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Posts posted by disneyreporter

  1. Thank you for your help. I feel much better now. I've noticed that a lot lately in my honors and AP classes. They seem to make the class out to be much scarier and harder than it actually is. I agree that this is good in some cases to weed out those who are not fit for the class, but other times, it weeds out the ones who should be in the class because they get so nervious ahead of time without getting the chance the even experience the class. I personally wouldn't mind staying at home and commuting to college, but my family and friends have told me that living at college is part of the experience, and it helps you get used to the idea of living away from your family once you get married. I guess I still have two more years to worry about this. As far as traveling around to look at colleges, what are some important aspects to look at to help make your final decision of which college to attend?

  2. My all-time favorite car is the Chrysler Serbring Convertible. My favorite version is the one made between 2001-2004. I'm not all that crazy about the new model, but it's growing on me. This car doesn't get the credability it deserves. Consumer Reports and other newspapers/magazines always give it low ratings when it is actually a decent car with a beautiful design.

  3. I think Hillary still clearly has a chance. Obama may be winning in the number of states and delegates one, but Hillary has won most of the big, important states that a candidate needs to win to become president. With the delegates from Michigan and Florida counted, she would be in the lead. When the competition first began, Hillary was in the lead by a large double digit margin. It wasn't until Oprah stated that she support Obama that he began his upward trend. He talks about change, well, what change is he going to bring? Can anyone name an accomplishment he's made? Hillary has so many years of experience. She's been in the White House before and clearly nows how to do the job correctly. Hillary Clinton is a fighter and will not quit no matter how tough the rest of the road is. You can guarantee she'll be at the Democratic National Convention whether people want her to be there or not. As for a Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama ticket, I can't see that ever happening.

  4. I love science fiction too! Have you ever read any books by Orson Scott Card? He's written a whole series about this boy named Ender. The first book in the series is called Ender's Game if you're interested. If a remember correctly, the book is set in Earth's future where mankind has barely survived two invasions by the "buggers", an insectoid alien race, and the International Fleet is preparing for war. In order to find and train the eventual commander for the anticipated third invasion, the world's most talented children, including the extraordinary Ender Wiggin, are taken into Battle School at a very young age. The book takes place around the year 2135, and its sequels, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind, A War of Gifts, Ender in Exile: Ganges, follow Ender to different worlds as he travels far into the future. It's a great book, and I think you'd really enjoy it. The series actually branches off into two parts. One side specifically follows Ender through his travels in space after the war is over, and the other side follows the lives of the kids from Battle School once they return to the earth and start a global war against on another.

  5. Well, I don't have any pets (my relatives do though) so instead, I volunteer at a local farm in my town. This farm is used for therapeutic riding for people with handicaps and disabilities, though those people without any physical problems are more than welcome to take lessons. My younger brothers and I go at least once a week to groom each horse, pick their feet, feed them their grain and hay, clean out their stalls, and just play with them. Currently we have 10 horses: Honey (white), Indigo (black), Brewster (dark brown), Ben (light brown), Dante (white), Nic-Nac (a medium brown pony with white spots), Drew (dark brown), Sheriff (dark brown), Lexi (a huge light brown), and Denny (light brown and white). They are all so sweet to work with, and each one has a different personality. They really do get to know you, and each one has a favorite person they like to play with. Some of the horses we used to have include: Nutmeg (medium brown), Comet (a light brown pony), and Calvin (a huge claidsdale sp?). Anyhow, I love what the farm supports, and I don't mind spending many hours each week helping out. I'd recommend everyone else try it if they are given the opportunity.

  6. Well, I have some really sad news to report. After almost three years of magic, VMK is closing is online gates for good. You can go onto VMK and look at Yavn's newsletter for all of the details.My thoughts:This is really sad news. I started playing this game a week after it opened in the summer of 2005. It's been almost three years, and I've played at least once a week the entire time (a lot more than that in the beginning). Now, all of those hours playing that game will have gone to waste. I don't understand why they can't keep it open. If they could extend the promotion in the first place, why not just make it a permanent game. I don't see how hard that is.It is ridiculous, and I don't think when they ran that big quest that they knew the game was closing. I specifically remember Yavn mentioning that they had learned from their mistakes during that quest and would fix them the next time a big quest came around. So, that leads me to believe as of a few weeks ago, they thought the game would still be around for quite a while.

  7. My vison is horible. I'm a -275 in one eye and a -300 in the other. I do need glasses, but I wear contacts most of the time. I didn't like wearing glasses because I hate things being on my face. It kept me from feeling "free". Sports made it hard for wearing glasses too, so contacts were a natural choice for me. I only wear glasses when I'm home at night. If my eyes get tired, I'll take out my contacts and wear my glasses for reading or watching television.

  8. Hello there,Someday when I become an adult, I'd love to move to France. College would be my first opportunity to travel to this beautiful country, but I'm unsure of which option to pick. I could pick an American college and choose to study abroad for a semester in France or I could attend a French college. European colleges are cheaper than American colleges, so that is a plus; however, it costs a lot of money to commute between America and France during holidays and vacations. Does anyone here have a suggestion on which would be a better choice for realistic, financial, etc reasons? I'd appreciate the suggestions.

  9. Thank you for the advice. I feel a little bit better now. I personally feel they put to much pressure on high school students when it comes to college. They make you feel like the decision you make will decide the remainder of your life. Is this true? I think that is what scares most people. Now, when it comes to choosing a college, is it in your best interest to pick the most exceptional one you can get in to? I'm interested in going to MIT or Princeton, but at a school like that, I'd just fit in. I'm not sure if that is better for me or if choosing a lower school where I would excel more amongst the students looks better. Upon getting a college degree, do businesses look at what college you attended and base their decision for who will get the job on that, or do they only look at whether or not you have a degree?

  10. As far as getting rid of some of the baby fat, doing some jogging is probably your best bet. I'd recommend varying your running routines -- some days going harder and other days giving yourself a little break. This is much more effective, and it gives your body a chance to recover, preventing injuries. Running not only gets rid of fat, but it builds muscle as well, so no weight work is need. However, if you still want to add some weight work for an even better effect, try focusing on your core (abdominal area). This is where all of your power comes from. You could have stronger arm muscles than someone else, but if they have a stronger core, they will win. Try doing some sit ups, crunches, abdominal flexors, etc.

  11. I don't think astrology has any true basis in today's world. It is fun to believe in sometimes, but everything appears to be either made up or based on beliefs from ancient times. Astronomy is the true information about the stars and space. This is the more factual and mathematical catagory that has much more acceptance amongst the general population. I'm not saying astrology is competely made up. I just have more faith in astronomy.

  12. My brother did karate for a few years and made it all the way to a black belt. The problem is, once you get to black belt, there is no where else to go. It got to the point where karate took up too much time, he had to stop. Upon stopping though, he has lost almost everything he gained from karate. He does not remember any of the routines and does not always stick to the karate motto: 'I will not punch or kick my friends of family." (You have to love sibling feuds. lol) I think the belt color system should be modified somehow. A lot of kids I know do karate until they get their black belt, but because that is the highest level, they stop. They've gone as far as they can go, so they figure there is no point in sticking with it any longer. Has anyone else noticed this?

  13. I've seen this on other forums, and it can work well depending upon the community. In a community full of kinder people, newbies can see who the friendliest members are, who to turn to for help, who to seek information from, etc. In a community with some meaner people, people can abuse the system, giving people negative reputation points because they have a grudge against that person. Based on that, the seemingly helpful system would be biased.

  14. My 30gb iPod is great. I've had it for a year now, and I still haven't had any problems with it. It is definately worth the money (only $250) ... much more value for your dollar compared to the iPod touch which only has 8gb for $300. Sure, the Touch is cool and all with its internet connectivity and touch screen, but if you have a lot of music and videos, you would probably be much better off investing the in the cheaper Classic.

  15. Hi there,I'm in my sophomore year of high school, and college is right around the corner. To tell you the truth, I'm scared. I've never been away from home for an extended period amount of time, and therefore, I don't know what to expect when it comes to college life. Does anyone have any advice for a person like me on how to cope with my new surroundings and if this frightened feeling will go away?

  16. I've heard about this. I don't think it is right for children in high school or younger. This is their private life, and I feel that it is up to the parents of these children to monitor what they post on Myspace. From what I understand, colleges are very strict on Myspace accounts. Colleges check Myspace and similiar online communities when students apply to keep their campus ideal. Because most colleges are not public and children are not required to attend (unlike grade school), I think they do have a right to analyze your Myspace activity. The safest bet is to not have one at all.

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