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Everything posted by alex1985

  1. Well, a good tutorial? Is it possible to modify it or not?If some registered user used bad words on some certain web-site, the script automatically blocks his or her account for 1 day, but if it happens again, it deletes his or her profile from entire system?!
  2. alex1985

    Ipod Tools ???

    Thanks! Is it free or not to use it?
  3. Where are the proofs, unbelievable?
  4. I found some web-sites that allow you to download books for free of charge. Moreover, you can request the books which you need and download them later one, when that request will be performed.The one of them is http://ebookee.org/
  5. There are many sites similar to the listed one... We need some unique web-site, that yields good earnings?!
  6. That's actually a good and really interesting question. I hope, some one will come with idea how to accomplish it and will post/create some tutorial in this forum.
  7. But, there are still some mistakes in it?!
  8. I think Ulead Video System, the software, will be good for it!
  9. Can you post some sceenshots over here as a sign of proof?!
  10. | do not think that you, guys, can earn on such web-sites significant money!!!
  11. Listen, but who earned on this web-site and how much? I just want to know the facts.
  12. Sorry, then I can not help you.
  13. Thanks. I should change those variable and try it again.
  14. Listen, this code thing does work. It does not update the database at all, what's the problem?
  15. Please, check the following one: <?phpinclude("../config.php");if($submit){$title = $_POST['title'];$short = $_POST['short'];$full = $_POST['full'];if(!$title){echo "Error: The book's title is reguired field. Please, fill it.";exit();}$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO books (title, dtime, text1, text2) VALUES ('$title',NOW(),'$text1','$text2')",$connect);echo "<b>Thank you! News added Successfully!<br>You'll be redirected to Home Page after (4) Seconds";echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=4;url=index.php>";}else{?><br><h3>Add Books</h3><form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF ?>">Title: <input name="title" size="40" maxlength="255"><br>Text1: <textarea name="text1" rows="7" cols="30"></textarea><br>Text2: <textarea name="text2" rows="7" cols="30"></textarea><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add News"></form><?}//end of else?>
  16. You can post your own projects on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, it's trusted web-site, you do need to worry.
  17. I want to have a basic look at creating templates for your web-site, some sort of tutorials?! You see I always do ask only interesting points!!!
  18. I really need some advices how to expand the range of wireless network.
  19. I thin there is no way you get it for free of charge, at least you should pay something.
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