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Posts posted by mikeyboy63

  1. If marijuana was legal I'd buy some and get messed up!Honestly, I think it would take the fun out of it for many young people. On the upside, young people who smoke weed wouldn't be buying it from drug dealers anymore. Marijuana doesn't lead to other drugs. Buying it and, therefore, hanging around with drug dealers leads to harder drugs. Ruin it for drug dealers and it'll hurt the drug market. They use weed to get kids to try the harder and, more importantly, highly addictive stuff. Once they're hooked on meth or crack, they'll be stealing money from their parents or whatever else is necessary to get together some money for their dope. Getting kids away from dealers would ultimately help. Legalizing it would also diminish the attraction of it.

  2. White girls need makeup. They look scary without it, but beautiful with it. I'm sure there are exceptions. When I say white girls, I mean blondes with pale skin. I think hispanic and asian girls are luckier. Many look great with no makeup, or just eyeliner and a little lipstick.I think some guys are insecure about their girlfriends looking too pretty. That they might get hit on by lots of other guys. Some guys want their girlfriends to look plain so they can't get another guy. Such guys are buttheads and should be dumped.

  3. We are born for the same reason all the other species are born. Our parents fornicated. We're not different from the other animals. We have more in common with chimpanzees than chimpanzees have with spider monkeys, or whales have with dolphins.We're just a little bit smarter. Even parrots speak. A critical advantage, but not unique to our species. Create a list of those qualities that make humans unique. It'll be a very short list, and most of the items will be negative. Murdering our own, for example. Also, we eat everything, wrecking havoc on our ecology.Only humans are dumb enough to imagine omnipotent aliens from outer space and worship them, putting their alleged interests above our own.

  4. I'd like to suggest a freelance coders forum or subforum under Internet. I know a few popular sites where people go to hire programmers, web designers, etc. I don't like the open bidding system, though, where coders are bidding down their price so low that they're not going to make any money for their efforts. Maybe the forum should have a 'minimum wage', flat rates or payscale that members agree to follow. Maybe we can all contribute to the structure so that it's a great deal for web designers who could use some help on a project and for designers who will do the work. Usually it would be designers hiring another designer with a certain specialty.Yesterday I had a conversation with a PC repair guy who was doing some work on a company's system. The company owner asked the PC guy about a web solution to a problem he was having with his salesman. He wanted an Excel spreadsheet on his Yahoo-hosted website where his salesmen could log in and edit the spreadsheet showing what customers they talked to today, etc. Obviously, the spreadsheet idea wasn't going to work. I told the PC guy that this was going to involve a database of some sort, probably an intranet with remote access for the salesmen, etc. I also told him that I wasn't qualified to advise him, but it would have been nice to throw the idea around a forum and possibly work with somebody who had a good idea. Just an example of how we sometimes get inquiries that are not our specialty, but we could outsource to each other.Just my two cents.

  5. Just received this in my email. Wow! I'm----the----luckiest----guy---on---earth. ~Sob sob~

    I am the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance department BANK OF AFrica (B.O.A) here in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of US$10.5m (TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSANDS US DOLLAR) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer (MR. ANDREAS SCHRANNER from Munich, Germany) who died along with his entire family on Monday,31 July, 2003. in a plane crash
    Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless.some body applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated
    in our banking guidlings and laws but unfortunately we learn that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and releasethe money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill.
    The banking law and guidline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after eight years,the money will be transfered into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund The request of foreigner as , next of kin in this business is occassioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner,and a Burkinabe,cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner
    I agree that 40% of this money will be for you as a respect to the provisionof a foriegn account , 10% will be set aside for expenses incurred during.the business and 50% would be for me Thereafter, I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentage indicated Therefore, to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you arranged,you must apply first to the bank as relation or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where the money will be remmitted.
    Upon receipt of your reply, I shall send to you a specimen of application which you will forward to the paying bank introducing yourself and at the same time instructing bank to effect the release of the fund into your account, I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch-free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer

    Thanks for your co-operation.
    Your sincerely

    It's so sad that bankers in Africa have a 2nd grade education. Their grammar is terrible! Oh well. I shouldn't be critical of them since they're giving me ALL OF THAT MONEY!!! :D

  6. The Da Vinci Code is a fictitious story based upon real research outlined in the book 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail'. In this book, researchers help to explain the truth of the roots of Christianity. Some key points:1. Jesus was the son of Joseph, who was descended from King David, so Jesus had a legitimate claim to the Throne of Jerusalem.2. To discredit Jesus' claim, Caesar invented the Immaculate Conception, making Jesus the son of God instead of the son of Joseph.3. To further strengthen his claim to the throne, Jesus married a Benjamite woman named Mary from the city of Magdalene. Remember that, although King David was the last King of Jerusalem, God promised the throne to the tribe of Benjamin, who were slaughtered by other Jewish tribes. At the time of Jesus, Jews were divided on whether the next Jewish king should be descended from David or the Benjamites. By marrying a Benjamite woman, Jesus made a strong case that he met both criteria, though it would truly be the son of Jesus and Mary who would be the most qualified. 4. To discredit Jesus claim, Rome edited the Bible to paint Mary of Magdalene as a prostitute. Pope John Paul apologized for this before his death.5. At a wedding that Jesus was attending, a house servant came to Jesus' mother and told her that the wine was all gone. Mary informed Jesus, and Jesus magically turned the water into wine.First, why would the house servant complain to Mary? Because Mary was the mother of the groom! This was Jesus' wedding!Second, Jesus complained that Jewish weddings always served wine inside the house, but served water to the people outside the house, i.e. the poor who couldn't attend the wedding inside. This indicates that the wedding was of an important person. Jesus thought it disrespectful and snobbish not to serve wine to the poor attendees, so he had swapped barrels of water for barrels of wine outside. Well, when the wine inside ran out, Jesus simply instructed the house servant to fetch a barrel from outside. Thinking those barrels were full of water, the house servant and guests were surprised when they discovered the barrels were actually full of wine! No miracle here, but Caesar was trying to make Jesus seem miraculous, so he had it turned into a miracle in the Bible.6. According to Jewish custom, on the honeymoon of a King, his bride is commanded to anoint his feet with oils. Mary of Magdalene did this in the Bible, affirming their marriage and his status as the rightful King of Jerusalem.Caesar rearranged these stories to create the impression that the woman was a prostitute trying to gain favor with Jesus. In the Bible originally, Jesus had visited a den of whores to save them. This story was wholly separate from the story of Mary anointing his feet, but by placing these stories near each other in the Bible, Caesar created the impression that it was a prostitute who anointed his feet, and that the prostitute was Mary of Magdalene.7. Caesar commissioned 3 writers to create the Bible. Apostle means 'scribe' or 'writer' in English. The 3 apostles were merely 3 writers hired by Caesar to create the Bible. The word 'scripture' merely means 'writings' in English. The Apostles submitted their writings to Caesar, who then edited the stories to his ends.8. Caesar's issue was this: Rome was conquering many different peoples, each of these peoples having their own religions. Since most of these religions described their Godsent Kings differently, it was difficult for Caesar to keep track of all these religions in his attempt to convince people that he was their godsent king. Caesar dreamed of one religion in the world, with Caesar as the Godsent King. Jesus presented a religion that was universal, with only one God in the world, and one prophet. Unfortunately, Jesus was the prophet. In order for Caesar to be the prophet, he had to get rid of Jesus. But he couldn't. It was Jesus' religion after all!So Caesar came up with the brilliant idea of elevating Jesus into a demigod, much like the Greek religion. By turning Jesus into the son of god, Caesar eliminated Jesus as a messiah, creating a job opening for himself as the prophet or Pope of Caesar's new Roman Universal (Catholic) Church.By turning Jesus into the son of God, Caesar also discredited Jesus as a rightful King of Jerusalem based upon his blood relation to Joseph. This was important since Caesar was the King of Jerusalem at the time! By turning Mary into a prostitute, Rome discredited the notion that Jesus was married and might have a son. This son could cause the end to Roman domination in the Mideast, having a powerful argument that he was the blood of both King David as well as a Benjamite. 9. This Caesar died before assuming the title of Prophet, or Pope, of his new Roman Catholic Church. The next Caesar was a pagan and had no desire to assume the throne of the Church. So the Catholic Church Cardinals began the long tradition of electing a Prophet from amongst themselves.10. In the time of Jesus and immediately after, there were many people who beleived in Jesus' teachings. These people new the truth of Jesus, that he was a mortal man with a family, that he was married, that he did not perform true miracles, but symbolic ones (water into wine, etc). There was evidence of these facts in Jerusalem, so Rome sent an Army to destroy Jerusalem, trying to kill all who knew Jesus and obtain any evidence of the truth. Notice that the writings of Jesus' disciples were omitted from the Bible. This is because their writings contradicted some of the writings by Caesar's apostles. Some of those disciple's writings, now dubbed the dead sea scrolls, were discovered. They confirm that Mary was Jesus' wife and that Jesus did not die on the cross. Jesus actually watched the crucifixion and laughed. Another part of the Dead Sea scrolls has Jesus talking to a new disciple. However, the conversation that they have also indicates that this meeting occurred years after the crucifixion. 11. When Rome destroyed Jerusalem, his brother Joseph of Armathia and his wife Mary escaped to Greece. From there, Joseph traveled to what is now Great Britain. There, Joseph built the first Christian Church, which still stands today.Mary traveled to modern day France. There, she allegedly lived with her son Jesus and a second son. These were both allegedly sons of Jesus of the city of Nazareth. 12. In an attempt to destroy later followers of the real Jesus, the Catholic Church launched the Crusades. During the Crusades all Christians who were not Catholic were killed, their property seized. This was an attempt to kill the real Church of Jesus and to find all evidence that the Catholic Church had distorted the truth. According to 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail', descendants of Jesus were murdered at this time.13. According to the book, the Knights Templar smuggled evidence out of Jerusalem as the Romans were destroying the city. This evidence is presumably the family of Jesus, as well as writings that tell the true story. The truth of the Templar Knights is allegedly known to the Freemasons and Rosicrucians. 14. According to rumors, descendants of Jesus still live, and soon they will come forward. Whether this will happen, and whether anybody will believe it is hard to guess. According to other rumors, these descendants will be exploited by the world's elite to create a global govt. which strengthens their grip on the world's wealth and resources. The "New World Order".Leonardo Da Vinci was a member of the Freemasons. It is rumored that he placed clues about Jesus in his art. The book, "The Da Vinci Code" is a fictional guess as to what might happen if descendants of Jesus emerge. It would harm the Catholic Church, so they might try to assassinate them, as they did long ago during the Crusades.

  7. My friend owns Diablo PC Medic. Most of his customers are small business owners with windows PCs at their offices. Many, though, are home users. The number one problem is viruses. Most of his service calls are for viruses, so have Avast with you at all times. It can be boring and time consuming doing a virus screen on premises, so he often takes the computer with him, especially if he has another customer to see.Yes, you'll need hard drives, since another big problem is customers losing their drives. They'll want you to also reinstall their OS and software. Many people will ask you for MS Office for free! Advise them to install OpenOffice instead, and have it with you to install. It's free and better than MS Office, and completely compatible with MS Office doc. format. It's also available for Linux.It's good to be affordable, but don't work for free. People expect to pay. Don't disappoint them! You need the money!It's best to be in the phone book, but there are other ways to advertise. The founder of UPS would tell you: doorhangers, doorhangers, and more doorhangers. You can buy 10,000 doorhangers from doorhangers.com for $299.00. There should be a doorhanger distributor in your area who will hang them for $800.00-$1200.00. Pricey, but you should be able to split the costs with another business who agrees to be on the flip side of the doorhanger. If you can put out 5000 doorhangers every few months to THE SAME houses, you'll get plenty of business from them within 4-6 months. Make sure your doorhanger directs them to your website, and choose a simple and memorable domain name. Once you can get into the phone book, you can throttle down on the doorhangers.Another advertising source is small, giveaway newspapers which are usually printed and distributed biweekly or once a month. These papers charge substantially less, and you can take out a larger ad space cheap.If you plan on starting your new service within the next 2-3 months, you should already be working on your website. You'll need to post free links to it in web directories, and the major search engines may take a month to index your site and many months more for your site to float toward the top of the natural listings. You'll want a wordy site since the search engines like that. If you know somebody who can design websites, then you might hook up with them since some customers will ask you about creating a website for them. If you can do it, great, but if not, you can outsource it and keep a little money for playing the middleman. Good luck!

  8. Thanks for the heads up. I haven't received that particular email yet, but I recently received an email from a furniture company in the UK (I'm in the US) that was looking for part time internet sales people to receive customer orders via email and also receive their payments and deposit them to the company's acct. The email was nearly flawless in giving the impression that it was truly from this real furniture company, including links to their real website, but the email domain on the return address was a digit off, and I contacted the real company. They wrote me back thanking me for alerting them to the problem.These phishing schemes are getting more and more sophisticated, and more people are getting duped.

  9. I'm an atheist, but it isn't something I discuss much. I don't like adults who enjoy telling kids that there is no Santa Claus, and I don't feel the need to run around explaining to religious people that gods don't exist. Some people are afraid of death and some aren't smart enough to learn about the scientific view of the world. For these people religion plays an important role in their lives. Until there's a Science 'Bible' that is comprehensible to nearly everybody, religion will continue to be a benefit to many people who, without it, would feel fearful and could become less civilized in their conduct.

  10. I experience deja vu occasionally. Thi s is my opinion on why it happens.Normally, when we experience something, the information goes into our brains and almost simultaneously to our memory banks. However, on rare occasions, the information (sights, sounds etc.) reach our memory banks a fraction of a second earlier and so we seem to be remembering the incident as it's happening. It feels like we've been there before when in reality, we are experiencing it for the first time, but the info. went to our memory banks slightly before it arrived at our cognitive selves.Sorry to kill all the supernatural or spiritual explanations, but it's pretty much that simple.

  11. Yes, I still Yahoo! I Google often, but IMHO Google has sold out to big Corporations. By that I mean that their search results are top heavy with big business, even though those listings are completely irrelevant to my search query! Sure, Yahoo and Live search are also sellouts, but I liked Google for having more relevant results. In fact, type in 'web designer' in Google and Microsoft is in the top ten! Why? Check out the MS page code and you won't find the term 'web designer' anywhere on the page! Google's on the take! Just my 2 cents on that. As for maps, Live search now has killer satellite images! Perhaps the best of Google and Yahoo!On Yahoo! Answers I'm a top contributor, so I still hang there for that reason, and I read the news etc. on their homepage.

  12. I used 110mb briefly last year. Sweet jesus, what a painful experience that was. I create sites for small businesses and upload their webs to a free host temporarily so the client can testdrive their site. I'm not paying for php or sql for a temporary site. Once the client approves the site I place it at a permanent host. With 110mb, the ftp is so unreliable that it can take hours to upload a web, and hours every time you want to make the simplest change. Rediculous! I think they had a limit of 25 or so concurrent connections via ftp, but there were almost always over 25 users connected.I'm glad I've discovered Xisto. I'll test sites here with php forms enabled (YIPPEE) and then migrate the webs to Xisto - Web Hosting. I will likely set up a reseller hosting acct. to make a little money from hosting them, too. :D

  13. <style>#div{position:absolute;top:100px;bottom:0px;width:auto;left:0px;}</style>
    That good?

    Nick's code works in both IE and FF. I don't have Opera. By giving it a bg color I can see that it works.

    EDIT: It doesn't work if the content is longer than the screen length, i.e. if user needs to scroll down...interesting......this is the type of problem that I can become obsessed with......I----------must----------resist------------obsessing---------------

  14. Ready to boo me? Nirvana. :D Not because they weren't good because they were good. Thing is they weren't really great, but when Cobain killed himself, the media jumped all over it, turning him into a demigod. Then here came all the copycat bands that sucked, but that's all the record companies would sign under the false perception that Nirvana's 'grunge' was commercially viable. It's been over 15 years of bad rock, which has made rap popular by default, but hopefully rock will soon make a comeback. I thought Creed could lead the way, but Scott Stapp ruined it.Then, of course, there were the New Kids on the Block and all of their copycats...

  15. Back in the day some of the more surprising and disappointing breakups were Led Zeppelin, The Police, and the Sex Pistols. Several long layoffs that sucked were Aerosmith and Def Leppard. Yeah, they came back, but who knew they would at the time. The Creed breakup was unfortunate, but seemed inevitable with Scott Stapp being f'ed up in the head. Alterbridge, which is Creed with a new singer and the original bass player (Scott Stapp hated him) is great. Stapp's solo effort was alright, but the new band didn't rock as hard.

  16. Most people are pretentious and ignorant, let's face it. I prefer Firefox over IE, but for most people, a browser is a browser, and I understand that. But look how 'trendy' it is to bash IE and claim to love FF. In a few years it'll be some other browser in fashion and FF will be shunned for becoming too IE-like. Likewise, for most people Windows is just the OS. Big whoop. If they know that everything they could want to use in terms of internet, software, hardware, etc. is certainly compatible with Windows, then why risk switching to the unknown? The problem with open source is that there's no profit-mongering corporations spending millions to promote it. It takes time for word to get around that solid, secure alternatives are available. Yes, Microsoft is just another company making and marketing a product. Consider, though, OpenOffice. Is this just revenge of Sun and the folks from Netscape on Microsoft for giving away a free browser? "Microsoft killed Netscape with free IE, so Sun and Netscape people will try to kill MS Office with the free (and superior) OpenOffice product?I just laugh as I continue to enjoy better and better free software :D

  17. I have Antivir on my pc. Works great and it's free on download.com. Norton is annoying and doesn't catch everything it should. My PC tech buddies like to install either Antivir or Avast on customer machines. If the techs like it then it's good enough for me. I like a non intrusive antivirus and Norton and ZA are not that. Also, I would never send spam, I never open attachments, or even download them, and waiting for Norton to scan my outgoing emails is obnoxious. Antivir just does its job. Sweet. :D

  18. Dating is one thing, marriage is another. It doesn't sound like you've met your future husband yet.You didn't mention your age or what went wrong in your previous relationship. I'll assume he didn't cheat on you, since that means it's over. Cheaters don't change. If your ex didn't do anything seriously wrong, if he's not a loser (no you can't change him), and if he gets you real hot and bothered, then you might consider going back to him. Hey, it's just dating. If your current bf likes you more than you like him, you'll end up going cold on him in bed, which will kill the relationship for both of you.Let's face it, even good relationships have their ups and downs, and great sex helps to turn mountains into molehills, whereas a bland sex life can turn molehills into mountains. The 'looks don't count' shot tells me that you don't find your bf to be attractive. Staying with him simply delays the inevitable breakup.Just my two cents. :D

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