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~Upnorf Cr3w~

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Everything posted by ~Upnorf Cr3w~

  1. Yes i agree you should. It makes your body feel so much better. It might take time but in the end it works. Try it out again.
  2. Ok i went jogging slow pace on the monday and managed about 2 mile, 1 mile there then a breather then 1 mile back. I felt good on the tuesday, So i did the same jog again. On Wednesday i felt a little tired. My legs were aching. So i went for a swim, I managed to do 20 lenghs of the pool in about 1 hour or just over. I wasn't rushing. Then on the thursday i felt good again. Thursday night i played my football and felt good i didnt struggle to breath or catch my breath once. Ive been resting today and am not going to do any running all weekend.I think this regime will work if i stick to it. Any thought ?
  3. Thanks for this.Im going to try some of them out lol
  4. Ok thanks for that.Maybe i need to get someone to make a better one
  5. lol it looks to good to be true. This nanotecnology sounds great. I bet it will cost a fortune when it comes out.
  6. Well keep practicing i could not even hit the board when i started. Now ive been playing about 5 years and im pretty good. You know what they say practice makes perfect
  7. Yes this game was a huge 3 points. With Arsenal drawing 1-1 this is a big weekend for us. We now need to get the 3 points against Bolton on Wednesday and that will put us 3 ahead of Arsenal and thats good as were coming up to the big weekend when we all play each other so to speak.The game at Derby was messy and i thought we would struggle as i didnt think they whould be that bad after getting thumped 6-1 at Chelsea last week. Were starting to struggle in front of goal again in the last few games and i hope it don't continue like this. We should have won the game by 3 or 4 goals but it just didnt happen. You know what they say the best teams always grind out results even when there playing bad. Ronaldo had a good game but on another day he would have had 3 goals. He was trying to hard after he missed a few chances but he took his goal well. Foster looked a little dodgy at first with his kicking but he soon showed how good he is when he pulled off that save from Kenny Miller that was pure class. He looks good given a chance. Next up Bolton like i said a must win game before we play Liverpool on sunday.
  8. Most people when at school think they don't like it and it wont help them when they get older and in need of a job. Most people get jobs and all the time and work they done at school has not helped them get the job. You can get jobs all over the place now and not need any GCSE'S or anything from school. Just simply turn up for a interview and get the job. Ok i understand the bigger high paid jobs you do need qualifications and stuff but most of us dont end up like that. Having said this its no excuse to skip school. As someone said where ur at school you hate it. Now after 7 or 8 years out of it i would like to go back lolz
  9. Wow thanks. Sounds like you do loads of running lolOk i will take this into account. I didn't know about eating after to rebuild muscle too. I will try this also. Im going to do a few days running and then a day swimming starting from next week. I will let you know how i get on. Do you think its best to keep to a steady pace or speed up now and again ? or run at a steady pace then sprint it in at the finish ? Thanks
  10. cool thanks for that. Is there any other codes we can put in ?
  11. Yea swimming is a great idea. I will have to try that out. I never thought of that. Maybe it wont be so hard on the feet ald legs too.
  12. lol this sounds like me I have the same problem. when im having a nightmare i can never tell im dreaming and it goes all the way. Even to a point when im trying to run away from the bad thingy but i cant actually run. Or its like super slow motion. And just as im about to be killed or attacked i wake up struggling to breath. On the other hand if im having a lets say nice dream about a woman rofl just as were about to get going my alarm goes off and wakes me up. Or something will wake me up. Bummer huh.
  13. lmao sure thats a good point. But come on we all know if we had the $$$ we would sooo buy it. I would that would be so sweet. Actually thinking about it that pc is pish it aint got jack on mine ye ye i wish
  14. ye same here. The idea is cool but whats the point ? I watch some football on my pc but only if i can't get it on the tv or sky. Its not the best quality too but i can make do with it for the football lol.
  15. Hmmm you might have a point there. But i think the majority go with Jolie. So i think she wins. And her prize is me. Ye ok im dreaming again. Would be a nice dream tho lol Like i said there is so many. They all have there individual skillz
  16. I remember ages ago there was special codes you could put into you mobile to get information about it. Some even gave you free calls for 5 mins or free text messages for a limited time. This was a few years ago and i think it was for Nokia. Something like this*#123456789# then send and it would come back with serial number or something. Is there any codes about still that anyone knows of. I have a sony ericsson is there any codes for them ?Or if anyone has any cool sites that offer tricks and tips about mobiles can you direct me thanks....
  17. well maybe she thinks that you or the rest of your family didnt do well in school so she might think she can get by life doing the same.I didn't finish school just like my mum and dad, But having said this thats not the reason i didn't i was having such a hard time at school and started working when i was young around 16 so i opted to do that.Maybe there isn't much too it it might just be a phase she is going through. Oh well i hope you get it sorted out soon enough. I have a little boy and he's 3 i wouldn't like it if he started to behave like this when he's older. And if he didnt listen i can imagin how hard and frustrating it may be. Good Luck
  18. I was going to say stop singing but hey lol just kidding <_<I had this problem before but ok it might not have been the same situation your in. I did a little sing star on the playstation with a few friends. I thought i was real good and started to bang out the vocals as loud as i could. Then boom something in my throat went and i could hardly speek. For days my throat was killing me. I rested for a long time with the singing and didnt speak much as i couldn't. After a few cough sweets and sore throat medicin (sp) and given 2 or 3 days it was back to normal. But your case might be different. Me with my sing star aint what you call propper singing lol.
  19. No problem i try and help when i can Without sounding rude or anything is this actually what she wants ? Does she want to graduate or do you think this might be another reason for her skipping ? If she don't want any of this or she thinks she can't be bothered with it and feels you or her dad might be pushing her this may affect her too. Don't get me wrong am not saying you are just asking
  20. lol i have seen loads of people's nicnames on forums and blogs as chris420 or gangsta420 or ace420 and so on. I have seen so many and now i might know why lol. Thanks for this. It might mean something different like but now i know a solution.
  21. i can't play fifa on the pc. Or most games for that matter. I hate using the pc for games unless there easy games to use your mouse with. Like comand & conquer and Football manager. Can't stand to play football games or other action games on the pc. Keep the ps and xbox for that sort of stuff.
  22. This question must be everywhere on the net lol and im sure it gets the same result. I voted for Fifa can't get enough of it. Pure class. Never played PES much and can't get into it as ive always been a fifa fan.
  23. omg i loved all the championship manager games and have bought or downloaded them all. My own little collection. But now SI Games have gone there own way i follow them and the football manager games. Football manager 2007 was good but FM 2008 is pure quality. having said that i haven't had much time to play it as much as the other games. I found loads of problems with it and one that pissed me off the most was the amount of 90th min goals that would cost you the game. I got this and many bugs sorted tho bu installing patches. There are number of patches on the sigames site and forums around that fix the little problems and bugs that you come across.
  24. lol it was a little long but the more i read the more interested it became <_<As for the story its self im not sure. i believe she is not listening to a word your saying to her and she seems like she is not bothered what you or her teachers have to say. Do you think it might have something to do with the friends she hangs around with ? Is she easly led along. Like if her friends say to her come on lets skip school again do you think she will just go along with them? Im not sure as you didnt say much about her friends she hangs around with. Are they a bad influance (sp) on her. Maybe look into that side of things a little more. I skipped school when i was younger but not as much as she is doing. The reason i did this is because of friends doing it and i thought i was cool to do the same. I carried on untill my mother found out then i got the grounded treatment. Then my mother got my dad involved as he didnt live with us also and he gave me the grounded treatment and a few other punishments. I however listened to this and never did it again. Im not sure why she isn't listening to you. But i see a lack of respect here. Sorry if i wasn't much help but after reading it just wanted to let you know why i did it.
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