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Posts posted by alex1985

  1. Well, I just ran that code on my own MySQL installation and it worked perfectly. I have found in the past that it can be a little picky about what it lets through and what it doesn't.


    If that code still doesn't work, use phpMyAdmin to create the table, and copy the MySQL query it actually runs (it will be displayed to you after the table is created). Then you can be certain that code will work.

    What's about my previous question?

  2. Listen, as I'm novice in PHP, I will ask certain questions in this topic hoping on your contribution.


    <?php//The Database Information//$dbhost='localhost';$dbname='alex1985_test';$dbusername='alex1985_admin';$dbuserpass='0505009127';//Creating Connection To The Database//mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpass);//Select The Certain Database//mysql_select_db ($dbname) or die ('Can Not Select Database');

    <?php//Start The Session////Always Must Be On Top//session_start();//Include Configuration File//include('config.php');?>

    There are questions which I derived practicing the coding:1. Do you put spaces between words and brackets, as well as comas when you do coding. For instance, $dbhost, $dbusername. Is it right, or you do not have to use space between.2. On some tutorials, the users have been used the character ', some of the are using ". What is the different between them. Can I use ' or ". or it does not matter everything.There are many aspects that I wanna ask you about.Could check the coding format, and tell me about the mistakes I did. Please, let me know as soon as possible.

  3. Sorry, but the PHPMyAdmin still gives the following:

    SQL query:
    CREATE TABLE `users` (

    MySQL said: Documentation
    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

  4. Hi, everyone! What is the mistake over here?

    'username' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    'password' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ('id')
    ) TYPE MYISAM; linenums:0'>CREATE TABLE '1_users' ('id' INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,'username' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,'password' VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY ('id')) TYPE MYISAM;
    The PHPMyAdmin states:

    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''1_users' ('id' INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    'username' VARCHAR(255) NOT ' at line 1

    Please, let me know as soon as possible?

  5. Where I can download it?Fine! I did download it!!!It does not work in this way, can be extract! Any more suggestions?!

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    You don't need to make three posts in a row - remember you can use the Edit button to add to your posts.
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