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Everything posted by cooleappie

  1. Which book is the easiest when you switch from PHP to C++, or do C++ together with PHP? Or doesn't that matter?
  2. In a reaction to guangdian:Not all the words of a certain language have to be on the site, and you can start with the more simple words, and than upload more words, and than you get words uploaded by users, which you just have to check sometimes..
  3. I have thought of a kind of site where you, as a foreigner, can look up how you pronounce a word.. but that would be a very big project.. I have thought of it more times, and I think I'll start it, and than make it into a kind of youtube thing, that users can upload it as well, and than random check them on quality..i am also thinking about other ideas, but it's quite hard..
  4. If you downloaded this installation pack, download it again, because it seems that something is missing.. or search the internet for the, according to the error message, missing file to download..
  5. As far as i can see, is it for that purpose good enough.. If it would be for a very important part which other persons may in no case enter, i would add more.. but this is enough for this..
  6. Maybe you could explain your problem more clearly.. I really can't do anything with this..
  7. Maybe something like this? You can make a line through the circle, with at the one side the word : 'You' and at the other side 'Program Resources', than you've got also what's under your logo now, connection with program resources..
  8. Well.. you forgot 1 very important feature of an animated site.. use <marquee> !! That's not much to load, so you can put as much as you want in your website, without that you have to care about bandwidth..Let texts move, let menu's scroll while the user scrolls, and add everywhere an: 'Add to favourites' button, even ask it when they leave the site!!Sure it works..
  9. It's soccer of course.. I really love soccer.. Street soccer, soccer on a normal field, futsal.. it's all great. I like to watch it too, and watch car racing / motor racing.. the sport I really hate are those like Strongest Man etc. That's so stupid
  10. Well.. ronaldinho WAS a good player.. first I admired him too, but especially the last (2) years he's playing worse and worse. Not that he isn't an additional value for a team, but to say that he's the best soccerplayer in the world, goes too far..
  11. Why don't you do both? You try something out yourself, and you try to get help from a book.. that's the way I learned it, and I'm still learning The PHP for dummies is indeed a very good book, I used it too, but after a little while you can easily do without, so I would try to borrow it somewhere, maybe by a library, instead of buying it.. just an advice
  12. Well.. my favourite program to do the design of the website, is photoshop. Right now I use Photoshop CS2, and it's great.. not only for designing websites, but also for just painting or editing photo's.. for the programming part of the website I just use Notepad.. easy..
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