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Everything posted by byronarnold

  1. A lot of my fellow atheists became atheists because they read the entire Bible cover to cover. To them, it just didn't add up. They couldn't reconcile what they were taught to believe in Sunday school and church with the god they read about in the Bible. That wasn't my journey (mine was a bit more complex), but I have read the entire Bible, and know more about the Bible and Judeo-Christian religions better than most people of these freligions.Anyway, good luck. Whatever happens, happens. One thing I can tell you, though, it will probably change you, if you complete it. It may make you an atheist, a more spiritual Christian, or even make you want to convert to Judaism or become a Naohide. It all depends upon how your brain fits the many fragments together, and if it can make sense of how it fits it together.Peace, to all!
  2. In my opinion, the draft , any draft, is morally wrong. If you can't find enough people to willingly fight for a cause, then what bussiness does the nation have in it? Someone shouldn't be forced to fight for a cause they don't believe in, should they? Anyways, my 2 cents! Peace to all!!!
  3. Why couldn't the ecosystems work simply because planet Earth happened to be in the right place at the right time to evolve life? I mean look at how many planets in our system didn't happen to be in the right place at the right time to evolve life. And guess what, they don't have life. Just my two cents. Peace to all!!!
  4. I believe in the seperation of church and state, simple as that. When one religion (or a group of religions) starts to be viewed as "superior" to others, then those of the "inferior" are no longer viewed as equal to everyone else. It has been shown over and over again. The Israelites commited genocide against the Caananites because they viewed their religion as superior. The crusaders, Hitlers and the Nazis killed non-Christians because tghey felt Christianity was better. The radical Muslims are killing because they think they are better. The bottom line is, we simply don't need the government taking sides, because the side the govenment sn't on is usally the ones that are persecuted.
  5. My spirituality is science. For me, it isn't one or the other. For me, they're the same. Science explains the world around us. Or at least attempts to. Spirituality is an attempt to explain the world around us. most the time these two approaches (science and spirituality) are contradictive and against one another. But for me, they complement each other. Of course, I am a pantheist, a naturalistic pantheist to be precise. The entire universe, to me, is "god" in the sense that it has my awe and leads me to ponder its mysteries. Peace to all!!!
  6. byronarnold


    I love FreeBASIC. I have been using it for some time. I also have FBEdit and VISG that I use to enhance my Free BASIC experience. Do you use either of these? I gree up loving QBASIC, so I guess that is what attracted me to FreeBASIC, once I discovered it. Not yet it doesn't, but that is one of its main goals. The project is actually a balancing act. Trying to create a modern BASIC language with all the features of a modern language (including OOP), while not loosing the compatiblity with other BASIC languages. I really think, in my very humble opinion, that they are doing a good job!!! Peace to All!!!
  7. Why? Why can't all religions be false? We all, obviously, believe that our religion is the true one. But what if all the religions on Earth were wrong? What if they were all made up? I mean, if one all but is wrong, why does that one have to be right? What reasoning is there that says they can't be? Faith usually means complete confidence in something that cannot be proven (See Heb 11:1). If something cannot be proven, it is pure speculation. Why should you, or I for that matter, believe in speculation? Peace to all!
  8. As "God" is generally defined (The creator and ruler of the universe), I do not believe in one.I believe the closest thing to god that really exists is the universe in its entirety. It is "divine" in the sense that it is mysterious (we don't know everything there is to know as yet) and it inspires more awe in me than any fairy tale deity ever could.
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