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Everything posted by gotenx

  1. suddenlaunch.com is the best i've seen with free forum hosting. they are very reliable!
  2. Comcast RULES!!!! Its the fastest cable service that I've ever seen! I remember when I first got it I had 7mb per second. Now they dropped it to 3mb per second but thats still fast!
  3. I used to use mandrake but it got anoying after awhile. I wouldve used red hat but it didn't work on my computer. Wut a bummer...
  4. Probaly becasue you have the wrong type of computer. You need a i685 or i585. You must have a i385 or PPC. use redHat Linux. If that doesn't work, then get a older version of Madrake such as 9.2
  5. I use frontpage to get the basic site layout ready and then I code it in notepad. That usually works perfectly. Frontpage is for starting the design of your site and notepad is for doing what you couln't do in frontpage like add PHP.
  6. I know Japanese, English, Spanish, French, Korean, Vietnemese, and ummm... nothing else...
  7. If you want a good design (anime or gaming based) for your site then go to corruptedanime.uni.cc and click on the button on the bottom that says corrupted designs
  8. Cool Script.. But it might freak slow people out so be careful...
  9. Corrupted gaming is working on a MMORPG called The World of Ragnarok!!! Contact us at balmung011001@comcast.net if you want to become a beta tester or rate it or be the server host
  10. The apple computers are good but not the OS... If a PPC could run windows 2000 pro, that would be the best computer ever
  11. Why did they bleep out the word h a v e in my last post... thats just mean... GRRR
  12. I was using hostultra but they *BLEEP*... so many adds and no Mysql... And my other host dhost.info is always down and I only get 15mb of space... THey deleted my account becasue of server errors like 100000000 times
  13. Pretty good but some people might think that they were redirected to a different site becasue thatt looks nothing like an error page...
  14. Skule is the wurst... I goht an Eff in speleeng!!! But then again... My school has computers and I get to argue with the Teachers and always come out the winner
  15. Linux is pretty good. I was using it for a home server once but for some reason red hat is not compatible with all computers . That made me very mad so I got stuck using some messed up version called Mandrake and none of Linux software worked with it.
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