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Qittie deKay

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Everything posted by Qittie deKay

  1. LOLZ Okay I remembered some more... "That outfit is awful. Why don't you just take it off?" "I'm like Taco Bell...spicy and cheap!" -an original- "I thought there were only 7 wonders of the world." "I'm like a jackhammer, baby. I'll change your world." -an original- "If beauty could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction." -been used on me- "I come on strong...like an onion. Wanna peel off these layers of clothing?" -an original-
  2. Oh my gawd...this thread is freaking hilarious! My friend and I used to come up with millions of these things just for fun. I've had a few really awful ones used on me before, though. Here's some pretty goofy ones, original and otherwise:"Do you work at Subway?...because you just gave me a foot long." -Been used on me-"Is that a mirror in your pocket?...because I can see myself in your pants.""Hey...somebody just farted. Let's get out of here.""Was your daddy an alien?...because you're out of this world.""Are those space pants?...because your butt is out of this world.""Your momma must be a baker...because you have a nice set of buns." "Girl, you look so good I want to put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit!" "If I told you that you have a great body would you hold it against me?""Hi, I'm [insert name here]. Just wanted you to know the name of the man of your dreams." -Been used on me-"You look like my future girlfriend.""You must be tired. You've been running through my mind all day.""I didn't know angels fly this far south.""Did it hurt?...when you fell from heaven?""Would you touch me?...so I can say I've been touched by an angel.""If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put U between F and CK." -Blech...been used on me before-
  3. Goku, I guess. He has some pretty awesome power when he's in Super-Saiyan mode. Plus he has totally rocking hair...and what creepy alien can beat that?Okay...for my fight...I choose...Peewee Herman vs Steve Erkel
  4. You're really quick to pick apart everything I say without actually addressing the points I've made. All I'm saying is that religion in and of itself does NOT promote peace. SO...to address your comments: No...and where did I say that, exactly? I never said children were going to march off to Palestine and declare a holy war. If you would just stop looking to denounce me you might realize that I'm making valid points. Kasm was generalizing by saying that having religion would make people more peaceful. I called him on that because it's not true. I was making the point that religions promote violence as much as they promote peace--not at all. Quick side note here: Kids actually were rallied up and marched off to war during the Crusades...so it happens. Again, no...and, again, where did I say that? I get that you're trying to say just because it's in the Bible doesn't mean everyone practices it. Okay...but people are quick to pull it out when they need to feel justified about an opinion and/or action. And I speak from experience because Christians and some nondenominational practitioners quoted that line to me when I said the war in Iraq was idiotic. It's not that EVERYONE uses it; it's that some HAVE...and WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO. As YOU said...which is the point I was trying to make...it's about the actions of individuals and what they're promoting by said actions. And by trying to prove me wrong you just further beat into the ground what I was trying to say. Let me reiterate this...religion in and of itself does not promote peace. So, to clarify, let me explain what I was trying to say. How does it look when people are religious and they're using their religious texts to pull quotes that promote violence? Does that mean religion in and of itself promotes violence? NO. It means that specific person does. But on the same side of the coin people use that same text to pull quotes promoting peace. So does that mean the religion promotes peace? NO. It merely means religion is a tool in the hand of its practitioners. I'm not sure if you were beign facetious with the example of the bikini, or not, but just for the record...I view that example in the same light as I do religion. It is a tool in the hand of a wielder; wearing one neither promotes sex nor discourages it. And your point is? I think we've established three times over that religion or lack thereof promotes neither peace nor violence. It's merely the individuals. As such, I think I've thoroughly proven my point.
  5. Why is everyone so quick to say religion will reduce violence? The Judeo/Christian faith produces some of the most violent people I've ever met! The very idea of an eye for an eye runs the Bible, and what about the Crusades? Ironic much. And it's not just Christianity, either. Look at Muslims. They have jihads, another form of holy war, which have been used as late as THIS CENTURY. You might want to take a look at this link and the articles it provides if you think religions promote peace: Collisions of Religion and Violence: Redux
  6. I think everyone has pretty much covered it, but I just thought I'd chime in real quick. I've only been a member of this site for three or four days now and I've already accumulated 41.6 hosting credits with the ten to twelve posts I've made. It's really not that hard if you give thoughtful responses to topics that you're knowledgeable about or are interested in. Best of luck!
  7. Haha...wow. I feel so...inadequate. 0_0;20...from Arkansas. Currently I'm unemployed, but I've worked many odd jobs. My most current was Gamestop and before that I was a telemarketer. I don't actually HAVE to work right now as I get to go to college for free and my mom is still kind enough to feed me and give me a place to stay. I really only work when I want/need something and don't want to ask my mom for it; I'm content-ish to be broke right now. I'm actually looking for a job right now to help finance a study abroad trip to New Zealand; it'll be the first part of my final year as an undergrad in college. After that I'm off to SUNY Brockport to get my master's in English. I hope to publish a novel somewhere in the next year and a half, maybe get a book deal. All I've ever wanted to do with my life is write. So I guess I have no regrets with what little I've done. *shrugs* Post Note: MadDog...love your siggy.
  8. Sure it is. Anyone can just pick and choose ten things that most effectively influence America's youth. I mean...you might get three or four that are at the top of the pile, but what about the rest? It's all opinion no matter how you look at it, and no one person is going to agree with another on the answer, even if it is in the setting of a top ten listing. If you're going by the top ten according to each and every person this forum will never die...unless everyone loses interest, which is very likely. All I'm saying is that there ISN'T a definitive answer any way you look at it, and you can't argue that point. I'll agree that you pick ten out of a hat and argue for them...but I never saw anywhere in the original post that said they were looking for that format. *shrugs* Just saying...
  9. Hmm...I did some hardcore button mashing when I played Jericho and the remote didn't slip out. Maybe you just have small hands? OI...or maybe I have monstrously huge hands! (For the record that's a lie; my hands are proportionate.) Lol...I dunno...I just think that's sort of a funny statement, but then again it just ties back into what I was saying about preferences.When I first started getting into gaming I was really young and playing on Super Nintendo. So when I bought the N64 (a complete waste of money, and I still have the rejected thing sitting in a box in the bottom of my closet because they're absolutely WORTHLESS) I wasn't really used to such a large controller. Then I started playing PS...and I agree that the controller is really easy to handle and makes for some awesome button mashing (Tekken, anyone?). But I got sucked into the XBox phase and from there it all went downhill. Bulky controller or not...I love it.
  10. I take it you're one of the fanboys. How cute. I stick by my 360 preference, but that's merely because I've played it more.
  11. After working at Gamestop I heard this argument one too many times. What it breaks down to is this...The controllers are different, catering to those who have used previous systems. There is no "better" when it comes to a flippin' controller, okay? It's just what YOU prefer. Personally, I'm a 360 fan, but I've played PS3 and it's not that hard to figure out how to successfully play a game with either controller.As far as the systems...they're the exact same thing in a different package. And for the PS3 junkies that preach about Blu Ray? I'd just like to counter you with this: what good is Blu Ray without the Blu Ray screen? Both systems look good on a big screen, and they both are better than their predecessors. The one defining difference? 360 has WAY more games out for a variety of age groups. PS3 caters to older generations (ages 18+) with the few games they've put out.Yarr...and all you hardcore fans of either system?...all I have to say is you paid too much money for it and I laugh at you.
  12. Hmm...sounds like you have it pretty rough, man. I went to two different high schools, one in the deep south and one in urban Virginia. So, as you can imagine, there were different problems with each.In Virginia I saw a lot of the same problems you talk about. Underage drinking, especially on campus, was a big one. The drug scene was mostly taken care of outside of school, but there were occasional deals during school hours. The biggest thing was fighting between the "groups". We mostly saw gang wars between black people and latinos. There was one between the whites and the blacks, though. It sort of cycled around my freshman year; you never knew who the next target was, or where the next fight was going to be.My sophomore and junior year were spent in the deep south, in a rural town and a very small school. The biggest thing there were alcohol and tobacco products on campus. With a total school population of around 500 it was easier for them to crack down security-wise, though. However, there were a few racial problems because the kids were predominantly white, and most were prejudiced. I never saw a black family stay in the school district for more than a few years at a time until I got older.My senior year I was back in Virginia, and the problems I mentioned previously were pretty much stamped out. Most of the prejudice and fighting was relegated to sub-groups, between the goths and hardcore punks, emos and preps, etc. It was really ridiculous, but even the cheerleaders had to pick on people. They tried to trashcan me because I wore a trench coat and combat boots. Apparently dressing in black makes you a goth. To clarify, our group called itself the Trench Coat Mafia because most of our number owned trenchies, and we didn't identify ourselves as any of the subgroups. We just wore what we wanted and watched each others' backs because of all the intra-group and inter-group fighting.Personally, I think it's ridiculous that so much labeling, stereotyping, and prejudice is still around. Even in college I find it impossible to escape. But, no, I don't wear the trench anymore. Even blue jeans and a tank top can incite some pretty small minded comments. Bother...
  13. Let me put it this way... I've been trying to find a decent hosting site for three days now. I've tried SO many and none of them is worth it. One of them actually froze up when I was editing. That's pathetic! Another had an enfoced editor created by the site, and to use it you had to use the widgets tool...but the tool didn't work. The rest? Enforced ads, misleading statements about what you get on a free account, etc...I'm pretty hopeful about Xisto, though. This seems like a pretty solid site and a really cool way to socialize on top of what you get in return for staying active.
  14. I think this is a huge question and though you're trying NOT to generalize, that's exactly what you're doing. I agree that America, the youth in particular, are miles behind other developed countries. However, it seems you're looking too globally for issues that are particularly local to you. What's wrong with the kids you go to school with? Obviously they're influenced by those around them as well as what they see, but with each particular area there comes with it a specific form of socialization (i.e. one kid sees it and mimics it; everyone else apes him/her). I agree with dre that consumerism and bad parenting are a big part of what's wrong with society, but I don't think that's the bottom line. And violence? As a general rule, humans are innately violent. You want proof? Look around you. Even when little kids aren't subjected to violent "gangster rap" and other pop culture icons who are setting bad examples, they still tend to hit or otherwise harm people. My stepmother didn't let my little brother watch television until he was almost eight years old and the only music she allowed in the house was Christian soft rock or Christmas hymns (blech). Even before preschool, where socialization begins with other kids who HAD been subjected to those violent elements, my brother still wanted to play cops and robbers...where he was the criminal, where he was shooting pretend guns. He bit, kicked, punched, etc. when he didn't get his way.In all, I'd say that there are million and one factors, but no one definitive answer.
  15. Flatty mcflat flat? When I was in eighth grade they always had some asinine rhyme about your chest being as flat as your back. I think the bottom line is that kids can be cruel no matter what you look like. At least you can do something about it and actually get a positive response now. When I was in eighth grade most of my teachers just laughed it off if you complained about guys touching you inappropriately. Not that I'm ancient or anything...but I think it was due more to the fact that I grew up in the deep south. Bother...
  16. Sorry to inform you, dear, but stereotyping doesn't occur just from country to country. I live in the southern United States--Arkansas (unfortunately)--and even going as far northeast as Virginia I get stereotyped. Let me lay down some of the most idiotic questions that have been directed my way.1. Do you guys wear shoes down there?-Okay, I'm standing right in front of this person...WITH MY SHOES ON...and they ask me this. For the record, yes, Arkansans wear shoes, although I'm sure somewhere around the state there is someone who doesn't own a pair. We are, after all, the second poorest state in the nation.2. Doesn't everyone get married at fourteen?-I'm 20, almost 21. I have no desire to get married...ever. No, everyone does NOT get married by the time they're fourteen. Though, to be fair, I will admit that we do have a higher percentage of teen marriages, and by 'teen' I mean ages 17 to 19.3. So how many kids do you have?-I was actually fifteen when someone asked me this. I still don't have any children and don't plan to. Arkansas has an above average teen pregnancy rate, but so do most other states across the board. Let me take a moment to rub this in: CONDOMS ARE YOUR FRIENDS!...and this is the kicker...4. You're from Arkansas? Wow...and I thought I was dumb!-Yeah...I don't even think that needs a response. So, as you can see, misinformation is rampant across the world. It's annoying, but something that is inescapable as the majority of people like being uninformed.
  17. Dear lords....I remember Runescape from WAY back in the day. Jeez, I think I was fifteen when all of my friends were into it. It took them two months to talk me into playing....Within the first five minutes someone had me convinced I could win a fight and get all kinds of gold and junk. Of course my character was obliterated. I'm sure that jerk is still laughing about roughing up the n00bs. But yeah...agreed. Runescape = yuck.
  18. Hey, dude! See that you're from New Zealand. I'm going on a study abroad trip to Dunedin, Otago, this July and staying for six months. Do you ever go to the south island? I hear there's really nothing but sheep and mountains where I'm going to be. All that aside sounds pretty awful to use the public transport system. I've only used a bus one time and that was the year I was forced to go to church camp. That wasn't fun, either. I got to sit next to the guy with a mushroom cloud of dandruff and stench from his unwashed afro dreadlocks. Yes...afro dreadlocks. Half of it was so knotted it had turned into dreads and the rest of it was a fuzzy fro. Crazy...
  19. Haha...well that's a question I've never been asked before. As other people have said, I found this site through google. Really I use it for research on novels and school work. Sometimes I get bored and just randomly type in words or sentence fragments to see what pops up. I guess that's kind of weird...Ooo! Quick trivia fact for you: When google started it only had three programmers. Yeah...I'm full of useless but entertaining facts. You should google it.
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