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Posts posted by alex1985

  1. Hey, guys...


    How can I build the following things.


    I already made the simple administrator page where I may add some news to the web-site, but I need to make one more things described below. Please, help me if you can.


    This is the way how it has to work. The process is described by two things of the illustrations:




    The first picture (or brief description of the news) will be somehow placed on the main page, the main page may have several of those things. On the first picture, you may see that is marked by red named : "Full Descr." that I mean full description of the news.


    When a registered user pressed it, it will lead to the second picture which is called kind of full news. Where comments are conducted, links are posted and so on.


    The question is how I may do it or post some tutorials to follow?!

  2. Hey, I need your help again!I need some good working tutorial how I can update my SQL through HTML form. I did use some tutorials online found with the help of google; but they do not work properly; I mean there are still small mistakes. I need to have a good tutorial to follow. It should be based on security and more things. It has to be done in proper way...

  3. Oh, thanks. This is the more appropriate answer found in this topic.



    In my laptop I'm using Intel® PROSet/Wireless program, and I have changed some configurations, and then my wireless connection is better then before.

    But the program I'm using is in Turkish, the original was in English. Now let me try to translate into English.


    If you are using Intel® PROSet/Wireless program you can do the followings.

    1. From the Tools menu select Adapter Settings.

    2. From the left listbox select Device to device power management. At right side default value is "disabled" change it to noisy environment.

    3. From the listbox select Forced Browsing. Right side slide the gauge bar/progressbar to the maximum .

    4. From the listbox select Sending Power. Right side slide the gauge bar/progressbar to the maximum .

    5. From the listbox select Power Management. Slide the gauge bar/progressbar to the maximum .

    6. From the listbox select HD mode. Change the value to "Activate".

    7. From the listbox Data Transfer Improvement. Change the value to "Activate".


    With these 7 options, your wireless signal could be better.

    If you don't have the Intel® PROSet/Wireless program, you can download it from http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/internet-of-things/overview.html


    Note: I have translated into English, so some words may not be equal.

  4. I found one web-site that pays for sure, because there are proof's of payments on other forum, if you want I can post them over here. The payments processors such as PayPal and e-Gold are used. The clicks are worth 0.01$ each, minimum 4 clicks a day. But there are more options you can earn. The requirement for the withdrawal is about 0.4$ that is easy to reach. Who got interested, please PM me.

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