of colour and pixels. (high quality picture)- a large screen.- has to be small.- has really nice skins and stuff you can put on it. (similar to Sony Ericsson k700i)- a nice case that comes along with it. - really good design. (eye candy)- a good quality mp3 player. - good video playback.- some short of a screen in which you don't have to be directly in front of it to see it clearly.- a hard shell in case of me dropping it.- storage. (like someone else said, I want to carry my files with me)- connectable to the computer in order to install higher quality games.- assesories.

  7. This just pisses me off, and people like me actually searched on it. Nutbux was just a waste of time! I can't believe it. I honestly think that some sort of a con-man has been running this thing. I know that one guy by the name of Chad has. What the *BLEEP* is storm pay anyways? Paypal is like *BLEEP*ing universal then Storm pay comes along? Do they honestly expect costumers. They probably turned off a lot of people just recently because alot were probably near their payout.It's quite sad really. Also tatatee, I'm a little confused on what you mean by "Isn't it just a LITTLE suspicious that StormPay has an affiliate program 6 levels deep?"

  8. I like a variety of sites, one of the sites taht I like the best is hfboards.com. Its a hockey site talking about quite a few things. I used to spend alot of time on their forums until I switched to a new internet company which won't let me go on their site. I also like this site. I spend almost all my time on the internet here posting. Which is alot of hours. :P I also have to like my own site because I made it and obviously have to like it =]

  9. I'll eventually get myself of PS3 possibly aftter the price drops quite a bit from the release.I want to see what Nintendo can come up with. Hopefully they can make their system something fun at parties just like the old one. I loved when the Sony Playstation had really *BLEEP* graphics and the sports games sucked. Everyone played Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Stadium, and Mario Party at parties. I hope nintendo does well because before Xbox and PS2 they were dominant, and now they even lose their poor concustomers in the hand helf market.

  10. You could turn it into a flash,

    Most people are too dumb and dont know what to do.

    Most html protecting software comes with image protecting tools.

    Try 'HTML Protector', Just google it because i forgot the company.


    I agree, most people are too dumb to copy a flash. I know I wouldn't bother with stealing a flash. (or stealing other for a face... LAWSUITS SCARE ME) ... And even if you were smart enough to steal a flash, you'd have enough talent to make something better.


    I tried stealing a layout before. It's much easier doing something the honest way. And Im not talking karma.

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