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Posts posted by Evolke

  1. I suggest you keep looking on the market. THey look like good-ish prices, but you can get one heaps cheaper.Try looking at used computers and dont be afraid to ask questions. Ask around to friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends - should that make sense :oTheres always a better deal somewhere, you just gotta look a little harderGood-Luck!

  2. Hi,If you dont know my names Evolke, or Evo as friends call me, and Im a newbie to Xisto. Ive got a website application in and accepted, and I have registered my website, but now Im a little lost. I have little actually web making skills as I have now discovered and Im needing someone that can point me in the right direction.First up, how do I actually start work making a page, and start editing it and developing it into a true webpage?I have looked around, and Im starting to go around in circles. Theres stuff I understand, and stuff Im just avioding :oWould anyone care to help me out?Thanks

  3. Good Post!


    People definately need to learn a little more about us Aussies before they start saying stuff like that! I mean like you said, we dont even have Tarantulas! LOL!


    Australia is one of the safest places, in the world! We have such a beautiful country, and beautiful people, I would never us the term, 'Unsafe' etc, to describe Australia!


    All I can say to people that say those things is, 'Get your Facts Right!' :o

  4. My first love has got to be the most perfect firt love ever. We were 12 when we got together, I have liked him for ages and I had tried to get his attention, even though I knew as a fact he really like me. So one day after months of just flirting and me trying to get him to go out with me, I gave up and asked him out. Boy am I glad we did.We didnt go out for a year, infact just under a year. But I had the most amazing time. I valued my life so much because I was with him. We spent an amazing summer together, going to the pool and just hanging out. And I got on great with his family so I was often invited out places with them.It was all perfect until the day after Valentines, Feburary the 15th. The previous day he had told me he loved me, and got me a gorjus watch, but then he suddenly told me he want to Break Up. I was devisstated. And It really did hurt me.He stopped being my friend and went out with another girl 5 days after our break up. He really did pull out my heart and stab it. It took me 6 months to get over him, and even today I dont think Im 100% recovered.Mostly out of our relationship I miss his family. His mum and I had a close friendship and now I hardly see her .... but I guess thats life, you just gotta keep your head above water.Now burnt I wont ever fully heal .... ♥Evo

  5. Well I live in Australia, in a region were there is never snow, so ever if I came back in 6 months there wouldn't be snow. LOLWe did have alot of Hail one year, infactit covered the entier front lawn and there was mountains of white everywhere... but thats the closest we've gotten to snow. Im some regionas far East of where I am, theres snow ... but quiet alot of it is 'Man Made' for skiing .. still theres 'SOME'

  6. Interesting. Ive got no religion and Im kinda happy with that, only because if you've got no religion you dont debate which is the 'True' religion. and you will accept and listen to other religions. I know this happens with Buddaism {Is that how its spelt} but you get the picture. Ill check to site out becuase Ive alway been interested in learning other religions. Thanks for the Post :)

  7. It really is a debatable topic. One that I've wondered myself, but I dont believe in God. I believe were controll our own destiny, lifes and our fate. Its not all decided but a figure we can not see, or have no 'Hard Fact' they exist. Yes their is Bibles, etc, but a book, espeically one so hard to read, cant prove anything.Well thats my opinion.. a little off topic, but not by much :)

  8. Great to hear your going out in the 'Big Wide World'


    A few suggestions, depending on where you live. If you wanted to just go around your country, well I dont know.

    But if you wanting to travel outter country, then I suggest Aregentina, or South American areas(Unless you already live there LOL)

    The exchange rate is fantastic and depending on your currency you can double, or even heptuplet {Time 6, if thats how you say it LOLOL} your money. :)


    I would search around and see the currencys and make sure its somewhere where for your Doller/Pound etc. Is more than one of theirs. This way its easier and cheaper. But dont just base your trip on it.


    Good Luck I hope all goes well :)

  9. :) An interesting and slightly true state.Its important for us to always keep hydrated and if we are it can help us to not get sick. This is because our immune system is at its best. But you also need to eat heathly.But as we can only last 3 days without water, but up to 65 days without food, water its probably the more important, especially seeing as our bodies are 75% water .. strange fact but very much true!Good Post! :) Evo

  10. 20 push ups isnt a Heap, but it may be difficult seeing as you havnt built up. I suggest you do a few run throughs, and then just try your guts out on the actually day. Its the mental state you need to concentrate on seeing as pysically your kinda stuffed. LOL. Just keep your mind in the 'I can do it' state. And really push your hardest. If repeating I can do it, doesnt work thnk about the punishment afterwards given by your teacher, and fellow students... that alone should make you do it :) Good Luck, hope it goes well :)

  11. I believe in UFOs - or atleast that theres somthing more than just Earth, and the life we know today.Did anyone read an article in the 'Advertiser (Australian) about a 'Little Green Woman on Mars'. They had a picture that looked like a 'Little Green Woman' reaching out and walking ... but I rekon its just a crater or somthing that from a certain distance looks like .. well a 'Little Green Woman'. It was kinda creepy though .. it looked pretty 3D *Shiver*

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