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Everything posted by eXtreme

  1. Right, mySQL databases are still down :unsure:We can just wait until some of the admins fix the problem. This normally happens because of a user abusing the mySQL databases resources?
  2. yep, I recommend Macromedia Flash MX 2004 too, very nice program, easy to work.Problem? Not free..
  3. thanks for the comment snildude i'm starting to have bandwith problems too.. can you believe that just the games section already used 1,5GB? The daily bandwith is decreasing though.. or I would need to do something about it. For people that don't see my Flash games post on the blog you can always enter the section on the upper navigation bar or by going here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ One of the main things I need to know on the reviews is if the site loads fast or not.. cause 4images loads slow like hell for me.
  4. Heya! After 2 months with my main site open to the public, Dan Spot!, I decided to open a new section featuring flash games. It has been built on 4images, and currently has more than 40 flash games, more being added every week. All of them have good quality cause they are all selected by me, so you should have fun with almost every single one. I hope this will attract more visitors to my site, and that it will make my own site more interactive, and not just the informative site that it is now. Feel free to play as much as you want, if you like it, please bookmark or tell your friends and, of course, leave a comment or review here. I hope you like it, Have fun!
  5. thanks for all the kind comments. All the suggestions have been heard, and I greatly appreciate them. Hmm.. Guangdian, what do you mean that you can't see the text in the logo? I can see it perfectly, did you tried to refresh the page? Maybe some problem loading the image.. By the way, i've just updated the site with a new section, where you can find more than 40 flash games. If you wanna try check it here: Dan Spot! Games
  6. Sprnknwn, that's really true. In these days Webmasters need to pass weeks optimizing their website to be the most SEO friendly possible. And you're right too, htmlmaster. The keyword density does matter alot when trying to achieve a better rank. And the best think every webmaster should do is really submit their site to DMOZ. Google crawls the sites that can be found on DMOZ's database, and as their selected by humans, it really counts when you're trying to achieve a better rank. The major problem these days is really to get another webmasters that own good, huge, quality sites to linkback to you. Normally you can always try to send them an e-mail asking. But everyone now thinks that SEO = Money. That's why it's hard to get people linking back. Usually to want to earn some money from your ads too. What about your question, fsastraps, it doesn't really matter where's located the good content on your page. Though you must be sure that the INDEX page, the first of all, does has good content and keywords. Cause, after going to your index page, google spiders crawl all the another links you may have, but for that, you need to have the links of the pages in your INDEX page!!! Something like this: ---|About Me Page INDEX[b/] --- |Jokes Page ----|Videos Page ----|Downloads Page If anyone as any question left, please ask and i'll try to answer.
  7. Hey! Probably you already notice that the splash pages are dying. Lots of people decided to shut it down because mainly of the bad results in search engines. And why does that happen? The first page google crawls is your index page (it's your main page, the one before all the /info/2info/). So when they first crawl your page is important that your main INDEX page has good writen content, lots of related keywords and a good desciption. Well splash pages didn't deliver that. They just provided a cool image or flash animation where they presented your name and then you had to click "Enter" to get to your information. To make things worse, some people would make flash animations without a "Skip" button so every time someone would want to acess the site, he had to see the whole movie over and over again. Now search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN search for good quality content. Something that they didn't find with the splash screens. So the google ranks were bad. So thatÂs why even I shuted down the splash. --------------------------------------- This article was first writed by me for my website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and is available there. Some small changes were made for this Xisto forum version. Thanks, Dan
  8. Hey everyone! :PEveryone knows that search engines are present in our every day life. Some people cant find the meaning of internet withouth search engines. They are the ones that LINK all the internet pages together.So its a need for every web developper that he can understand how search engines work. So for this topic ill use the two more famous search engines in the world: Google and Yahoo.Theres a simple example that we can do easily to show us that search engines work and search things *differently*. Try for yourself: Open your browser in google and yahoo. Then search exactly the same string on both. Are the results the same for both engines? No! Why?Search engines show different results when using the same string to search because they all have a different ranking algorithms.And how can sites achieve a better ranking in search engines than anothers? Because they have more good sites linking back to them and more content than the another competitor website, and google ranking is mainly that: link popularity and content.Though if i wrote the same string in yahoo, i would get sometimes, completely different results. Thats because yahoo search sites that are the most related to the keyword writed in the search line.So what really matters are the algorithms thats behind all search engines (think that as the kernel of search engines.) Search Engines can have exactly the same site index, but they will show different results with the same keyword because of their ranking algorithms.A exemple of a simple ranking algorithms would be:+20 related keywords [+] +20 link back sites [+] +20 available pages [+] +100 written words = Give first place on rankIf you want a good site rank in search engines you need to have always these 2 in your head: Good link popularity and good content.Thats the biggest problem with new sites They need good sites linking back to you and lots of good content. And that they can only achieve with time. ----------------------------------This article was first writed by me for my website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and is available there. Some small changes were made for this Xisto forum version.-Dan
  9. wow i didn't see your first sig but your second one is really good.I like the way you used the orange, and the thunderstorm effect is awesome. Good work. :PYou did it in photoshop and imageready? or in fireworks?Overall you did very well though they are 2 major problems i can see:1- The signature size is too big. It's too much for a forum signature. The best size would be like 500 x 150, though you can always change it to suit your needs.2- Your name on the sig is blending too much on the orange. You should neither change the color or give it a background shadow, so it's easier to see. :PWell keep up the good job.
  10. I recommend Dreamweaver too..The program roxs and its an excellent helper when your programming your pages may it be in PHP or HTML. It supports everything you throw at it as CSS, mySQL, everything.I use it on my site for exemple.
  11. lol i really didnt know about this feature.Man firefox ROXS, lol no more typing long URL's again.
  12. Well.. i like to drink:1) Water (Fresh & Cold)2) Lemonade (I love it)3) Ice Tea4) Apple Juice5) Coca cola6) Fanta
  13. eXtreme

    Bit Torrent?

    true, and you can use different bittorrent clients to make your life easier. The one i recommend is Azureus and you can find it here: http://www.vuze.com/ It's 100% open-source and works great
  14. great work you've done! :PIt's not everyday someone can make a completely new forum... just a tip: i think adding categories would help alot :PKeep up the good work.
  15. you mean the best site thats not a scam that pays by paypal?I don't know any.. im not in this make money online business. But im sure someone will be able to tell you.
  16. i use McAfee too and it never gave me a problem.. i find it fast to load, and good to detect virus (and thats what we want right?) For me Norton will always be crap... i never saw so big full of holes slow app before. Of course that for some people it may work faster. So that's just my opinion. You're looking for a firewall too right? I recommend Agnitum Outpost Firewall. It got awesome score at lots of security reviewers, it's fast and *safe*. Here are some reviews: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://gen.xyz/ And remember all those little apps that were supposed to show you how the current firewalls are useless to block important information getting out of your PC (for exemple: Leak Test v.1.2). http://www.agnitum.com/products/ (PDF) Outpost blocks then all. It's the one i use and i highly recommended. The new version is 2.7, sadly though its shareware. I hope i helped.
  17. hey all! i've found a good CMS for my needs. Its not really "made" for flash games, but it works like a charm. It's 4images and it's a gallery that allows every type of files (mp3,*swf*,zip and lots of more) I can have the needed comment and rate it feature. and its very easy to add new games, pics.. Currently i'm looking for a good template for my needs. If you are interested visit it here: http://www.4homepages.de/ Cya!
  18. Hey!I'm thinking in adding a new sub-domain of my site which will feature only flash games. So i'm looking for a nice, simple CMS that should handle the flash games.If possible with a add comment, description and "rate it" features. Though it can have another useful or useless stuff. :rolleyes:Do you know some CMS that has these features?If there's anything like that, please share some tips here how could i create a page with that type of games suport (HTML probably).Thanks,Dan
  19. i own a phpbb forum. It is very new so if you want to get part of a growing community please register and drop some posts.. I need to get them more "alive" Check them here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. my vote goes for wordpress too It's an awesome blog publisher with lots of features, plugins and another stuff. You can get some more information about it here: Wordpress Official site I use wordpress for my blog too.
  21. hey all! i've updated my code so if you want to post my banner please use the following: <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; target="_blank"><img src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; alt="Dan Spot!" border="0" height="31" width="88"></a> So if anyone wants to affiliate with me i can provide a text or a 88x31 banner sponsoring your website. You can contact me by posting here or sending me an e-mail in my contact page here: Contact Me Thanks Dan
  22. i use both:GmailHotmailYahoomy ISP email providermy Xisto POP3 account :lol:Personally i find gmail to be the best cause of its storage capabilitys and is so simple to work with.
  23. i always use google too. It has the biggest site database and does its job very well.Though i'm not so sure when it comes to relevance of sites keywords.Search engines show different results when using the same string to search because they all have a different ranking algorithms.So if i do a search in google for "dan-spot" in google my site shows in like the 5th place though the first result shows as my Xisto topic asking for a review of my site. That's because Xisto has more good links and more content than my own website, and google ranking is mainly that: link popularity and content.Though if i write the same string "dan-spot" in yahoo, the first 2 results will be my forum and my website. :rolleyes:So what really matters is the algorithms thats behind all search engines (think that as the kernel of search engines.)So what really matters nowdays is really good content and good links.
  24. and my favourite online games are: -Counter-Strike: Source -HL2: DeathMatch and online browser games from: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They're awesome.
  25. i use smartFTP too. :rolleyes:I find it a great FTP client with lots of good features. Never gave me a problem. Highly recommended.
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