1. Will you be ready to take some calculated risks in your life?I believe we should always be ready to avoid decisions fall under the category of risks... but hey nothing in this world is 100% secure so there is always a risk involved. Considering that risk is always a considerable part, one must prepare itself to be ready to take make the best decision in those scenarios. Taking the risk does not necessarily mean not doing something, as a matter a fact that is another risk. Since doing something o not doing a thing a both risks, then, one should be prepare to be allowed to take the most affordable risk. 2. If you are ready to take risks... upto what level?I am going to approach this question in a more homely way. Family becomes an important factor in determining up to what level the game should be played. The risk should be considered taken if and only if no one else is affected by it. 3. What are all various measures you will consider when taking risks?Well, since is a risk we might want to minimize the possible losses. It is obvious if we might loose something we do not wanted to be of great importance to our budgets.4. what are all the things you will consider for putting in risk?Obviously something of much importances cannot be put at stakes, therefore only something that would not cripple our condition (let be social or economical) 1. If given a normal settled work/ challenging demanding work which one will you go for?As a personal choice, I would go for the challenging work, I have no intention of simply be a common worker out there. I believe if we want to make a change in our society we should be on those jobs that require responsibility.