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    When I be happy, I feel interest in everything.
  1. The diseases which have a low prevalence in the population, generally called rare disease. According to National Institutes of Health (NIH) rare disease are those disease that affects less than 2,00,000 people in the population of US. As MPS 6 affects less than 2,00,000 people in the population of US, so National Institutes of Health listed it as a rare disease.The full name of MPS 6 is “Mucopolysaccharidosis type 6”. It is an inherited biochemical disorder. This disorder is characterized by the accumulation of mucopolysaccharides in various body tissues. In this disorder There are many symptoms are listed for MPS 6, but the main symptoms may be considered as Hip dysplasia, Growth retardation (Poor growth), Short stature, Skeletal deformities, Valvular heart disease etc. There are few occasional symptoms too, like Cervical myopathy, Enlarged tongue, Glaucoma, Hearing impairment, Hydrocephalus, Large head, Thickening of cervical dura matter etc.
  2. In this tutorial we will discuss about conditional statements of JavaScript. JavaScript has 4 types of conditional statements such as if statement, if...else statement, if...else if....else statement and switch statement. All this statements are used in different condition. Now we will try to discuss this 4 types of statements with some examples. When we need to execute some code only in a specified condition, then we will use if statement. The syntax of if statement is if (condition) { code to be executed if condition is true } One important thing is that this if will be in small letter, if we use in capital letter it will show a JavaScript error. Let we want that if password is “11111” it will show “Password Accepted”. So, the condition will be password==11111, and the complete code will be <script type="text/javascript">var password=11111;if (password==11111) {document.write("<b> Password Accepted </b>");}</script> When we need to execute some code if the condition is true and another code if the condition is false, then we will use if....else statement. The syntax of if....else statement is if (condition) { code to be executed if condition is true } else { code to be executed if condition is not true } Let we want that if password is “xyzabc” it will show “Password Accepted” otherwise it will show “You do not have permission to enter”. So, the condition will be password==11111, and the complete code will be <script type="text/javascript">var password=11111;if (password==11111) {document.write("<b> Password Accepted </b>");}else{document.write("<b> You do not have permission to enter </b>");}</script> When we need to execute select one of many blocks of code to be executed then we will use if...else if....else statement. Syntax of if...else if....else statement is if (condition1) { code to be executed if condition1 is true } else if (condition2) { code to be executed if condition2 is true } else if (condition3) { code to be executed if condition3 is true } .... .... .... else if (condition n) { code to be executed if condition n is true } else { code to be executed if all conditions are not true } For an example, let we want that it will show Good Morning before 10 AM, Good Day in between 10 AM and 4 PM and all other time it will show only Welcome!. So the first condition is time<10, second condition is time>10 && time<16. So, the complete code will be <script type="text/javascript">var d = new Date()var time = d.getHours()if (time<10){document.write("<b>Good morning</b>");}else if (time>10 && time<16){document.write("<b>Good day</b>");}else{document.write("<b>Welcome!</b>");}</script> We use switch statement when we want to execute select one of many blocks of code to be executed. Syntax of switch statement is switch(n) { case 1: execute code block 1 break; case 2: execute code block 2 break; case 3: execute code block 3 break; ...... ...... ...... default: code to be executed if n is different from all cases } For an example, let we ant to know what day today is. We know that 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday and 6 = Saturday. So, the complete code will be <script type="text/javascript">var d=new Date();theDay=d.getDay();switch (theDay){case 0: document.write("Sunday"); break;case 1: document.write("Monday"); break;case 2: document.write("Tuesday"); break;case 3: document.write("Wednesday"); break;case 4: document.write("Thursday"); break;case 6: document.write("Saturday"); break;default: document.write("Is it my Holyday!");}</script>
  3. If your page is not so complicated, I may help you. As I have no many free time, so I mentioned that condition "if your page is not so complicated". If it is so complicated, it will take more time to create. But I think, if you have a minimum knowledge in HTML, you can use Microsoft FrontPage to create your web page. It is very easy to create HTML pages using Microsoft FrontPage, even you do not need to know all the HTML codes. Just open Microsoft FrontPage and design your WEB page, it is very easy.
  4. To park your domain to Xisto, at first go to your domain control panel and change your namesarver as ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com. If your domain is already parked in another host, please release your domain from that host. Now try to park your domain in Xisto. I think, now you will be able to park your domain successfully.If you want to redirect your domain to your Xisto site, you do not need to park it in Xisto. Just go to your hosting account (where this domin is now using), and redirect it to your Xisto site. Generelly it is under the domain management menu.
  5. First of all thank you to inform us about this new concept (I do not know, it may be an old concept but new to me). I visited that site but did not able to register as a blogger. I found a form to signup as payperpost blogger, but that form was not complete. It contains first name, last name and user name field but no submit button. I do not know is it any fault of my browser of fault of that site or anything else.It will be helpful to me if you write details about signup process and their payment.
  6. No doubt about it, water is a nutrient. Incase of plant nutrition, animal nutrition (both ruminant nutrition and non-ruminant nutrition) everywhere water is a nutrient. Why do you think water should contain any essential nutrients inside it. Water itself a nutrient. Yes, water has no energy giving particle, but what is the relation between energy giving particles and nutrients? Nutrients do not need to have any energy giving particles. Carbohydrate, protein and fat gives energy but it do not means that nutrients must give energy. Vitamin, minerals, water is not for energy supply. A nutrient is a substance used in an organism's metabolism which must be taken in from the environment. Is it meaning anything? I can not understand. Why water needs to give energy? Can any one help me to understand this?
  7. In this part of the tutorial, we will discuss about JavaScript Arithmetic Operators, JavaScript Assignment Operators, Comparison Operators, Logical operators and conditional operator. +, -, *, / etc are the JavaScript Arithmetic Operators. =, +=, -= etc are the JavaScript Assignment Operators. ==, != etc are the Comparison Operators and “&&”, “||” etc are the Logical operators. Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic between variables and/or values and Assignment operators are used to assign values to JavaScript variables. Comparison operators are used in logical statements to determine equality or difference between variables or values. Logical operators are used in determine the logic between variables or values. The operator “+” is used to add values and/or variables. For an example let p=25, so q=p+5 will gives us a result q=30. The operator “-” is used to subtract. For an example let p=25, so q=p-5 will gives us a result q=20. The operator “*” is used to multiply. For an example let p=25, so q=p*5 will gives us a result q=125. The operator “/” is used to divide. For an example let p=25, so q=p/5 will gives us a result q=5. Modulus (division remainder) operator is “%”. For an example let p=25, so q=p%4 will gives us a result q=1. The Increment operator is “++”.For an example let p=25, so q=++p will gives us a result q=26. . The decrement operator is “--”.For an example let p=25, so q=--p will gives us a result q=24. The operator “=” is used to show that tow value are equal. For an example let p=50, so q=p will gives us a result q=50. Other important JavaScript Assignment Operators are “+=”, “-=”, “*=”, “/=” and “%=”. If p=25 and q=10, p+=q will gives us a result p=35 (it is similar to p=p+q). If p=25 and q=10, p-=q will gives us a result p=15 (it is similar to p=p-q). If p=25 and q=10, p*=q will gives us a result p=250 (it is similar to p=p*q). If p=25 and q=10, p/=q will gives us a result p=2.5 (it is similar to p=p/q) and if p=25 and q=10, p%=q will gives us a result p=5 (it is similar to p=p%q). The “is equal to” operator is “==”. For an example, let p=15, so p==20 is false. The “is exactly equal to (value and type)” operator is “===”. For an example, let p=15, so p=== “15” is false but p===15 is true. The “is not equal” operator is “!=”. For an example, let p=15, so p!=20 is true. The “is greater than” operator is “>”. For an example, let p=15, so p>20 is false. The “is less than” operator is “<”. For an example, let p=15, so p<20 is true. The “is greater than or equal to” operator is “>=”. For an example, let p=15, so p>=20 is false. The “is less than or equal to” operator is “<=”. For an example, let p=15, so p<=20 is true. The “&&” operator is used to describe and, “||” operator for or and “!” operator for not. For example let p=20 and q=10, so (p < 30 && q > 5) is true, (p==15 || q==15) is false and !(p==q) is true. JavaScript also contains a conditional operator. This conditional operator assigns a value to a variable based on some condition. Let we want to compare a value of a variable to a pre-defined value, and if it returns true it will gives an output and if not it will returns other output. The syntax is variable_name=(condition)?value1:value2 Let the variable name is permission; we want that only 18+ age are welcomed here others are not. So, the condition will be age>=18 and value1 will be (incase of true) “Welcome” and value2 will be (incase of false) “You are too young”. So, total code will be permission=(age>=18)? “Welcome”: “You are too young”; If you feel any problem to understand this tutorial or find any typing mistake please post here to correct them.
  8. In this tutorial we will build a Love Calculator to calculate love percentage between two persons. Remember, it is just a funny game popular in mobile sites. It can not calculate the real love percentage. We will make this Love Calculator for mobile sites (WAP sites). To make this Love Calculator, you need a little knowledge of PHP and WML. We will use a rand() function to generate a random value to show the love result. We will also use input box and anchor to collect the name of partners who wants to calculate their love. To make the script easier, we will divide this script in 2 parts. First one is main part and second one is calculating part. In main part we will set two input box and an anchor to collect partners name, and in calculate part we will check that the input fields are empty or not, and the input fields are not empty, it will show the love percentage. As we are creating a mobile site in wml, so the content-type will be text/vnd.wap.wml and we will use utf-8 encoding and xml version 1.0. So, at the top of the script at first we will writ <?phpheader("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; Now we will start the first part of our script. In this part we will set only 2 input box and an anchor. echo "Your Name<br/> <input type=\"text\" name=\"uname\" format=\"text\" size=\"20\" value=\"$uname\"/>";echo "<br/>Partner Name<br/> <input type=\"text\" name=\"pname\" format=\"text\" size=\"20\" value=\"$pname\"/><anchor>"; echo "<br/>[Calculate]"; echo "<go href=\"?action=calculate\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<postfield name=\"uname\" value=\"$(uname)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pname\" value=\"$(pname)\"/>"; echo "</go>"; echo "</anchor><br/>"; In our script, every part will be starts with this code if($action=="part_name"){echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"alaponBD.com\">";echo "<p align=\"center\">"; And every part will be end with echo "</p></card>";} And as we are using $action as, $uname and $pname, so we will put this code before starting the parts. $action = $_GET["action"];$uname = $_POST["uname"];$pname = $_POST["pname"]; So, the codes will be <?php$action = $_GET["action"];$uname = $_POST["uname"];$pname = $_POST["pname"];//////////////// Starting first part /////////////////if($action=="main"){echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"alaponBD.com\">";echo "<p align=\"center\">";echo "<b>Love Calculator</b><br/><br/>";echo "Your Name<br/> <input type=\"text\" name=\"uname\" format=\"text\" size=\"20\" value=\"$uname\"/>";echo "<br/>Partner Name<br/> <input type=\"text\" name=\"pname\" format=\"text\" size=\"20\" value=\"$pname\"/><anchor>"; echo "<br/>[Calculate]"; echo "<go href=\"?action=calculate\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<postfield name=\"uname\" value=\"$(uname)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pname\" value=\"$(pname)\"/>"; echo "</go>"; echo "</anchor><br/>";echo "</p></card>";}As we will continue our script, so we will not use ?>here. In second section we will add if($uname==""){echo "Please write your name<br/>";echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"?action=main\">";echo "[Back]</a><br/>";}and else if($pname==""){echo "Please write your partner name<br/>";echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"?action=main\">";echo "[Back]</a><br/>";} to check that the name box are properly filled or not. And we will use else{$rn = mt_rand(1,100);echo "Your love percentage at this moment is <b>$rn</b>%<br/>";echo "<a href=\"?action=main\">";echo "[Calculate another]</a><br/>";} to display the result. So, the total script will look like this <?phpheader("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ = $_GET["action"];$uname = $_POST["uname"];$pname = $_POST["pname"];//////////////// Starting first part /////////////////if($action=="main"){echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"alaponBD.com\">";echo "<p align=\"center\">";echo "<b>Love Calculator</b><br/><br/>";echo "Your Name<br/> <input type=\"text\" name=\"uname\" format=\"text\" size=\"20\" value=\"$uname\"/>";echo "<br/>Partner Name<br/> <input type=\"text\" name=\"pname\" format=\"text\" size=\"20\" value=\"$pname\"/><anchor>"; echo "<br/>[Calculate]"; echo "<go href=\"?action=calculate\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<postfield name=\"uname\" value=\"$(uname)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pname\" value=\"$(pname)\"/>"; echo "</go>"; echo "</anchor><br/>";echo "</p></card>";}///////////////////Starting second partelse if($action=="calculate"){ echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"alaponBD.com\">";echo "<p align=\"center\">";echo "<b>Love Calculater</b><br/><br/>";if($uname==""){echo "Please write your name<br/>";echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"?action=main\">";echo "[Back]</a><br/>";}else if($pname==""){echo "Please write your partner name<br/>";echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"?action=main\">";echo "[Back]</a><br/>";}else{$rn = mt_rand(1,100);echo "Your love percentage at this moment is <b>$rn</b>%<br/>";echo "<a href=\"?action=main\">";echo "[Calculate another]</a><br/>";}echo "</p>";echo "</card>";}else{echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"alaponBD.com\">";echo "<p align=\"center\">";echo "<b>Love Calculater</b><br/><br/>";echo "<a href=\"?action=main\">";echo "[Start]</a><br/>";echo "</p>";echo "</card>";}?></wml> I have checked the script and found no bug or error. But if any one fiend any error, please inform so that I can correct the error. I think this tutorial will help beginner level PHP programmer.
  9. There are different types of cancer and the symptoms of different types of cancers are different. Common cancers are brain cancer, bladder cancer, bone cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, kidney cancer, leukemia, oral cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, uterine cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, melanoma, lung cancer etc. Few symptoms of this cancer are given below- Notice from jlhaslip: Lists like this need to be quoted
  10. When we write your water requirement, it does not mean that you need to drink it as the pure form of water. You can take it from different sources. Almost every food (except oil, fat etc.) contains a large amount of water. The amount of water (%) can easily determine by a simple test called proximate analysis. In this analysis you can calculate the percentage of water present in that food, it called moisture percentage. Let you drink 250 ml milk daily. Milk contains around 87% water. So, you take 250 X 0.87 = 217.5 ml water from that amount of milk. Let you also take 250 ml of other soft drinks containing more then 97% moisture. So get 250 X 0.97 = 242.5 ml water from those soft drinks. Let you also take 300 g fruits daily containing more then 70% moisture. So you also get 300 X 0.70 = 210 ml water from those foods. So you take 250 ml milk + 250 ml soft drinks + 300 g fresh fruits and you get 217.5 ml + 242.5 ml + 210 ml = 670 ml water without drinking water directly. If we consider 175 ml water as a glass of water, so 670 ml is about 4 glass of water. In this way we take water from our different foods and we fulfill our water requirement without drinking water directly. So do not be confused when you see your water requirement is 10 glass of water per day or something like this and you take only 1 or 2 glass water daily and you also do not face any problem. As you get remaining amount of water from your other foods so drinking 1 or 2 glass of water can fulfill your demand.
  11. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or benign prostatic hypertrophy is commonly known as Prostate Enlargement. It is a common part of aging. Generally this problem is occurred after 40 years of age. The symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia may vary; even many men with an enlarged prostate have no symptoms. But the common symptoms may include- A weak stream of urine when stopping and starting of the stream A hesitant, interrupted stream Difficulty starting urination Dribbling of urine, especially after urinating A sense of not emptying the bladder More frequent urination especially at night Strong and sudden desire to urinate Leaking of urine Blood in the urineDiagnosis of Benign prostatic hyperplasia usually done by Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Blood Test Rectal Ultrasound and Prostate Biopsy Urine Flow Study CystoscopyMainly 3 types of treatment are most commonly used for benign prostatic hyperplasia. They are- Drug Treatment, Minimally Invasive Therapy and, Surgical TreatmentTransurethral microwave procedures, Transurethral needle ablation, Water-induced thermotherapy and High-intensity focused ultrasound are commonly used in Minimally Invasive Therapy. Incase of surgical treatment, Transurethral surgery, Open surgery, Laser surgery, Photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) and Interstitial laser coagulation are commonly used.
  12. Tomato is a good food. It is a good source of vitamin. It is also a good source of mineral. One cup (180 g) tomato contains vitamin C 34.38 mg, vitamin A 1121.40 IU, vitamin K 14.22 mcg, molybdenum 9.00 mcg, potassium 399.60 mg, manganese 0.19 mg, dietary fiber 1.98 g, chromium 9.00 mcg, vitamin B1 (thiamin) 0.11 mg, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.14 mg, folate 27.00 mcg, copper 0.13 mg, vitamin B3 (niacin) 1.13 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.09 mg, magnesium 19.80 mg, iron 0.81 mg, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.44 mg, phosphorus 43.20, vitamin E 0.68 mg, tryptophan 0.01 g, protein 1.53 g.It contains calories 37.80 g, in which 5.35 g calories from fat and 0.73 g calories from saturated fat. It is rich in fiber. One cup (180 g) tomato contains 1.98 g dietary fiber, 0.48 g soluble fiber, 1.50 g insoluble fiber. One cup tomato also contain 5.04 g sugar, 4.50 g monosaccharides and other carbs are 1.33 g. Incase of fat, one cup tomato contain total 0.59 g fat, saturated fat 0.08 g, mono fat 0.09 g, poly fat 0.24 g and have no trans fatty acids and cholesterol. Amino acids of tomato are alanine (0.04 g), arginine (0.04 g) aspartate (0.21 g), cystine (0.02 g), glutamate (0.56 g), glycine (0.04 g), histidine (0.02 g), isoleucine (0.04 g), leucine (0.06 g), lysine (0.06 g), methionine (0.01 g), phenylalanine (0.04 g), proline (0.03 g), serine (0.04 g), threonine (0.04 g), tryptophan (0.01 g), tyrosine (0.03 g), valine (0.04 g).
  13. Papaya is really a good fruit, but I do not think it is a super food. Papaya is very low in protein, also low in energy. But it can ensure a good supply of vitamin A and C, helps in digestion, speed up healing. It is also an ideal food for invalids. Papaya contains 90.8% moisture, 7.2% carbohydrates 0.6% protein, 0.1% fat, 0.8% fiber and 0.5% minerals. Main minerals are Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron. Main vitamins are Vitamin C and small amount of Vitamin B complex.Ripe papaya and green papaya both are used as food. 1 kg ripe papaya contain 6 gms Protein, 1g fat, 5 gm minerals, 8 gms fiber, 72 gms carbohydrates, 320 kcal energy, 8800 micro gs Beta carotene, 570 mgs Vitamin C, 60 mgs sodium, 690 mgs potassium and 5 mg iron. On the other hand 1 kg green papaya contains 7 gms protein, 2 gms fat, 5 gms minerals, 9 gms fiber, 57 gms carbohydrates, no beta carotene but 120 mgs vitamin C, 230 mgs sodium, 2150 mgs potassium, and 9 mgs iron.There are a lot of health benefits of papaya. Papaya and Green Tea can prevent prostate cancer. Papaya can promote lung health. It can gives protection against rheumatoid arthritis and macular degeneration. It also gives us immune support and has anti-inflammatory effects. It can promote digestive health. It has also an effect to protect Heart Disease.Papaya has also few medicinal virtues. Raw papaya is beneficial in intestinal disorders like deficiency of gastric juice, excess of unhealthy mucus in the stomach, dyspepsia, intestinal irritation etc. Papaya seed is useful in dyspepsia and bleeding piles. Papaya has also an anthelmintic effect. The digestive enzyme papain is a powerful anthelmintic for roundworms. Papaya seeds are also useful. The juice of the raw papaya is useful in several skin disorders. Paste of papaya seeds is useful in skin diseases like ringworm. The unripe papaya helps the contraction of the muscle fibres of the womb which is beneficial in securing proper menstrual flow. Liver cirrhosis caused by alcoholism, malnutriton etc may be treated by black seeds of papaya. Papaya has also beneficial effect in Spleen Enlargement and Throat Disorders.
  14. I do not believe it is possible to start a permanent human colony on Mars in 2014. I also believe that who have minimum idea about establish a permanent human colony outside the world, will never believe it. It is 2008, and they have only 6 years. Do not they know what the distance between the world and Mars is? How long it needs to reach mars from the world? What is their preparation? They did not sent any living animal on Mars. How will they manage the most important oxygen, water and food for human? Establish a permanent human colony on Mars in 2014 is not possible by anyone. It may be possible in dream, but not in real life. If they tell that they are trying to establish a permanent human colony on Mars in 2114 (after 100 years), it may be believable.
  15. In this tutorial I will show you how you can put JavaScript in a HTML page. It is very easy to add JavaScript in a HTML page. We will use <script> tag for this purpose. Inside the <script> tag, we will use "type=" attribute and will define the scripting language. We will define the script language as “text/javascript”. After define the script language we will add our JavaScript codes and at last we will close the tag using </script>. So the complete code will be- <html><body><script type="text/javascript">(Place for our JavaScript codes)</script></body></html> Now we will use “document.write” command (it is a standard command for JavaScript) to complete our previous code. This “document.write” command is a standard JavaScript command that writ output to a page. If we put “document.write("This is a JavaScript tutorial.");” inside the <script> tag, we will get output “This is a JavaScript tutorial.”. So the complete code is- <html><body><script type="text/javascript">document.write("This is a JavaScript tutorial.");</script></body></html> In previous example we used JavaScript in the body section. We can also use JavaScript in the head section. The system is similar, just put the script in the head section. <html><head><script type="text/javascript">(Place for our JavaScript codes here)</script></head></html> We can also use JavaScript in both head and body section. <html><head><script type="text/javascript">(Place for our JavaScript codes here)</script></head><body><script type="text/javascript">(Place for our JavaScript codes)</script></body></html> Remember that we can use unlimited number of scripts in your document. But every time we must use “<script>” tag before starting JavaScript and “</script>” tag in the end. <html><head><script type="text/javascript">(Place for our JavaScript codes here)</script></head><body><script type="text/javascript">(Place for our JavaScript codes)</script><script type="text/javascript">(Place for our JavaScript codes)</script><script type="text/javascript">(Place for our JavaScript codes)</script></body></html> I hope this little tutorial will help the beginner of JavaScript.
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