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Everything posted by chappill

  1. Looks amazing but overkill and lies, If i was old enough I'd report that.
  2. Try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and if you've just created you're account try waiting upto 48 hours =] patients is the key.
  3. I have my forum on phpBB3.chappill.trap17.com and my main site on chappill.trap17.com, i just put a link to the forum on my main page(s), that's the simplest way to go.
  4. Hmmm the top ones easy, just upload the new site and overwrite the old index page but the second one i have no idea about i use Firefox ftp plug in.
  5. Yeah i got it off a mate who said it worked fine :S I'll drop it now. Thanks for the help though, I'll try work on it myself.And i looked and i found the problem! <tr id="submitrow"><td bgcolor="#000000" align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Finish Installation"> It doesn't tell the page to move on to page 3! I'll try do that because its in html.
  6. I would vote for and only under EXTREME circumstances, I.E the child will die 1-2 weeks after birth, the baby was made from rape, it was an accident from a split condom where emergency failed or it was under aged, with them been careful.
  7. http://www.slavehack.com/, currently dieing because the main moderator just quit, but if more people go we'll get more moderators!!!
  8. 886.3 is my highest score, got some practise to do!
  9. Hmmmm worked the furthest so far but now: <?php}if($step==3){//CHECK SUBMITTED INFORMATIONif((!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$",$mail)) || (!isset($pass)) || (!isset($pass2)) || (empty($pass)) || (empty($pass2)) || ($pass!=$pass2) || (!isset($user)) || (empty($user)) || (!isset($sitename)) || (empty($sitename)) || (!eregi("^http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)) || (!eregi("^http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/))){?> That bit (moving to step 3) doesn't work!!! This is like the script from hell, I'll turn it into a challange 3 hosting credits to the solver of my problem! Lol.
  10. Gahhh got another problem, where it says: he database already exists, do you want to use it, or delete it?<br><a href="install.php?step=1&action=use_old">Use It</a><br><a href="install.php?step=1&action=delete_old">Delete It</a><br> I click use old and it doesn't forward the page! It's miffing me off.
  11. England, north Lincolnshire, right side of the road? It's about the only stretch with no cycle paths on the path as well!And my dad (who's a cop) said i could of gohst-ied my bike into his car, I'd of got a new bike and he's need a new wing panel xD
  12. Im male and I would want to get married around the age of 21. No kids before marriage!!!
  13. I change this how oh powerful one? Could you modify it for me ?
  14. # 1.5GB Bandwidth# 50MB Disk Space# Easy Website Builders# Ad-supported:X LOLNo offense to them, and it is free and all, but I would struggle to fit all my stuff in that, the bandwidth is ample for me though, i still thing Xisto p0wn!
  15. No it was: (I would use the upload function built in but it doesn't like me ]= ) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. Some people believe that typing Google into Google will 'break' the internet for a split second, these theory's are yet to b testes and if so I've broken the internet loads of times.
  17. This is the reason i didn't really want to... It's 500 lines+ long <?phpif(!isset($step)){$step=0;}if($step==1){if(isset($already_voted)){setcookie("already_voted","no",time()-3600)or die("Couldnt clear cookies");}?><html><head><?phpecho "<font face=\"arial,sans-serif\" size=\"2\">Cleared Cookies</font><br>\n";}?><title>wisePoll installation</title><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--if(window!=top){top.location=window.location;}//--></script><style type="text/css">FORM {FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;FONT-SIZE: 10px;}SELECT, INPUT, TEXTAREA {FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;COLOR: #51485F;FONT-SIZE: 10px;}#submitrow INPUT {BACKGROUND-COLOR:#d0d0d0;COLOR: #000000;}</style></head><body bgcolor="#e0e0e0" link="blue" vlink="blue" alink="blue"><font face="arial,sans-serif" size="2"><?phprequire("config.php");$link=mysql_connect("$sql_localhost","$sql_user","$sql_pass")or die("Couldn't connect to sql server");if($step==0){echo "This will perform a clean install of wisePoll, it will delete any previous versions you may have on your server.<br><a href=\"install.php?step=1\">Continue -></a>";}if($step==1){if(!isset($action)){if(mysql_select_db("$db_name")){?>The database already exists, do you want to use it, or delete it?<br><a href="install.php?step=1&action=use_old">Use It</a><br><a href="install.php?step=1&action=delete_old">Delete It</a><br><?phpdie();}else{$action="create_new";}}if($action=="delete_old"){mysql_drop_db("$db_name")or die("Couldn't drop database");echo "Drop Database<br>";mysql_create_db("$db_name")or die("Couldn't create database");echo "Created Database<br>";mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("Couldn't select database");echo "Selected Database<br>";}if($action=="create_new"){mysql_create_db("$db_name")or die("Couldn't create database");echo "Created Database<br>";mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("Couldn't select database");echo "Selected Database<br>";}if($action=="use_old"){mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("Couldn't select database");echo "Selected Database<br>";}mysql_query("CREATE TABLE wisePoll_admins(User text, Pass text, Mail text, Priv text, Enabled text)")or die("Couldnt create admins table");echo "Created admins table.<br>\n";mysql_query("CREATE TABLE wisePoll_privs(GroupID INT NOT NULL primary key auto_increment, GroupName text, AddAdmin text, EditAdmin text, DisableAdmin text, DeleteAdmin text, AddGroup text, EditGroup text, DeleteGroup text, AddTemplate text, EditTemplate text, DisableTemplate text, DeleteTemplate text, AddPoll text, EditPoll text, DisablePoll text, DeletePoll text, OtherOps text)")or die("Couldnt create priviledges table");echo "Created priviledges table.<br>\n";mysql_query("INSERT INTO wisePoll_privs VALUES('','orig','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes')")or die("Couldnt create original administrator priviledges");echo "Created original administrator priviledges.<br>\n";mysql_query("INSERT INTO wisePoll_privs VALUES('','full','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes','yes')")or die("Couldnt create full administrator priviledges");echo "Created full administrator priviledges.<br>\n";mysql_query("INSERT INTO wisePoll_privs VALUES('','mod','no','no','no','no','no','no','no','no','no','no','no','yes','yes','yes','yes','no')")or die("Couldnt create moderated administrator priviledges");echo "Created moderated administrator priviledges.<br>\n";mysql_query("CREATE TABLE wisePoll_layout(ID INT NOT NULL primary key auto_increment, Template text, HeadInput text, Header text, Footer text, PageTitle text,SiteURL text, PollURL text, TblBorderSize int, TblBorderCol text, LayoutType text, PageBGCol text, PageTxtCol text, PageTxtFont text, PageTxtSize int,PageLnkCol text, PageLnkBGCol text, PagevLinkCol text, PageaLinkCol text, PageoLinkCol text, PageoLinkBGCol text,PageLnkFont text, PageLnkSize int, PageoLinkFont text, MnTblBGCol text, MnTblTxtCol text,MnTblTxtFont text, MnTblTxtSize int, MnTblLnkCol text, MnTblLnkBGCol text, MnTblvLinkCol text, MnTblaLinkCol text,MnTbloLinkCol text, MnTbloLinkBGCol text, MnTblLnkFont text, MnTblLnkSize int, MnTbloLinkFont text,HrowBGCol text, HrowTxtCol text, HrowTxtFont text, HrowTxtSize int, HrowLnkCol text, HrowLnkBGCol text, HrowvLinkCol text,HrowaLinkCol text, HrowoLinkCol text, HrowoLinkBGCol text, HrowLnkFont text, HrowLnkSize int, HrowoLinkFont text,ErowBGCol text, ErowTxtCol text, ErowTxtFont text, ErowTxtSize int, ErowLnkCol text, ErowLnkBGCol text,ErowvLinkCol text, ErowaLinkCol text, ErowoLinkCol text, ErowoLinkBGCol text, ErowLnkFont text, ErowLnkSize int,ErowoLinkFont text, OrowBGCol text, OrowTxtCol text, OrowTxtFont text, OrowTxtSize int, OrowLnkCol text,OrowLnkBGCol text, OrowvLinkCol text, OrowaLinkCol text, OrowoLinkCol text, OrowoLinkBGCol text, OrowLnkFont text,OrowLnkSize int, OrowoLinkFont text, enabled text)")or die("Couldnt create layout table".mysql_error());echo "Created layout table.<br>\n";mysql_query("CREATE TABLE wisePoll_options(PollActive text, InactiveMessage text, UserTemplates text, Frames text, ContactMail text)")or die("Couldnt create options table");echo "Created options table.<br>\n";mysql_query("CREATE TABLE wisePoll_polls(PollID INT NOT NULL primary key auto_increment,PollTitle text,Question text,Options text,Answers text,Enabled text)")or die("Couldnt create polls table");echo "Created polls table.<br>\n";?>You're All good there spanky spank!!<br><br><br><a href="install.php?step=2">Click here</a> to create a user, you MUST do this to access the admin shell.<br><br><?php}if($step==2){?><form action="install.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" value="3" name="step"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="#000000" align="center"><tr><td><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%"><tr align="center"><td bgcolor="#000000" align="center" width="100%" colspan="2"><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1" color="#ffffff"><b>Create An Admin</b></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#d0d0d0" align="left" nowrap><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2"><strong>Username:</strong></font><br><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1">Type your desired login name.</font></td><td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" align="center" valign="top"><input type="text" size="30" name="user"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#d0d0d0" align="left" nowrap><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2"><strong>Password:</strong></font><br><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1">Type your desired login password.</font></td><td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" align="center" valign="top"><input type="password" size="30" name="pass"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#d0d0d0" align="left" nowrap><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2"><strong>Confirm Password:</strong></font><br><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1">Type your desired login password again.</font></td><td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" align="center" valign="top"><input type="password" size="30" name="pass2"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#d0d0d0" align="left" nowrap><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2"><strong>Email Address:</strong></font><br><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1">This is the email address you want associated with your account.</font></td><td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" align="center" valign="top"><input type="text" size="30" name="mail"></td></tr><tr align="center"><td bgcolor="#000000" align="center" width="100%" colspan="2"><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1" color="#ffffff"><b>Enter Your Site Information</b></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#d0d0d0" align="left" nowrap><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2"><strong>Site Title:</strong></font><br><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1">This is the title or name of your site.</font></td><td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" align="center" valign="top"><input type="text" size="30" name="sitename"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#d0d0d0" align="left" nowrap><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2"><strong>Site URL:</strong></font><br><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1">This is the url to your site (e.g. [url="http://www.mysite.com/)"]http://http://www.mysite.com/)[/url].</font></td><td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" align="center" valign="top"><input type="text" size="30" name="siteurl"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#d0d0d0" align="left" nowrap><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="2"><strong>Polls URL:</strong></font><br><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="1">This is the url to your polls (e.g. [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)"]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)[/url].</font></td><td bgcolor="#dfdfdf" align="center" valign="top"><input type="text" size="30" name="pollurl"></td></tr><tr id="submitrow"><td bgcolor="#000000" align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Finish Installation"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></form><?php}if($step==3){//CHECK SUBMITTED INFORMATIONif((!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$",$mail)) || (!isset($pass)) || (!isset($pass2)) || (empty($pass)) || (empty($pass2)) || ($pass!=$pass2) || (!isset($user)) || (empty($user)) || (!isset($sitename)) || (empty($sitename)) || (!eregi("^http://+[_a-z0-9-]*",$siteurl)) || (!eregi("^http://+[_a-z0-9-]*",$pollurl))){?><strong>You must fill out all of the information correctly. The problems were as follows:</strong><ul type="disc"><?phpif((!isset($user)) || (empty($user)) || (!isset($sitename)) || (empty($sitename))){echo "<li><strong>Some of the information wasn't filled out.</strong></li>";}if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$",$mail)){echo "<li><strong>The email address is not a valid email address.</strong></li>";}if(!isset($pass) || !isset($pass2) || empty($pass) || empty($pass2) || ($pass!=$pass2)){echo "<li><strong>The password, and confirm password fields were not the same.</strong></li>";}if(!eregi("^http://+[_a-z0-9-]*",$siteurl) || !eregi("^http://+[_a-z0-9-]*",$pollurl)){echo "<li><strong>The site URL and/or poll URL were not valid URL's. You must use the full address.</strong></li>";}?></ul><strong>Please fix these, and try again. You will be redirected in 5 seconds.</strong><br>If you do not want to wait, or your browser does not support Javascript, <a href="install.php?step=2">click here</a> to go back now.<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--function goBack(){location="install.php?step=2";}setTimeout('goBack()',5000);//--></script><?phpdie();}$head_input='FORM {FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;FONT-SIZE: 10px;}SELECT, INPUT, TEXTAREA {FONT-FAMILY: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;COLOR: #51485F;FONT-SIZE: 10px;}#submitrow INPUT {BACKGROUND-COLOR:#d0d0d0;COLOR: #000000;}';$header='<center><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%" align="center"><tr><td height="100" background="top_line.gif" rowspan="2" cellpadding="0" align="left"><a href="<?php echo $pollurl ?>" onfocus="this.blur()"><img src="wisepoll_logo.gif" alt="wisePoll" vspace="0" hspace="0" border="0" width="250" height="99" onfocus="this.blur()"></a></td><td bgcolor="<?php echo $page_bgcol ?>" height="48" align="right" valign="bottom"><a href="search.php" onfocus="this.blur()"><img src="top_search.gif" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="Search"></a><a href="<?php echo $siteurl ?>" onfocus="this.blur()"><img src="top_home.gif" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" alt="Home"></a></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" align="right"> </td></tr></table>';$footer='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="98%"><tr><td bgcolor="<?php echo $page_bgcol ?>" align="center"><br><br><font face="<?php echo $page_linkfont ?>" size="<?php echo $page_linksize ?>" color="<?php echo $page_linkcol ?>"><big><</big><strong><a href="mailto:<?php echo $contact_mail ?>" class="page">Contact Us</a> - <a href="<?php echo $siteurl ?>" class="page"><?php echo $sitename ?></a><big>></big></font></td></tr></table>';mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("Couldn't select database.".mysql_error());echo "Selected Database<br>";mysql_query("INSERT INTO wisePoll_admins VALUES('$user','$pass','$mail','1','yes')")or die("Couldn't create administrator".mysql_error());echo "Created Administrator<br>";mysql_query("INSERT INTO wisePoll_layout VALUES('','Default','$head_input','$header','$footer','$sitename','$siteurl','$pollurl','1','#000000','rows','#336699','#000000','arial,sans-serif','2','#000000','#336699','#000000','#000000','#ff0000','#336699','arial,sans-serif','2','arial,sans-serif','#ffffff','#000000','arial,sans-serif','2','#000000','#ffffff','#000000','#000000','#ff0000','#ffffff','arial,sans-serif','2','arial,sans-serif','#000000','#ffffff','verdana,arial,helvetica','1','#ffffff','#000000','#ffffff','#ffffff','#ffffff','#000000','verdana,arial,helvetica','1','verdana,arial,helvetica','#dfdfdf','#000000','verdana,arial,helvetica','1','#000000','#dfdfdf','#000000','#000000','#ff0000','#dfdfdf','verdana,arial,helvetica','2','verdana,arial,helvetica','#d0d0d0','#000000','verdana,arial,helvetica','1','#000000','#d0d0d0','#000000','#000000','#ff0000','#d0d0d0','verdana,arial,helvetica','2','verdana,arial,helvetica','yes')")or die("Couldn't create default template.".mysql_error());echo "Created default Layout<br>";$inactive_msg="<strong>The polls are currently undergoing renovations.</strong>";mysql_query("INSERT INTO wisePoll_options VALUES('yes','$inactive_msg','yes','yes','$mail')")or die("Couldnt create default options".mysql_error());echo "Created default options.<br><br>";?>The installer is done, you have successfully installed wisePoll version 2.0.0!!!<br>Make sure that you delete the install script (this file) from your server.You may now login to the administrator control panel by <a href="login.php">clicking here</a><?php}?>
  19. Done thats everything up to mysql, if you think you could help i would give you the links.
  20. if($step==0){ echo "This will perform a clean install of wisePoll, it will delete any previous versions you may have on your server.<br><a href=\"install.php?step=1\">Continue -></a>"; } if($step==1){ if(!isset($action)){ if(mysql_select_db("$db_name")){ ?> linenums:0'><?phprequire("config.php");$link=mysql_connect("$sql_localhost","$sql_user","$sql_pass")or die("Couldn't connect to sql server");if($step==0){echo "This will perform a clean install of wisePoll, it will delete any previous versions you may have on your server.<br><a href=\"install.php?step=1\">Continue -></a>";}if($step==1){if(!isset($action)){if(mysql_select_db("$db_name")){?> This is the code for part of the installation for a poll thing, when installing i hit continue and the url goes from: http://www.xxx.xxx/ to: http://www.xxx.xxx/ but the page stays the same!!! Can anyone help?
  21. Everytime i try to select normal file manager in Cpanel it automatically brings up legacy, i hate it legacy sucks, can anyone help?
  22. TeeHee in my mocks for maths i got 8b out of 8a, english 7b out of 7a and science 7b out of 7a xD lets hope these go as well! How dare you :0 so i can't spell xD thats 3 marks out of 100 xD.
  23. In my girlfriends arms...with her...from old age...My perfect way to die.
  24. Anyone else had maths SATS today, if so what tier? I sat tier 6-8 (top one xD) calculator paper last question was easiest on the paper! Cumulative frequencies we covered on Friday in school so that was easy, the mental test was...well...3 seconds for 1 question to write the answer down, What do you people think easiest one in 5 years? Had any problems? Worrying about tomorrows English ones? Shouldn't be if you've listened in class and/or revised! They said it would pay off...and it has!
  25. RMsafety net by any chance?We have it too, i can still find my way around it and keep my desperate mates happy with a nice supply of porno xD Games are easy to come by and downloading is easy so long as you know how! Our blocking system is idiot proof but once you get to know some exploits for it its pies easy to get round!
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