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Posts posted by jopak134

  1. it is really so simple to make a tank. but to make it like a real tank and a panzer is another thing.i don't know if owning a tank is illegal but i think making improvised weapons that can kill ( maybe it can) is illegal.rich people own their own migs with everything on it even with the missile mounts. but unfortunately without the guns and missiles and bullets. but any black market has these ones and you can create your own army.if this is for a paintball competition, it would be exciting to see 10 tanks on each side fighting each other. with a full set of infantry, artillery and planes.that is the best warpaint game i would ever see ^_^

  2. it is true that islam is a religion not of war but peace. i for am one born to a familiy with both catholic and islam as a religion in parts of my family.but my family don't want to answer this question because they say its blasphemous and such so if anyone would answer this one that has islam a full part of his life then how come:when you go to heaven, youll be given a number of virgins as a reward? then does that mean women are just objects and nothing else? ^_^ am for one really like the aspect of islam as a religion and thinking of studying it and maybe just maybe converting to islam but this one question has really hindered my decision to convert so can anyone answer this one and help his fellow man

  3. your big bang theory now is little by little being disowned by scientist because it doesn't explain everything in the universe
    if a theory is not true then all hypothetical facts found on that theory is false.

    and explain to me the rate of the universe when any scientist still don't know how big the universe is.

    chemical reaction doesnt happen on its own there must be something first that will make it to an reaction. if there is na2so4 and hcl in here that will be nacl "without someone making it into reaction"

    Because the cellular life took a billion years to form, and even that cell was so basic, it's nothing like the cells we have today. Someone could create life but it would take so long and cost so much money it's not worth doing

    --- oh ok so your predicting that you can create life from nothing, do you have substantial proof on what you are saying? even if its hard to do there should be some kind of prediction of a procedure that you can produce because that was the big bang theory came form.

    another side of the story

  4. i for one is believes in God and science at the same time.many people believe that science and religion cannot coincide with each other but i think this is wrong.there is no verse in the bible that tells us that there are no other beings but tells us we are special. ( can anyone verify )i think also that an analogy: its so big there's something in it is false. one cannot say that the universe is big because we cannot see the other side.ok so i am ignorant and stupid and some other stuff that i don't believe that there other intelligent life out there. and science is really the answer to everything thenhow come everyday their are breakthroughs that contradict the old knowlodege that we hold true.how come astronomy is been here for thousands of years has still no answer to why the universe is expanding, how come it is expanding, where it is expanding into, and how really big the universe is.-- (don't tell me the calculations made by scientist thatpredicts the number of stars is true. then your calculating the prediction of numbers by predicting the variables and in math that cannot be)how come evolution is so believed that even if its logic about the giraffe is wrong we still hold evolution as true. ( give the missing link first then i will believe your evolution. one of the stupid analogy of scientist= A and C is so the same so there should be a B in the middle)

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