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Posts posted by alex1985

  1. I saw somewhere, like on some warez portal, the package that is needed to set up your own web-hosting service, but I forgot the link. That's why I'm asking for it, might be some of forumers know where to get it.In the case, I will find that package, I will post the link over here.

  2. Just search in google "Slaed Engine" -wihtout the quotes, you might find something?

    It does not work in this way!!! I need the good manual, step by step, guide explaining how to make this thing or that for example. In other words, I need the good manual like to study PHP with Slaed.

  3. Hello, everyone! Let me understand how it does work.Let's say I will earn 30 credits then I will order the package for 500 MB's.How long it does last? If it's for month, so I have to make posts the next month in order to continue my hosted site.If I'm wrong please correct me. Or write something that I need to know as I begginer.

  4. It's really good software; I'm ussing it frequently.But I need you help. At my University, it can not connect to internet. I guess, there are certain ports which are closed; therefore, how I can open those opened ports to connect Ares Galaxy. Which software can do it actually?Just write many solutions for this trouble as much you can.

  5. Hello, everyone. Anyone knows where I can get a library script that acts like CMS script software, you can add books or delete them. I want to build virtual online library which can be accessible to everyone.Or just give me some advices how to make it build. I'm a novice in programming.

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