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i can not establish a connection AT ALL!! my ftp program (Core FTP LE) cannot connect, neither can my online ftp..... also, i cannot log in to my cpanel!! in short, i cant do ANYTHING!!! can anyone help me?? better question, is the server down? and im not aware of it?
if you read my last topic on hiroshima and the atomic bomb, this is similar.... as it turns out, the feed back from topics greatly contributes to discussion in my honors history and literature class, so i decided to give it another go around with a similar topic in the same time period-- the holocaust. after reading the book "night" by Elile Wiesel, we had a discussion as to atrocities such as this and some opinions on the topic...... so, once again, heres the facts:Elile Wisel said once that anyone who witnesses an atrocity or act of inhumanity, and does nothing to stop it, is just as guilty as the person committing the act. I agree with this statement in some ways. It can be considered just as bad if you don?t stop whats going on, it just depends on certain factors. These factors and opinions depend on whether an act is viewed as right or wrong. First, it depends on what sort of atrocity is committed and the viewpoint of the observer. What defines right or wrong? Different people have different ideas, in the case of the Holocaust; the Nazis believed that what they were doing was right. They believed that they were doing humanity a favor of ridding them of the Jewish people. Right to the Nazis was defined by what they believed in, which in turn, was defined by what Hitler said. On the other hand, this seemed completely wrong to everyone else in the world because of how they thought of things such as murder, genocide, and equality. Furthermore, what defines an atrocious act? Again, it depends on the viewpoint of the individual people. Their religion, culture, upbringing, and surroundings all contribute to their opinions of right, wrong, good and bad. From this, I conclude that as long as you have the ability to stop something atrocious, it is wrong to do nothing about it. It should be reiterated though that it is an opinion, and opinions are unique to the individual. Thus far, if the observer doesn?t view an atrocity as an atrocity, then it would be completely normal not to react. As you can see, it is wrong to do nothing to stop a horrible act, but it also depends on your opinion of the actions taking place, and how right and wrong are defined to you and others around you. As a last thought, compare this to a human swatting a fly. We don?t see anything wrong with killing a fly. Because it seems so small and unimportant we don?t seen anything wrong with killing it, but what about the fly? Is it wrong to him?
so my class mates and i recently had an assignment related to the justification of the atomic bombing of japan in WWII, and i thought it would be interesting to spread this topic and see some different views on this! so here are the facts:After August 6th and 9th of 1945, the world began to question the leader of the most powerful nation in existence, for his decision to use a weapon so unimaginably powerful against the country of Japan, to end World War II and restore peace in the world. Despite the loss of life and utter destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the decision to bomb was justified in salvaging American lives by preventing an invasion of Japan, Ending World War II, and in pure retaliation after the monstrous surprise attack on the United States Naval station in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In the preceding weeks before dropping the first bomb, President Truman and other allied leaders issued an ultimatum from Potsdam stating the terms of surrender of the Japanese military. It was announced that, ignoring this would result in "the inevitable and complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and just as inevitably the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland". After japan ignored this ultimatum, treating it as a bluff, president Truman evaluated his options: possibly lose millions of Americans in an invasion of the japanese mainland that would probabily last months and cost millions of dollars, or drop one bomb and end the war in days at the cost of no american lives. When the options were weighed and the predictions of the after affects of the bomb were considered, the order was given to bomb.Adding to this justification, the complete destruction of the japanese mainland and the incredible loss of life, contributed significantly to the ending of the war with Japan for many reasons. First, it instilled fear in Japan. When the world realized the damage the United States could cause with just one plane and one bomb, it could be said that most of Japan alone ?lost their stomach for the war?. Second, by carefully selecting the cities for destruction, the japanese military would be at a great disadvantage in supplies, man power and will. Because of these reasons, the war with Japan was quickly resolved and peace treaties were signed within the week of the bombing. Finally, the bombing was justified solely because Japan bombed the United States first! Like it or not, it could be compared to a rivalry between siblings, he hit me first, so I hit him back! As immature as that sounds, consider the United States? standing among other countries in the world. As of World War II, the US was the most powerful country in the world, not counting the Soviet Union, and with Europe in shambles, and still recovering from the first world war there was no one left. Point being, the US could not just invade and drag out the war, much less, do nothing! It was important that we showcase our power, and instill fear throughout the world, to let everyone know that when we say we mean business, that we mean business. By instilling fear of nuclear war, peace was reinstated and the US was taken seriously. Conclusively, it?s very easy to see, even when considering opposing sides, that using an atomic bomb on Japan was vindicated by not risking American lives, quickly ending the war, and in retaliation. The majority of the people i have heard from seem to be split 50/50 on this topic - justified or not.... so any response is welcomed, --- please show you opinion on this!!!
so i've been reading up on CGI and SSI and it looks like I am going to need some information about my account.a.) what is the path to the PEARL compiler on this host?b.) what is the path to my site (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) from the server's stand point?c.) what is the path to the servers mail program?d.) and what is the path to my CGI-BIN?any and all replies to this would be awesome! thanks
Laser Surgery How is the procedure? Does it hurt?
chriso_cd replied to Zlash's topic in Health & Fitness
lasik eye surgery is safe enough for most people, and painless, however if your interested in astronomy, or are active driving at night or doin anything at night, it could do some nasty things to your night vision.... so be careful! a good rule is to wait as long as possible before resulting to lasik for two reasons: 1) you want to wait till your eyes stop changing if your a teen or in your twenties, and 2) as time goes by, doctors are makeing more and more advancements in the field, and the longer you wait, the more advanced they are! -
the best way to get to sleep is to close all of the windows; im talkin block out ALL light! so when you open and close your eyes, you cant tell the difference, its so dark! next, play some of your favorite music real low in the room. to add to that, take a hot shower or work out before bed, or hey, have a sastifying meal to sleep on..... all of that, and youll sleep real well!!if all else fails, during the day, work your butt off! find something to clean, destroy, lift, push, carry, ... anything that needs to be done around the house, do it! if you make your self that tired , that night, youll sleep real well too!
want to not be skinny? want to be big and muscular but not fat? squats and milk is the way to go!! a simple but effective way to gain size, strength, but not fat; all you have to do is a few simple basic exercises, and drink alot of milk (1%) and eat alot of peanut butter! so here it is...... the beast of all lifts, the king of all lifts-- the squat--- the answer to all of your skinny problems! in particular, its the 20 rep squat--- ill warn you, this is not for the faint hearted! it will hurt, but, hey, no pain, no gain! so what you do is you load up a bar with about 2/3 the max amount of weight you can lift, and you squat it for 20 reps! if you dont know what a squat is, check out http://www.bodybuilding.com/, to see some examples... but thats it! all you have to do is a grueling set of 20 squats and some pushups till you drop, every other day for a month, and i gaurentee you will gain a load of muscle, and strength! now this ISNT easy though, it will hurt like nothing in the world to make 20 reps if you have the proper amount of weight on the bar.... it isnt supposed to be easy by no means..... one tip, if your not pouring sweat by your 7th rep, or not wanting to puke your guts out by your 14th rep, then your not doing it right!!!!! so in conclusion, this work out every other day, every week, for a month; drink about a gallon or more of milk and jars apon jars of peanutbutter after the work out, and watch the muscle grow!!!!
Doing Push Ups? is doing push ups a good way to get a strong body?
chriso_cd replied to **Satan**'s topic in Health & Fitness
hey, if your dedicated to doin those pushups at a high intensity and you keep focous through an intense set, pushups are a great part of a basic total body work out!pushups are commonly regarded as only working the upper body, when infact if done properly, they can work alot more! they directly affect the triceps, forearms, chest, and shoulders........ and also have a ligitimate affect on the abs, because if your doing them right, you will have a straight back, which requires a significant amount of abdominal strength to hold good form throught a long set of pushups. also, pushpus indirectly affect your traps, lower back, butt, hips, and biceps! i know it sounds like crap to say that pushups can work any lower body part, but if you dont believe it, attempt a set of as many pushups you can do before you litterally collapse, then hold in that pushup position ( arms straight, back straight, up off the ground) for two minutes! you'll see the affects! -
so heres the thing... situps are good for you! and if it hurts your back at first, thats ok, because that means that your back muscles (especially the lower back, just above your butt) just arent used to the stress of situps... so pain at first is ok, only if pain presists after a good amount of time is it bad. but situps are not the only ab exercise you should do! your abs are made up of different sections and different muscles... it is not just one big slab of muscle that can be formed! the key is working the area from every possible angle so as to reveal the most detail and get the most strength. It should be added however, that you also have to have a low body fat percentage to see the results of your ab training. as far as exercises go, there are a variety of them to work your abs from every concieveable angle, and they should be done in conjunction with cardio (preferably after) to get the desired results. the best type of cardio to see the fastest results is HIIT... high intensity interval training. this is where you do cardio exercise (like running or bike riding for example) at a very very fast rate for 20 to 30 seconds then slow down to a medium rate for 15-25 seconds then repeate the cycle for 15-20 minutes---- this will torch fat like crazy with out your body breaking down muscle instead!
so heres the thing.. ive been watching the AFL because there is no real football on right now... and i cant believe they call this football!! if you ask me, the AFL is where the wanna be's of the NFL go when they dont get drafted.. because there just not good enough to hang with the real football players! i mean look at the facts: the field is half as long and wide... an excuse for not conditioning; the rules are bent... an excuse for breaking them!; and its played indoors!... an excuse to look cool by hitting into the walls, and to get out of the weather where the real men play! if anyone has a different view on this.... i will keep an open mind... but for now, the AFL is NOTHING compared to the real NFL!
oh yeah... cookin ramen... my favorite. the best way to cook ramen is to get one of those cheap gladware plastic containers (preferably a square one!) and fill it about 75% full of water.... next, put your ramen noodles in there ( i usually use two packs ) next, put in ALL of the spices you like... im talkin raid the spice cabinet! if it sounds good, throw some in! another awesome ingredient that people dont usually think of is that minced garlic in the small jar... put like a large spoonful in the water.... finally throw all of this in the water with the noodles and put that in the microwave for like 6 minutes! bon a petit! enjoy!!
Cats Vs. Dogs: Who Will Win? These are peoples OPINIONS.
chriso_cd replied to Thyta's topic in Home & Garden
ha ha ha ha cats vs. dogs... ok so heres my opinion, dogs are smarter and seem more masculine although they can seem feminine too.... where as cats are more "softie" they are generally not very smart but they like anyone... its not hard to get a cat to like you! cats are more cunning though where as dogs are generally not see dogs are smart with learning things and tricks and to preform tasks where as cats are more on instincts.... jumping, hunting, using the litter box ha ha ha but then sometimes you do get a cat like mine that has no natural instincts and never picked up on how to properly use the litterbox unlike every other cat in the WORLD!! but at the same time, my dog can shake, roll over and respond to conversation!! -
Artificial Intelligence Is it ethical?
chriso_cd replied to devin_love3's topic in Science and Technology
AI is ethical depending on how its used.... there is no way a computer should EVER replace a human on everything. one example is in war.... theres all of this new technology to fight our wars and never risk a life. thats great and all, but what about the people we're fighting against? there are some cases when a humans reasoning, and ethics are needed! a computer will always bomb a city ... it doesnt care about the people there, it was given a mission and it will carry it out.... but a human would care, and maybe even make better decisions about how to go about bombing say to avoid unessasary collateral damage... the point is, that AI should AID humans, NEVER replace them! -
mow the lawn like once a week... set a day like saturday... about mid day! just dont do it when its wet, first, it will really mess with the lawn mower, youll be emptying the grass catch about a hundred times every few minutes, and it will look REALLY bad!!! last tip, dont let it get too long! too long and itll be too hard to cut with out a weed eater, and itll make your lawn mowers "gas mileage" go way up!! you could go through like a tank for half the yard depending on how long it is and how much the mower has to work!!1
if all your concerned about is power, then a supercharger is the way to go. it has no lag, because it is run off of a belt and there fore directly from the engine.... it will produce something like a 5% or greater increase in the cars power. -- the MAJOR downside of superchargers today is that they slaughter your gas mileage because the engine actually has to work harder to turn the extra belt on start up and when the supercharger isnt in use.if you want the extra power of a supercharger, but not the negative effects on your gas mileage, turbochargers are much better. turbochargers are NOT connected to the engine by a belt to run them... instead, they are looped into the exaust system (usually on top of the header or exaust manifold) and they rely on pressure from the exaust to power them... this means that you have a lag time between start up and when it builds up enough pressure to work... besides this, there are no other negative effects of a turbocharger on an engine unless you consider extra power and speed a negative effect!
the battery in a car is only used to give the engine that initial spin , to take throught the first cycle, to get the whole process of intake, compression, combustion, and exaust going... so the ac is not powered by the battery. once the car is running, all electricity and power comes from the engine which in turn runs on gasoline.... the battery is no longer active while the car is running, infact, the engine actually recharges the battery for a period of time after it is started. infact, the ac is powered by the engine, and a can of compressed refridgerant under the hood in the ac compartment, which is usually located infront of the engine wall, infront of the passenger seat. this ac componet is powered by electricity provided by a rubber belt attached to the front of the engine. this takes advantage of the engines rpm and uses it to produce electricity by use of an electro magnent.... kind of like a windmill.
2 problems! a) how do i update my website??? like if i make changes to the code of say my index.html page, how do i make these changes take place on the website online?? how come my ftp uploads my files to a file under my public_html folder but also under a folder with my user name (public_html/username ) ??? this makes it so the url of my site isnt http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ anymore but http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ---- this makes no sence!!
there are ways to go about including membes, and logins and stuff like that, but one of the simpler ways of doing that is to let javascript do it. now this is not the most secure way to administer passwords and members, but it does work, just aslong as your not worried too much about security! go to http://www.pageresource.com/ and check out the section on password scripts, it should be useful, it will give step by step insructions on getting some of these to work.
today, hackers have a bad rep, they are seen on movies such as "the Core" eating hotpockets, and hacking into government computers. as a result, if some one is accused of, or said to be hacking, they are automaticaly assumed to be doing something illegial! this is not the way it is!! the term "hacker" was first used to label a person who has developed a very good understanding of computers, and uses their skills to view computer code, study it, learn from it, maybe fix it, or develope their own programs or programming languages. point being, hacking isnt a bad thing unless it is used for bad intentions, like distributing viriuses, or destructive programs and messing with peoples private files. as a matter of fact, bill gates (owner and developer of microsoft-- invented ms office, windws live search, etc.) started hacking in highschool as a way to help improve his schools computers and write new programs for them!
an awesoms text editor called notepad++ is available @ notepad-plus.sourceforge.net, its freeware, and it not only can edit javascript,but hundreds of other programming languages including java, HTML, CSS, C++, pearl, XML and many others. it makes viewing, editing, and writing code very easy by color coding reserved words, pairing braces and brackets; numbering lines, and it even has a spellcheck plugin that is very useful in java. also, its a portable app, which means that you can store it and alll of its files on a flash drive so that you can use it on any computer!
Is There Life Anywhere Else On The Universe ?
chriso_cd replied to red_dragon_here's topic in Science and Technology
take a minute to think about this- life is VERY fragile! the only reason we exist is because we are EXACTALY the right distance from our star (the sun) for a number of variables to be just right for life to form:its not too hot or cold, so water stays mostly in liquid form (water is the universal solvent!)its the perfect distance for the perfect temperature for lifethe earths orbit is perfect - not too fast, not too slow, not too big, not too smallalso, we lucked out and got a planet that just happens to have oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen (the 4 organic elements); these are key to creating carbon chains, which form proteins, which then form deoxiribonuceic acid --- DNA!!!, which through adaptation, and other evolutionary processes evolves into more and more complex life (like us!) next, with the varitey of newly discovered exoplanets and the sheer number of stars in our galaxy, then with the sheer number of stars in the UNIVERSE! the probability of finding a star that supports a planet similar to ours is pretty good!so is there life, consider how fragile life is, and the perfect situation it requires to exist and you can see the possibility.... having said that, evolution, and stellar formation takes a long time! and our universe is estimated at 13.5 billion years old (that means it took that long for US to evolve!) so the final answer, and it is purely opinion at this point of scientific exploration and knowledge; but i think so. one last thought- IF it does exist, its probabily not just like us, at the very least, its probabily just a patch of weeds growing on some far away planet in some galaxy not yet discovered! like i said, its fragile, therefore rare! -
the best time to see shooting stars is late at night when the moon is NOT out. you should look very high, toward the zenith (almost 90 degrees straight up), this is where the atmosphere is thinnest from our point of view and where it is generally darkest because it is farthest from the surrounding light pollution. on any given night, depending on how dark it is, you stand a pretty good chance of seeing a shooting star. If you want to greatly increase your chances of seeing one, you can visit astronomy websites like http://www.skyandtelescope.com/, http://www.astronomy.com/, or http://www.heavens-above.com/;'>http://www.heavens-above.com/; where you can find info on the approximate times of local metior showers (http://www.heavens-above.com/ is especially accurate, they even tell you exactly where to look). these sites are very accurate at predicting meteror showers b/c they have all of the info on the comets that cause them. ( meteror showers are caused when the earth passes through the dust tail that comets leave behind as they zip through our orbital plane; the earth's atmosphere ionizes the dust which creates a bright "shooting star".... the bigger the comet, the bigger the trail, the bigger and longer lasting the meterors).